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CITY OF ST. PAUL ResoIttion Ratifying Assessment L COUNCIL FILE NO.—' 2220334 LM r In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for construction and res- ,foration of sidewalk and work incidental tkereatot Contract 62- 11.233, District No. 4, Levy No. 9 �' ---.- - a- ,- >-.. -- --t.- - - - - - -- -.,'�, _ -- +�- . - - -- - -- - +.-- - --•� -� ...- - _y- �.I�`4�- '""`'tea r':L;�m� -. F,.O: X204741 - Seventh St.,, north. aide and the east side of Sibley- St. from the east line of Lot 6, Blk: 2, to the north line of Lot 10, Blk. 2,. all in Whitney & Smiths Addition, together with all areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors,, tunnels and other under ground (facilities of every description, and provided, that `all pertatts heretofore gratited , by said City of St. Paul for the installation and /of. maintenance of such areawatya, goal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground fecilities of ovary description will be �anc7.xthe s4m are :; her4b�x - revoked, u_nless,said -; ewas�a,*:, cos_ 1- holaa.,;.t 4pdoore,.Ttu Qlsa,� and other underground f eeilities of every description are reconstructed by said pe.rm,ittee Aq gYgr�bsforea� s,date which. L s.: ona._ year�after� -t#�;�d�ta.o��.final.,appzgvel ,o�rtlaie�orcie�r,3, and that, further, the Dopartc'ent of Public forks, through its Chief Xnginoar,, is �:h�reby;�gnthor_ :ed and diro ted to. fill ,in;.a 4;te w,,Fghaa l.,� eke, �tirap „� doors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description, the permittees. of wh1Aiehsz 8 oays'maer_ ules,l Srgp4goFsjsstM ngle,lap4,, other; undeTSround�,�f���ti�$;Ipf every description fail to reconstruct the sanis to the satisfaction of the City Engineer ��'ao> = ie ore �t eiabove m gnezd� �i�te�. n ;Icily anti having bvezi M. _Idzvc d filial#, _Wi,f�ciory iF.0.��203633 - Ninth St., south, side from Exchange St. to Hain St. i�". : e264U5 - Eighth .St., south aide from Sibley St. east to the east, liner of Lot 10, Blk. 2, Whitney and.$mith's Addition. F.O °s;,E � 9j i8 X jK llogg ,St: ,.,, eastt, aide from Si�_�� to �iul>�ez�ry�l �ndSua�{ t ��vdenus� gp uth side frexa Kellogg $ to i�pproxficjtely 106y feet' east. sane is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Con.t of the County of Asmcey Vr cuifirw.ation. NON- ASSESSABLII ..-r r• &,A. r 1FIZ P;� 1.� ;1), ' ;`hat {ht� re-d aws esslncrit be :,lid it ii hez,�::y deterrcined to be f`.Oa 204741 .= Seven_th,;St., -. north- sided and they east side. of Sibley St. frees the east v. ,.,? 1;. .., ._, 41 - A ..w.... line of Lot 6, Blk. 2, to the north line of Lot 10, Blk. 2, all in Whitney &.' tiths Addition, together with all areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other-'under- ground facilities of every description, and provided, that all permits heretofore granted by said City of St. Paul for the installation and/or maintenance of such areaways, coal - holea, trapdoors, tunnels and-other underground.facilities of every description will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors;'tunneie And other underground facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or �6fore *,a . data which is one year after the: date of final approval of. ithi` it and `t�a`",ur`th'sr, the Department of. Public Works, through its Chief�s>:$iieer, is 'Eareaby authorise&pad directed to fill in and re mov�` such areaways, coal - holes, trap - A �n. doors rtunnels and ether u4derg ;ouod facilitieKei of`every� detc�iptio><r; the °ge alttmes of which: �Ateaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facAl.itiis of e•, VII r.-1 A every,deieription fail 'to reconstruct they same to tbel satiafadtionfoffthe'',Citq Engineer on oi. fore the above mentioned date. P.O. '6 tb�, 3 - Ninth St.. south side from Exchange St..to,Maeia B.©. ,104855 •- Eighth St., eetoutfi`'.side from Sibley St. asst. io4he east ,line of Lot 10, Blk.. 2, Whitney and th „ Addition., R.O. ' 209318 Kellogg St., ,east side from Su=;t to l0verry f ii d; urn 't`Kvetns�a esuth sides front Kellogg '.S . to approximately 106 � Ot eadt_A . ,; galnst Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8-ow p11BllSfiED OCT 17196 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r' deport of Completion of Assessment 2 2,334 2?OUo1 In the matter of the assessment of %enefito,. Cost and sxpaWeea for tonotruction and !a$- f oxatiou of sidswtk and Vorh inctdontal: �theretot Contreot 6VX -W, Maria Oo. 4; 14V no, J ASSESSABLE: r • F.O. 204741 — Seventh St., north side and'the'e'ast side of Sibley St. from the east line of Lot 6, Blk, 2, to the north line of Lot 10, Blk. 2, all in Whitney 6 Smiths Addition, together with all areaways, coal - holes; trapdoors, tunnels and other under- ground facilities of every description, and provided that all permits heretofore granted by said City of St. Paul for the installation and /or maintenance of such areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description will be and;, the same ?,are ;he eby,revoked_,unless said,arsaways,.coal- holes, _trapdoors,rxunnels�. and other underground facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee oaTo�r� ;beforea.; datephfeli ipAone.ysar-after$the, date poffinal .approviloi,�thi.�order;,- and that, iurthii, tha`Depiiitment ' of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, is herebyanuthorized,and..dirmcted .tq�filX,in,and.•reiaove, such axeaWags., coal;ho.les,,,trap � doors, tunnels`ind`ottie= under "ground facilities of'every description, the permittees ch reapaya, tcoal 1) ti? a 4 hls ,trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on o= kefore�the;.above — `oged�Otq �tiz �o �*e C: ►1���:: f}+n f.�llowinMtis a tat tt���'t. Gt #�:e ex- 19! t{205633e-SNinth St.�,� outh s de from z:Exchengo Sit.., to, Main Skt,.� ;.e �m� it Era n •. x,! F.O: 204855 Sightih'St., sod h side from gibley Se east to the east line of It 10, Blk. 2, Whitney and Smith's Addition. F.O. 20931a8� Kellog,tSt.,,��ea et side from Summit to Mulberry Summit, south nb1 eie,, fromwKelloggSt, to 'a-P.P. pproxienateiy 106 feet east, T•, NON - ASSESSABLE s #raMb a , .:.:..... .......... .....� - - _ -.- PubUration- .... , ... ...,..... . ; $_ . F.O. 204741 - Sevenkfi,'St., north side and the east side- ofySibley_St: from the-'east line of Lo �Elk�,`y2;;,tQt tha,porth� line ,of Lot „14, .Elk..2,•, ail in. Whitney & Smiths Addition, together With all areaways,`coal- holes, trapdoors, tunials and other under- ground facilities �pETPver_y,jd�scription, and provided that all permits heretofore granted by said Citq.o#ySt�: Paulorwtie1nstsllation, and %or lmaintena_nce of such•�arenwags, coal - holea, trapdoors, teiririels and other, underground facilities of every description will be .. . . hd fa ... , . and the same aie �fe eb►'revokecl `unle'ss :said areaways, .coal - holes :,:,trapdoors, tunnels and other underground'`facili`tiea of'every, description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date which is one year after the date of .final approval of this order; and that Gfifurtliere the` D @parrn►eiitrof Public Work�ih, aktirougiii� 'cstdCliief'rBteinaei °, "pis'` -i 10 h` re�iy rauthQr�iaedsi and, direct CO7f;ilt rin,,and „redoveiauichioeresways, coal L,holes „� traps; doors,; tunnels and�otherr underground {fac'ilities of�every description,�the `parmitteea, of'Which areaways; ccoal hales >,ztrapdoori�;�tuinele jand "otherubde^rground facilities of every de`scrp f:thesatifactiond agit near on or. before, the above men ioned ll n,aft x �V ! (date,; c�il �''` i : Yr .;`.ti F.O. 265633-- Ninth St., south side from EXchange,St.,to Main St., F 0 7 #e20�+8SShin�EigtiEfihSt:;s eauthf aidehrfrom #SibUiytSt.-'e�ast toehthe� east- -1'in�' of lot 10, considered pr 1perBlk. � 2, Whitney and Smiths Addition. �ii �y F.O. 209318 - Kellogg St., east side from Summit to Mulberry, and S �i't Avetx south side from Kellogg St. to approximately, 10'6fee eas"" �' Tfnfod Se4tPrlt -4br rt r car. fflmis.MonC Af �' n— 1;4r,, Form R-2 2M 10 -68 81