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N U) 0 0 of S13i CVGJIYAL TO CITY CLERK ^ ^/'�('��� CITY OF ST. PAUL \ COUNCIL NO 'P/+J�-•h /)A@Lf�'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` I � RES�U�1ENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY JUNC 1w ((�� ��L�/.t /♦ w e RES LV D, That there be and is hereby levied for the support of the variou epartments of the City of Saint Paul government and of the Special School District of sgid City upon all the property taxable therefor in the City of Saint Paul for each Charter Fund a tax for the year 19641 collectible -in 1965, in amount equal to the annual estimate of expenditures for each fund as- herein recited and set forth after deducting therefrom the departmental receipts, State and Federal Aid, and Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being as follows: Charter Code Charter Fund 1.00 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.0 3'.00 -n 4.00 ° 4— *01 (7 5.00 y 6.00 6.01 6.02 '° 6.03 0 6.04 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 8.0o .SUMMARY City Officers' Salaries Mayor=s Office Administration City Planning Civil Defense Civil and Human Rights Commission Publicity Bureau- ' Corporation Counsel �. City Clerk t- Records City Clerk Registrations Commissioner of Finance Commissioner of Public Safety Police Fire Police and Fire Alarm Health Commissioner of Public Works Street Maintenance and Repair Sewer Maintenance and Repair Street and Sewer Cleaning Bridge Building and Repair Public Schools COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Tn Favor Against Amount $ 97,500.00 38,884.00 129,775-00 12 ,682.00 28,457.00 None 206,210.00 136,603.00 34,572.00 2762950.00 164,201.00 3,4702331.00 31467,114.00 257,488.00 6077186 . 0 1,000,228. :0 701,480.00 373,302.00 17307,183.00 99,060.00 22,60i,945.00 Adopted by the Council 19._ Approved 19— Mayor M P311QIt1AL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 220 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER eATF Page 2. Summary (cont =d) Charter Code Charter Fund Amount 9.00 Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings 379412.00 9.01 Public Libbary 1,079,748.00 9.02 Auditorium 94,000.00 9.03 Stadia 159000.00 9.04 Civic Education Center 182,580.00 11.00, Commissioner of Public Utilities 1 6,889.00 11.01 Public Lighting 62,840.00 12.00 Water Department 454233075.00 13.00 City Comptroller 144,929.00 13.01 Civil Service 132,936.00 14.00 Municipal Court 291,190.00 15.00 Purchasing Agent 126,778.00 16.00 Council Investigation and Research Bureau 169000.00 18.00 Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings 6)+$005.00 18.01 Public Parks and Recreation 1,650432.00 18.02 Public Buildings 467,500.00 19.00 Elections 8,1 0.0o 20.00 Board of Public Welfare 4,055,36.00 21.00 City Hall and Court House 2483827.00 22.00 Detention and Corrections Authority 424,376.00 25.00 Employee Benefits 29207,393.00 26.00 Judgment and'Compromise 25 000.00 27.00 Local Improvement Aid 993,082_,00 28.00 Interest 1,600,423.00 30.00 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 2,857,038.00 35.00 General Fund 457,704.00 TOTAL $57,624,809.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6.62 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19- Approved 19- Mayor PUBLISHED OCT 1011 '964 t •N5_ EIGItlAL TO CITY CLERK " CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 3- 1Summary (conttd) Less: State and Federal Aid -- schools 614969335;00 Special Taxes -- ,Schools 331, 500.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 5,094,372.00 Departmental Receipts 118641594.00 Self-sustaining Bureaus 4,517,075.00 18,303,876.00 Tax Levy -- Appropriated in 1965 Budget - '39,3209933.00 Add'Estimated Net Shrinkage -_ 189,055.00 Total Tax Levy 39, 509 ,9 .00 RESOLVED, FURTHER, That the City Clerk be and hereby is directed to certify a copy of the foregoing tax levy for the year 19641 collectible in 1965, to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. oc1 s 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays r� WA Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor —) (-Xk'az� Meredith 1 1 V ®gong Mayor Against 'AMA " PUBLISHED OCT 101964 Mr. President, `peg ions e-as October 1964 - W. Eugene A. MmIck County Auditor. Court House ]dear Sir 3 - _ - Attached hereto is a cent. �co a tttion3 Council File 220287,. ,�.dopted tod, yJ b g the tax vy for the year X964„ Col. ; lectible in 1965,' or tine pport of various departments of the' ' City of Saint g ernmen the Special , Sohgol .pistr1c't of r said City. Y e ry truly yours j - T 'V City Clerk 1, CUADRiTPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED NY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That there be and is hereby levied for the sup rt of tae various departaents of the City of Saint Paul government a of the Spacial School Distriat of said City upon all the property taxable therefor in the City of Saint Paul for each Charter Fund a tax for the year 1964, collectible in 1965, in amunt equal to the A=Ual estimate of expeaditures for each fund as herein recttod, az4 set forth after deducting therefrom the departmental receipts, State and Federal Aid, and Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being as followss BUMNARY 0sarter Code Charter lend. Amount 1.00 City Officers' Salaries 8 9 ,500.00 2.00 mayor's Office A&dnistration 3 98f4-00 2.01 City Planning 129w 775.00 2.02 Civil Defense 123,652.00 2.03 Civil and Human Rights Coraaission 2 ,4,57.00 2. Publicity 8areau done .00 Corporation Counsel 2069210.00 .00 City 0].erk - Records 1369603-00 4.01 City Clork - Registrations 31t,572-00 5.00 Commissioner of Finance 2769950.00 6.O0 Commissioner of Public Safety 164,201.04 6.01 Police 3,470,3 1.003 6.02 Fire 3,467$84,00 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm 6.04 Health .257,488.00 607,186.00 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works 1,040,228.00 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 701,480.00 7.02 Sewer Kaintonslaco and Repair 373002.00 7.03 Street and Sever Cleaning 1,307,163.00 .04 9.00 Bridge Building and Repair Public Schools 22,19,060.00 1,945.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-as Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor QUAD" PLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO-2 OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. 5u=ary (cant'd) Charter Code Charter Fund Almunt 9.00 Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings 37s412-00 9.01 Public Library 4M.748.00 9.02 Auditorium 949000,00 9.03 Stadia 15,000.00 04 Civic Hduaation Center 182t580.00 11.00 Commissioner of Public Utilities 9889.00 11.01 public Lighting Wj".00 1.00 Water Department ,1}75:00 13.00 City Comptroller 1449929.00 14.01 Civil Service 1329936.00 1 .00 Ktn9.cipal Court 2919190.00 15.00 Purchasing Agent 1269 778.00 16-.00 Council Investigation.and research Bureau 160000.00 18..00 Commissioner of Parks arm recreation and Public Buildings 6+9005.00 18.01 public Parks and Recreation 196509432.00 18.02 Public Buildings 460,1469500.00 19.00 Elections 20.00 Board of Public welfare 490 ;.00 21.00 City Hall and Court House 2 f 27.00 22.00 Detention and Corrections Authority 4249376.00 25.00 Employs* Benefits 292079393.00 26.00 Zudgment and Compromise 259000.013 2 000 Local improvement Aid 993,067900 29.00 Interest 1,600942 *00 30.00 Redemption of Bonds and Note# 20857,039600 35.00 General Fund ` -Ml2 • TOTAL rr+�r�i.s764 $5716244 W9.40 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions 6.62 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19- Approved 19- Mayor OUJDR6P6CATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.—� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIL COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE page 3. rye ( coat' d) Leaea State and Federal Aid -- Schools 6,496035.00 Special Tastes -- Schools 331000-00 miscellaneous Revenue 5,094,372.00 Departmental Receipts 1,.$64594.00 Self..s rtaiuiag i ucesua� .517'.01.4, 0 , 18,,303, §Z6.� Tax, Levy.« -. Appropriated in 1965 Budget 39, 320, 933.00 Add- Satizated tiet Shrinkage 89,° 5. Total Tait Levi . RLS©L► DO M R� That the City Clerk be and hereby is directed to certif a yf of the foreadint tax levy for the year 1964, collectible la191M to the County Auditor of Ramsey Counter imaediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rose- , o 10M 684 OGT 8 196 Adopted by the Council 19— OCT $ Approved 19— Tn Favor a Mayor Against