220250• ' •ORIGIN,.L TO CITY CLERK 220250 • � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen -- Public Works Dw � October, 1964 COMMISSIONED WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Con- struction, when such'costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described parcels of prop- erty be relieved of the following amounts: Description Amount Lot 3, Block 13, Woodland Park Addition 103.95 Lots 9'and 10, Block 13, Woodland Park Add. 161.70 Except the No. 18t of the So. 2 of Lot 1, and the E. 45.48' of the So. 2 of Lot 2, Block 122 Woodland Park Add. 32.30 Lot 3 and W. 4.52' of So. -!-of Lot 2, Block 12 ' Woodland Park Addition - 6.29 Lot 4, Block 12, Woodland Park Add. Y 29.03 riot 10, Block 12, Woodland Park Add. 57,96 Lot 11, Block 12, Woodland Park Add.. 59.56 Lot 31, Block 24, A. Vance Brovmts Subd. 'of Blocks 19 and 24 and the E. z of Block 26 of Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addition 169.81 Lot 32, Block 24, A. Vance Broom's Subd. of Blocks 19 and 24 and the E. 2 of Block 26 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Add. 19.07 Lot 33, Block 24, A. Vance Brown's Subd. of Blocks 19 and 24 and the E. 2 of Block 26-of Stinson and Brown and Ramsey's Addition 23.03 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO �f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER Milton Rosen Public Works DATE---- October, 1964 COMM to r Lot 37, Block 24, A. Vance Browns Subd.L of Blocks 19 and 24 and.the E. z of Block 26 of Stinson�Brown and Ramsey's Add. 39.58 Lot 7, Block 23, A. Vance Brown's Subd. of Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addition 42.46 Lot 81 Block 23, A. Vance BrowA Subd. of Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addition ' 92.85 Lot 10, Block 23, A. Vance Browns Subd. of Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addition 87.45 Lot 15, Block 4, Watson's Addition 186.72 Lot 16, Block 4, Watson's Addition 186.72 Lot 1, Block 5, Watsonts Addition - 256.02 Lot 2. Block 5, Watsons Addition 232.92 Lot 16, Block 3,14atson's Addition 186.71 Lot 1, Block 6, Watson's Addition 186.71 Lot 2, Block 6, Watson's Addition 186.71 Lot 15, Block 2, Watson's Addition, 330.77 Lot 1, Block 7. Watsonts Addition 243.31 Lot 2, Block 7, Watson's Addition 186.71 $3,108.34 WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $3,108.34, now therefore be its RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to ay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of 3,108.34, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk - Construction under the 1962 Sidewalk Contract 62 N -253, Levy No. 8, District No. 2, L -6432, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid Fund, 0920 -701, (1964). ions "2 ��� 619 Adopted by the Council 19— Nays I OCT 6 Approved 19— Tn Favor Acting Mayor Against ,PUBLISHED OCT 10 164 COUNCILMEN Yeas Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith - �esea- ions "2 ��� 619 Adopted by the Council 19— Nays I OCT 6 Approved 19— Tn Favor Acting Mayor Against ,PUBLISHED OCT 10 164 DUrLIGK TO rItINT[R i�'�'i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM ntraEr m BY Milton Rosen—Publ$o Works COMMISSIONER DA Oatober lQ�jf� �f '' 4 WSFl MS* By authority of the rAW Of MinnesOta for the year 1959, Chapter 300, I.F. 2,17 and ratified by C.F. 192216,, aPPMT'ed May 2, 1959,, the City of Saint Paul, M' Pay a portion of the assessable oosts of Sidewalk Con. struotion* when each oosts exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHERW, It Me been determined, that the following described parcels of prop.. erty be r*Uo ed of the following amount,,.: Description t Lat 3, Block 13, Woodland Park Add.ltion 103.95 Lots 9 and :,0, Block 130 Woodland -Park Add. 161.70 Ekdept the No. 18t of the So. -j of Lot 1, and the E, 4.5.481 of the So. * of Lot 20 Blows 3.2: Woodland Perk Add. 32.30 Lot 3 and W. 4 +52' of SO, + of lot 2, Moak 12 Woodland Park Additiga 6.29 Lot 4, Block 12* ioodland Park Add. 29.03 Lot l0, Block 122, Woodland Park Adds 57096 Lot 11, Blook 129, Woodland Park Add,. 59.56 Lot 31, Block 24, A. Vance Brown's 5ubd, of Blocks 19 and 24 and the E. * of Block 26 of Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addition 169.4 Lot 32, Moak 24, A. Vance Brown's Subd. of Blocky 19 and 24 and the E. -` of Block 26 of Stinson Brown and ame i s Add.. 19.07 Lot 33, Block 24, A. Vance Browns Subd. of Blocks 19 and 24 and the E. * of Block 26 of Stinson: and Brown and gamseyt s Addition 1 23.03 DUrLICAIM TO MINT[R r� - 0 . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 'jj��jj�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM EN RESTED BY -ton Rosen— Pablic Work COMMISSIONED DATE — lot 19a GJ lot 379 Block 24, A. Vence Browns'SUW.L of Blocks 19 9,nd . 24 and the E6 J- of Block 26 of Stinson Brown 'and Ramsey, s Add.. Tot 7, Block 23, A,, Vance Browns Sabd. of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition 42q,46 Lot 8, Black 23, A. Vance Browns Sabd. of Stinson Brown and Raamsey's Addition 9285 Lot 10, Block 23, A. Nance Browns 9ubd. of Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addition 87• lot 15, Block A, Watsons Addition 186.►rz Lot 16, Block 4, Watson's Addition 1.86.72 Iaot is, Block 5o Watsonl.s Additloh 256.02 Lot 2, Block 5s~ Wats3ons Addition. 232..92 ?cot. 16, Block 3., Watson t s Addition x.86..71 Lot It Block 6r Watsonss_Addition 186171 Iat 2,0 Block 6,, Watoonts Addition 186.71 Lot 15, Block 2, Watsonts Addition 330.77 lot Is Block 7, Watsslon' o Addition 243.31 Lot 2S, Block 7, Watsouts Addition 186.71 Sri r.�r.�r WT Si The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay in $3 *108.34,, no*v therefore be its, RESOIY»t That the Co®mi.s3si,oner of Pablic Works be and he is bereby a uthorired to #from the Permanent lmproveent Revolving �- `.Code 6000 that amount of 108.3 :, a portion of the a saaa mbie rests. of 93detralk Conastruation under US 1962 Sidew4k Contract 62 -M-2% Levy No. $ District No, 2, L -6432! said ImprovementPermaneImprovementRent I"ng F v d to be reim ed frAmi the City's Share of local %pro�t Aid land, 0920401j, (1964). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays nalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson — Resen -- Mr , 10M 642 ()CT 6 196 Adopted by the Council 19— 1 Approved OCT 6 19— Tn Favor D Mayor Against