06-691Subsfitute [shown as redlined text] 7-26-06 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Council File # n� - bq 1 Green Sheet # `io � 1 V � ZZ � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul affirms that improving water quality is a high priority for the City, especially because of ouz lakes and our locarion on the Mississippi River; and 4 5 WI�REAS, the City has, through previous work, established goals and policies on water 6 quality through the City's Surface Water Management Plan, the National Pollution Dischazge '7 Elimination System Permit, the Mississippi River Corridor Plan, and cuirent work on the 8 National Great River Park Plan; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WIIEREAS, the state has provided for the establishment of watershed districts for specific purposes including the regulation, conservation and control of water use within the watershed district and for the adoption of watershed rules to accomplish the purposes and implement the powers of the watershed district; and WHEREAS, on 7une 12, 2006, the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) and the Ramsey-Washina on Metro Watershed District (RWMWD) submitted proposed watershed district rules to the City and are presently taking public comments on the proposed rules until July 27, 2006; and 'WI�REAS, in October 2005, the CRWD submitted a previous version of its proposed rules to the City, and in November and December of 2005, the City returned its comments by the City Council, the Mayor, and the Planning Commission to the CRWD; and WHEREAS, the CRWD has responded to several of the City's previous comments by: (a) Workittg together with the RWMWD on joint rules that wi11 cover most of the territory of the City; (b) Placing a cap on the cost of stormwater managernent for sueet paving (linear) projects; (c) Elaborating on a three-step process for detemuning the feasibility of on-site stormwater volume reduction; and (d) Working with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), including City representatives, on issues raised at the public hearing in 2005; and WfTEREAS, on July 17, 2005 the City's Planning Commission returned its comments on the rules proposed in June to both the CRWD and the RWMWD and the Council thanks the Planning Commission for raising a number of issues that will need attention as tt�e rules proceed into implementation; and WfIEREAS, the directors of the City's Public Works Department and the Office of License, Inspections, and Environraental Protection are submitting comments to both the CRWD and the RWMWll addressing details in the proposed rules; and � 0�-�91 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WFIEREAS, the City further desires to comment at the policy level on the Caty's priorities for the rules and pemutting processes of each of the Watershed Districts; NOW, THEREFOItE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby acknowledges that the Watershed Districts aze in the process of developing and implementing rules that wili impmve the quality of surface water, and the City is supportive of the Watershed Districts' efforts to do so; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City and the Watershed Districts must move ahead in a cooperative spirit and make every effort to coordinate on pernutting so that the process is ciear and eff3cient for applicants, which may involve, in particular, mutual participarion in the City's site plan review process as has been suggested in the letter from the City's Planning Commission to the Watershed Districts; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City and the Watershed Districts need to sort out roles and rationalize the administration of the Wetlands Conservation Act to avoid dupiication of effort and confusion over the intezpretarion of wetlands standards; AND, BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED, the City urges the Watershed Districts and City departments to stay informed of the rapid growth in stormwater management research and technologies, and to remain open to new and experimental Best Management Pracfices (BMPs) that are being developed throughout the country; AND, BE IT F[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the City and Watershed Districts need to have discussions regarding Stormwater Impact Fees for public conshuction projects as the Gity desires to bave such fees collected spent within the city and, further, because the City must deternune a funding sources for such fees other than CIB or CDBG funds due to spending limitations imposed on these funding soarces; AND, BE IT F`URTHER I2ESOLVED, that the City further suggests that the TAC should continue to meet quarterly during the first two years following the implementation of tbe Watershed Districts' rules as there are likely to be questions about the Watershed Districts' processes and standards like those raised by the Planning Commission regarding floodplain land use, cost- effectiveness of BMPs, neighborhood aesthetics, and residenfial density, and ko which the City would further add questions about liability for wet basements due to groundwater diversion; accidental chemical spills into underground storage chambers; and ptemature failure of BMP structures, which should be evaluated and answered by all of the public participants involved in stormwater management regulation; AND, � a BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City thanks the managers and staff of the CRWD and the RWMWD and all of the citizens who are working to improve water quality throughout the City and its suburbs. Requested 6yDeparimentoF Adop[ed 6y Council� Date �Cn.X,y _�l2 �¢ r Adoption Ce�tified by Counc�l Secretary BY: 1/// � � � li�� Approved bg M r: �ate �1 � / � Br � B Form Approved by CiTy Attomey Sy: �G✓. ��w�v�.[� 7— 1�. ^ O L Form Approved by Mayor for Subaussion to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �epartrnent/office%ounal: Date Initiated: pE -p��g��no�;��.��opmen� 2a���-� Green Sheet NO: 3031453 Contact person & Phone: DeoarhneM SeM To Person In� LBrrySoderholm � 0 la "u &EconomicDeveio 7�0' � 6-6575 p��yp 1 auntn & o ic Develo D rtmeut i ector i Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): Number 2 ttorne � ��� Routing 3 or's Office or/Assis n '"�'�� +o( Order 4 o nc7 ( f0 5 i Clerk Clerk ToWI # of SignaWre Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Action Requestati: Resolution a�rming the City's committment to water quality improvement and to working with the Capital Region Watershed District and the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watetshed District to promulgate mles and regulations to achieve the same. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee � Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Vnitiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantapeslfApproved: Aisadva�ta�es If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Transaction: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Information: (F�cplain) Council File # Green Sheet # �� r Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA r�j � z� WHEREAS,'the City of Saint Paul affums that improving water quality is igh priority for the City, especiaJl}�:because of our lakes and our location on the Mississippi er; and WHEREAS, the ity has, through previous work, established goals d policies on water quality through the ity's SurFace Water Management P1an, the N tonal Pollurion Dischazge Elimination System ��ermit, the Mississippi River Corridor Pl and current work on the National Great River Park Plan; and \ WHEREAS, the state ha rovided far the establishmen f watershed districts for specific purposes including the re ation, conservation and co ol of water use within the watershed district and for the adoption watershed rules to acc mplish the puiposes and implement the powers of the watershed distri ; and WHEREAS, on June 12, 2006, t Capitol Re on Watershed District (CRWD) and the Ramsey-Washington Metro Waters ed Distri (R WMWD} submitted proposed watershed district rules to the City and are pres tly t ng public comments on the proposed rules antil July 27, 2006; and WI�REAS, in October 2005, the C submitted a previous version of its proposed rules to the City, and in November and Dec ber o 005, the City returned its comments by the City Council, the Mayor, and the Plan ' g Comnu ion to the CRWD; and WHEREAS, the CRWD has responded to sever of the City's previous comments by: (a) Working togetl;er with the RWMWD on � int rules that will cover most of the territory of th� (b) Placing a ca� on the cost of stormwater mana ment for street paving (linear) projects; � (c) Elabora�ng on a three-step process for determini the feasibility of on-site storm�ater volume reduction; and (d) Worleing with a Technical Advisory Committee (TA , including City rep�`esentatives, on issues raised at the public hearing in 005; and WHEREA�, on 7uly 17, 2005 the City's Planning Commission return its comments on tbe rules pro sed in June to both the CRWD and the RWMWD and the Co ncil thanks the Piamm� Commission for raising a number of issues that will need attenti as the rules proceed into i lementation; and \ WFIEREAS, the directors of the City's Public Works Department and the Of�ice of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection are submitring comments to both the, CRWD and the RWfiIWD addressing details in the proposed rules; and WFIEREAS, the City further desires to comment at the policy level on the City's priorities r l� rules and perznitting processes of each of the Watershed Districts; NOW, THEREF BE ITRESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby acknowledges that the W ershed Districts`are in the process of developing and implementing rules that will i ove the quality of surface wat�r, and the City is supportive of the Watershed Districts' effort o do so; AND, BE IT FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the City and the Watershed � tricts must move ahead in a cooperarive spin and make every effort to coordinate on permi � g so that the process is clear and efficient for app icants, which may involve, in particular, tual participation in the City's site plan review proces�as has been suggested in the letter fr the City's Planning Commission to the Watershed District • AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOL D, that the City and t e Watershed Districts need to sort out roles and rationalize the administratio of the Wetlands onservaUon Act to avoid duplication of effort and confusion over the inte retauon of w lands standazds; AND, BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED, the` to stay informed of the rapid growth in to remain open to new and experimen� developed throughout the country; yY�T ges the Watershed Districts and City departments uater management research and technologies, and Management Practices (BMPs) that are being BE IT FLJRTHER RESOL , that the City a`etd Watershed Districts need to have discussaons regarding Stormwater Impa Fees for public const ction projects as the City flesires to have such fees coilected spent ithin the city and, further, ecause the City must determine a funding sources for such fees ot er than CIB or CDBG funds d to spending limitations imposed on these funding source AND, BE IT FURT RESOLVED, that the City further sugges that the TAC should continue to meet quarterly �ng the first two years following the implemen tion of the Watershed Districts' ru1 as there are likely to be questions about the Watersh d Districts' processes and standards I' e those raised by the Planning Commission regarding flo dplain land use, cost- effective ess of BMPs, neighborhood aesthetics, and residenrial densit , and to wbich the City would er add questions about liabiliry for wet basements due to grou water diversion; acci ntal chemical spills into underground storage chambers; and prematu failure of BMP s tures, which should be evaluated and answered by all of the public partic� ants involved in s rmwater management regulation; AND, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City thanks the managers and staff of the CRWD and e RWMWD and all of the cirizens who aze working to improve water quality throughout Che Ci and its suburbs. Requested By: Fotm Approved by C�ty Attorney Adop[edbyCoun�il: Date By . �/� '�r.ZO Adoption Certi�ed by Council Secretary By Approved by Mayor: Da[e Form Approved by yor for Submission ta Couun] By: By: