218998 ' . � ������ ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK • . y ^�� �° C�� �F ST. �AUL COUNCIL � r•� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO_ OUN�IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ►RESENTED sY • COMMISSIONE ��� DA� 1 RESOLVID, That Clark Oil and Refining Co. be permitted to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the ,. � southeast corner of Hamline and Larpenteur Avenues, also described as: sub�ect to widening of Larpenteur Avenue, Lots 29 and 30, Block 3, G`helsea Heights Addi�ion, in accordance ,� , � � with final plans dated May 25, 1964, the installation to be ; ' � under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety, subject to the condition that the sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at f all times; whenever the Council may determine that said� station � constitutes a traffic or fire hazard, this permit may be revoked. , Councll Fi1e,No. 218998—BY Frank L. � Loss--- . Resolved, That Clark 011 and Re- flnin8 Co. be permitted tp install and operate a gasoline fllling station at , the southeast corner oE Hamline and } �q , ��� La�enteur Avenues, aLso described as: -� � sub ect to wldening of La���nteur Avenue, Lots 29 and 30, Block 3, Chelsea Heights Addition, ia accord- ance wfth final pians. dated May 25, _.. ... . ._,.._ _ . .-_. direc on nd t�o th�e satisfbeac�on of the Di�t��i C;iZ Gi= L�W ject�to the condiUon tbhat the sideWgu� � , abutting said premises be kept clean i and free of ice and snow at all times; , whenever the Council may determine that said'statian constItutes a'traffic or 8re hazard, ti�is permit aiay, be re- ' voked. � Adopted by the Council July 2, 1964. Approved July 2, 1984. ; , (July 3, 1964) � �# —�._ . � ' � '� � � 1964 , COLTNCILMEN � �'+ Adopted by the Council Ju�" 2 Yg_ Yeas Nays � 1 � e Dalglish , � ��� 2 1a� �,. � � �d PProved , ' 19._ Loss Tn FSVOr � ' ' _,� Meredith � � ., •�� • !� ��. Mayor � R Against � o I --� � � ' -�;. I �f;c;;�'iesi�en�;:Sl'a.v�iiili`s`•'�i� , , • � `+ . . •::a:: f r >• �1lr;yice�President�(I�ose� ' ' �� �' � lOM 6-64 � 1�- . �� . .. � •' � " �:'� , l• � �. �. . �t�- . .. .. J�.��ERT B. GEItBE6t, JFt: �-�QFFICE OF C�ITY CLERK � ' ` City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS ; HAROLD J. RIORDAN � ���i ��� I Council Recorder 38b Ci Hall and CourF House �•� ' St.Paul 2, Minnesota � i � i � c i � a �twe 25� 1964 ;' , a, f � � � I _ � � , ,�;^�...�°� 1 `�:'� r;�; . —.,�;: Mr. Donald L. Lais � Corporation Counsel , Building � Dear Sir: � � , The C�.ty Council requested tlmt you prepare a resolution �anting the attached application o� C]rark Oil and Refining Co. for permit to ' install and operate a new filling atation on property at the southeast coruer o� Hamline an�d Larpenteur Aves., described as: sub�ect to widening of Iarpenteur Ave., Lots 29 and 30, Block 3, Chelsea geights Addition, in accord�nce With final plmns dated N1�y 25� 1964. � Very truly yours, _ ���'- � City Clerk, "• ,3 I ,.� ng . � � �- ' , � � � �� -��,�� , � � 1�' �„� � ' �N , � �����,►���� ���PO � Z�'19G ... ..... ::: 4 .,, ...• ,. �r�� ... ... � ,� ... . .�.. , I N 1 ��� �it��.. �� � ,1�ytl �;M ��er ��v � n. , � Z�� ��� ri � 1�, � %r i � �! ' ` � �1 �� � � _ : , CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8� _ ` � . _ r _ . ' � _ , ,:= , r ; - t::+:;?;�:,•'•; . ' : - � , �c_ � - � � � . �k;;;:`:; ' , 1 ,. . , , , ;::::;::::;.;.::::���:;�RD OF ZONING,-;��.CITY=.OF . SAINT PAUL � � � � ••••• �'.':::if7tt'i1'i(.si.iirt:as�-ass-isa 1�I3 CITY HALL AND COUIT HOUS! 3AINT�AUL],MINN�bOTA ` , * - • ' _ i• , F •- ' _ � _ � ' ` � ' � ' " , = � , = � June 22, 1964 ; - � - ' ° .. � � �.� � �; - ' ' . � - ` -. - - - . .- . . ., , � . � , _ _- Mr.�ober� B. Gerber - � =` � } • City Clerk .. _ � ^ _ _ { a' BuiTding : - . - _ .. . - _ ' ' • r . . , l . _ r , - . -a . " � : - - � 'a - ' ; s - Dear Sir: � • ' - . _ - . ,. - - � This is in the matter of the application of the Clark Oil and Refining • _ Company to �install and operate a new filling station on 3roperty located = at the southeast corner of Hamline and Larpenteur Avenues which is de- scribed as : subject to widening of Larpenteur Avenue, Lots 29 and 30, - Bl,ock 3, Chelsea Heights Addition. The property is zoned commercial. ! The property is presently developed with a filling station which was ' ' , , remodeled in 1961. It is proposed to remove the exi.sting structure and erect a new building of their own c3esign, and install new pump islands. There will be no changes in the present driveways along Lar- - pentuer and Hamline Avenues. The property has a frontage of 69.6.4 feet , on Hamline Avenue and 130 feet along Larpenteur Avenue resulting in an area of� approximately 9,053 square feet. . � E The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting on _ . May 14, 1964. The staff reported that the proposal met all -of the re- _ quired standards and had been approved by the Traffic Engineer. The Board of Zon3ng, therefore, recommends the granting _of the application to install and operate a new filling station on the above described property in accordance with final plans dated May 25, 1964. ; � � Sincerely, � � � - I , � —t- - ' � B.�R. �Teig, A I.P. ' ' _ Recording Sec etary , BRT:FGI ' _ � . , � Encl. - " � � � Z. F. 5470 °� - . Approved I"� � . Member, Board of Zoning . . , , . _ ! � M. � � , . , - �. � _ . , f � ti ^ ' r� - . � , • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital of Minnesota � ' // � � � �e a�t�e�t a ctblic a et ' � l� � Tenth and Minneaota �treete, 1 1 POLICE ROBERT F.PETERSON,Commiesioner � �w'i'g FIRE PROTECI'ION THOMA3 H.3HANLEY,JR.,Deputy Commisstoner �POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROBSRT W.DUNNING,Liceaee Iaepector , April 22, 1964 ; i I � 'h �„.,,.,�,r�,s ��� Mr. Haro ld J. Ri ord.a.n � City Clerk , City Hall & Court House • St. Paul� Minaesota + Dear Sir: f Attached is a report from Asat. Fire ' • . i Ma.r�hal Daniel A. Norrgra.n. of the Fire Prevention Bureau, covering the inspection of the gasoline I filling station at the southeast corner of Larpenteax; and Hamline Avenues. ' . � � ' Yovrs tra.ly, ', • . � � ���;� � . Commisaioner of Public Safet3► � � I . � �C� � ' � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota // � . � �e a�t�e�t a c�blic a et p , � BUREAU OF Tenth and Minne9ot8 Street9, 1 DIVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION ROBERT F.PETERSON,Commiesioner FIItE PREVENTION Frank E. Oberg,Fire Chief Deputy Commiasioner Howard J. Scannell, Chief Thomas H. Shanley, Jr. � April 21� 1g6� Honorable Robert F� Peterson �ommissioner of 1�.iblic Safety Dear Sir: ' In regard to the application of the Clark Oil & Refining Corporation for permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the Southeast corner of �arpenteur and Hamline Avenues. They wish to install three (3) islands� six (6) pumps and one (1) 6,000 gallon and two(2) 4,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tanks. We have investigated the foregoing and report that this installation will be done in accordance with the rules and regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and the St. Paul Fire Prevention Code. � We, therefore� recommend that permission be granted. Respectf"ully yours, j GZ��2��� � � /� f Daniel A. Norrgran Assistant Fire Marshal Division of Fire Prevention DAN:cv �� '___,- � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE Ii�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN�CIL qo the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to�install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING STATION No, of islands and pumps : 3 islands� 6 pur.rps No, of tanks and capacity; �� �v� 9$��ti�s �� ��� ���ZQn � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) ' (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot ' To be used in connection with: i � � MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Yendor, etc.) Capacity of parkiag area: *Locat�on : &.L�, cdrn�r Larpenteur and MemlinQ Legal Description : Lot S 29 8ttc1 30� � Bloc Addition ub ec� cs stree� w3d�ninq o�i�arper�teur Ave.r Biock 3� Applicant's Name , �h����� �eights, City of 5�. ';Paul� �iinn�6ots � ANTf.�R C�'�PEI�ATTd,N xome or Office Address: 295d No�ctt� Rice �tree� - for ��ark Qi�, and �tefinfng Corp. �t. �'a�Ul� l�lir�n�iaota Phone Number : 484�-724�{ FO Y TAE APPLICANT, .. i s G�° (Signature) ( a e Address . Phone No.: When completed: file three copies o� this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota , Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. �J`� `� , �_ . � ° � . . City of Saint Paul, I�innesota � � APPLICATION FOft SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � �� _ (Please print or type) � TO TI� I�DNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � the City Clerk � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) X� FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : 3 islands� 6 pumps � No. of tanks and capacity• �ne 6,000 gallon, Two 4,000 gallon , QPARKING LOT for (customera) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) Capacit o� (indicate type) � y parking lot To be used in connection with: � MISCELI,ANEOUS: ` - (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car � Lot, Dry Cleaniag Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor� etc.) Capacity of parking area: / � � *Location : S.F. corner Larpenteur and Hamline , Legal Description : Lots 29 and 30, Block Addition sub�ect to street widenirrg of Larpenteur Ave. , Block 3, Applicant's Name . Che sea Heights, City of St. Paul, Minnesota � � A1�TLER CORPORATION Home or Office Address: 2954 North Rice Street - for Clark Oil and Refining Corp. St. Paul, Minnesota i Phone Number ; 484_7244, i f �i FOR/BY TRE APPLICANT, � � /� � I' Signature (d te � �j Address . Phone No.: ' i When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of tbe prelimivary lay-out plans of the proposed facilitq w�.th the City Clerk, Room 386� City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota '', Z-3 6/11/56 ; � *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. � 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. �, i