218979zi., to. CU7 ,Vlerk ,� F ORDINANCE 218979 �,cil File No. 218979— ordinance No.) COUNCIL FILE NO. S4 —By Frank L. Loss — ;A ordinance amending Ore..inance PRESENTED BY '�: M, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. To i administrative ordir -tt: :'_d• ,. Inc "''u7 Sezt•! r. :rar;,tt+�x+ An ordinance amending Ordinance. No.. 325.0, entitled- t1An~_a.dministrative: ordinance relating to the. Civil Service. Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving .and' adopting rules. and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This; is-an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the. public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' SAINT PAUI. DOFS.'OR.DAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August, 20, 1914, as amended, be and the- same is hereby further: amended by adding to Section 9 B. 3. the following: ' �oa " provided, however, that the- provisio s. of this division 3 ivherein, it. provides for compensatory time or y on _a, one and one-half " basis shall, in the case of employees holding the title of! 'Life- Guard ", b.e- on a straight time basis'. " w Section. 2". This. ordinance- is hereby declared to b.e-an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for. th,e,preservation of the: public peace, health:_and safety, f Section 3. This: ordinance .shall .take: effect. and be- in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: i Service Co-mbfif stoner Yeas Councilmen Nays _. Dalglish Holland ` Loss / Q 5 Peterson AIr. M resident (Rosen) ytAttest: i,Q/-r A 1M 6-62 X22 V� City ClArk V Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Jut 16 1 In Favor n All /Gramll CLFjjRK- A,4 *",jujkaow iamocaft or4imuca ViD. 32% ouOtled: 218979 $*Moo sat ou at *M� CIW'd,%tnt Paul, A " "a 440VOV: Mos *44 i4guftmo, ap,pvovva 1914# *s*m**ftc - Thts to, An OMMOCACY roiuuioa moo, zany for *Opf4samitoo of *0 %,;Ublft POA000 be-Oth, and I= COMOM .011 "S -CM Or SAINT PAUL, ]DOES O"Aft &-itsloa I, ThAt Oraft No, 300, appooved Av4pst 20* 1914t a* *wtndod* bs **41 tile, oarde so bo.v*W farthav am=dcd bir wMinato wr .4witia-43, �Vhvrota T,P' on 0464�lf- W -it, Provtloi for toMpAtAtOXY tims 0 AU 0 4 tOO *Ud b in tho i&x*4of:*= 4 mi$* sh-Alo ploova wo 00 0 �* cm 0., stultu **obuft* "It: or"Attoo ondo'ed t=00oortor 04 of . *0 pote pou*;I, h"l* 044 varowo . . anA **tar W ;*,a-c4zp* ikVprcpnl* sad PAIMcationi• Aippvow4f, v I st 4 �- •2nd fl Laid over to 3rd and app. — Adopted Ye s Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Dalglish Holland Loss 2189 Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis ® BUBLISFIED ` �