218974 �Council File No. 218974—By Robert F.� M1 ��_�(���/ ,
Peterson— �l� c�
OR161HAL TO CITY CLERK Rbsolved, That the Proposed Profes- �
CITY OF �`��t�a1tier wiith flledradated JuPly 1h1964�ENCIL NO-
OFFICE OF T j�; �,;,��(����'�»of�onc IY eo�en 'he Cic
- COUNCIL RESOLUTION="G;.�a��;��?"������;;,:��;, � �(,
►RBSENTED sY ����tt�?� _ PT?PT TS�F�
RESOLVED� That the Proposed Professional Se�rvice Gontract,
a �opy whe�eof is .herewith filed� da�ed July 1� 1964 for �he pe�iod
. of one year eommencing said Date, by and ,between the @ity of Saint
Paul and Edward A. F�rni, whereunder and whereby� in consid�ration
of the annual contract price of gonr �'ho�.�arid Eight Hvndred Dollars
. (�4�800.00) � pagable in equal semi-monthly installment�� to be�ome
, payable bp said �i�y r�nto said Edward A. Furni therefor� the lat�er�
as an independent contractor� sha11 become and remain obligated
�, un�o sa3d Cit� of �aint Pa�.l, during said contract period� to perform
and to_.,,remain available �or th� performance of professional con-
� sv.ltative serviee� under the snpervi�ion and direetion of said
� Ci�y of 5aint Paul� ar�d neees�ary� for tl�e practieal and s�ccessful
� ' op�ration of the Booking a.nd Management Functior�s german.e to the
--��; I�unieipal Auditorium ��Qf said City of Saint Paul ptirsnar�t to the
.�- recommendation of �he Commissioner of Libraries, �l�ditorium and
Civ3c Bnildings, herelny is,, in all things, approved and authorized,
and said City' s proper Offi�ers hereby are authori�ed and directecl
to execute the same, in its behalf; ;.�,�, �he �aid Proposed Professional
Service Contraet, a.mong other �things� providing that the same sha.11�
�n.tirely� s�persede that ��rtain .�greement between thE sam.e parties
which �ras authorized bg the prior Resolution of this Covncil,
Coun�il File No. 218410� approved May �9, 1964; and
� RESOLVFD FURT�R� That this Resolution shall be deemed
to supersede the prioP Resolution of this Coun�il� Council Ii'ile
' No. �18410� approved M�,y 29, 1g64, a.nd that the AgrE�ment by a�id
between the same parties, authori�ed by said prior Resolution� shall
be enttrely superseded by the aforesaid Proposed Prof�ssional
Ser�rice Contra�t hereby approved and authorized.
. � _ . '�1 � � - - �
CTOR OF LAW, u,� � .�
_ COITNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
' Dalglish , � JUL � `�I�`,,�
Holland rove 19—
, Meredith � `
Peterson �yOr
A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
tont e-as •