218967 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK �� �• � �- �` `r-uttcil� File No. 218987—By Milton 'osen— + ���� CITY OF ST. P�'�hereas, Additions Wat�h �ignt �,� a.� �Eri7C to be necesary in �the Improve- N�. — OFFICE OF THE CIT"��t described as the FENCE corr- -;F JCTION_ AT RAMSEY 730USE, " " NCIL RESOLUTION—G� ` '� 't 2a� S '",fi, =sxchange strPet,� 'a.t'jv���{a*4{cai"�'+�g`'n''�iuli�'��s r' ii" PRESENTED BY ♦ �- '�stit�}t�`,,°;:�i�,'t;.#`att`,E� - '�tT,fli; ..� P17BLISHED �'�,�j COMMISSIONE '�'��'''����� ' �� �� Y�. .DUSL]!j �S'. _ � a - _a�. � WHEREAS, Additions which.might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the FENCE CONSTRUCTION AT RAMSEY HOUSE, � located at 2(5 South Exchange Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, Comptroller� s Contract Z-6b21�, Aichinger and Green Construction Company, contractor, have been provided far in the specifications, and 1NF�1�AS, It has been found necessary to ma.ke the following Add i t�.on: To straightening the st one cap of the existing wall bordering the site of the Ramsey House: . _ Labor, mat�ial and e quipment . . . . Lump Sum 201 12, and WHEREAS, the total Addition is � 201.12, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that tl� City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition ma.de in accordance with the spec3f ications in tlx� amount of � 201.12, said amount to be added to the consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller� s Contract L-6624, and which amoun.t is to be financed from City� s Share of Loca1 Improvements, CODE 0920-701. � , . The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of � 201.12 is the correct t amount to be ad ded to the above contrac t.- � ,� JUN 3 � '��` COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— , Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved �i iN � (1 196� 19_ I.oss � In Favor , A4ertinse� {�'���C�� Peteraon � Mayor �� A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis , iorz s-sz ; DUrLICATE TO rRINTER � • � 1 ��/��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 O N ER DATE _ Y��I�AS, Addition� eh�oh rr�ig'h,� pr�W� to b� nea�s�r� im the Improv�men� cl��c�r3'�ed a� �he F£NOF CONSTRIIC���� �T RAI�°EY' �OIISE� loaa�d t�t 26� SQt�th �acah�age Street, St. P�u1, �d1r�,ea�t�.i Comptro�.�.eri � �bn�r�at L-662�.! Aioh�.nger �nd areen Conetruati.on Compsany� aon�ra.c�tor, have been provided f`c� 4� the a�p�a��ia�.tions� ene� V�F�EAS, Tt h�.� been 1'oun.c� n�oeaa�ry to m�.ke the t'ollowl,ng Additions ' ' To �►tr�ight�n�ng the ��one aap af the ea��ting x�.'L1 borderi�ng the eite ot' the Ra,�ey� Sou��t ��boria me.t e�'��1 ar�d a quiAmee�t . , . . �ump �u� �. i�0 ..�� an� W�iERF,A�� �he �o�, Add3t3on ie � 201,12, r�ow �herefox� be �.t RE�OL�EED, that t3a� CS 3ty o�' 8t� Pau.� thr ough 3 t r� C i�y C cauno�l u�prove s �h� fpregoir�g Addition made Sn a�oorc��,noe rr�t�. �he �pe►Qif 1aat3one in tY�s amowat pf � �Ol�Y2, �aid. �mount �o be added to th�+ aonaidmra�ion named in the aon�a� k�own as Oomptroll�rf+� Contr�.at �-b6�1�., a�d Rhiah amourit ia to be P3.nanc�d fx�om City�� S�a� of Loa�al Improvemrn�ss CODh Q9�p�7p�., The �ommi.�$3oner of Publics WorY� h�,� ��►eed wi th t]�e �►bvve n�ed aont�ator that the �um c� $ 201.12 �.� tl� aorret�t �mourxt �o be ac1 ded to t�h� above �ontr���� ,�UN 3 0 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ].9— Yeas Nays ��� � O � Dalglish Flolland Approved 19_ Loss o �Q��L �In Favor , Mortinson��-�- Peterson � Mayor �� A gainst , Mr. President, Vavoulis iont s-sz