218964 , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � . o � /�•��6f�� �.:...y°CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ''�' .; :�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - ��ESENTED EY Milton Rosen--Pub7.:i.c Wor s Jun.e 30, 1964 � COMMISSIONE DA� 4 �.� \ b1I�REAS� the final costs for constructi.ng the Grand Avenue Bridge extension over the Short I,ine Road and the Tracks of the Chicago� Milwaukee� St. Paul and Pacific R. R.� Comptroller�s Contract L-6176-1$� have exceeded the original esti.mated costs and� WHEREAS� upon fina allocation of I�funicipal 5tate 9id �'unds �o finance the above project� ther�fie insuffici�nt funds to meet the final costs in the amount of �1,220.82� now therefore be it� RESOLVF,D� tha.t an a.mount of �1�220.g2 be applied from ths AZunicipal State Aid Suspense Fund� to finance the cost of the above stated improve- ment. ' Council File�No. 218964—$y Milton Rosen— � _ - ' Whereas, The flnal costs for con- structing the Grand Avenue Bridge ex- tension over the Short Line Road and � the Tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee; " St.Paul and Paciflc A.R.,Camptroller's ' Contract,L-8178-18, have exceeded th original estimated costs and, ' Whereas, Upon flnal allocation o Municipal State Aid Funds 'to flnanc the above project,there are insufHcien tunda to meet the final costs in the' amount of $1,220.82, now thereEore be it, � . ' Resdlved,That an amount oE#1,220.82 be ,applied from the Municipal State Aid Suspense Fund, to flnance the cost of the above stated improvement. Adopted by the Council June 30,1884. . Approved June 30,1964. _ ,JUN 3 0 �� � �. 1 t/ COiJNCILIvIEN Adopted b the Councit " 19— Y Yeas Nays Dalglish ' Holland � proved JUN 3 � � 19— Loss Tn Favor , Meredith � Pe te rs on �AyOr Rncvn ' Against Mr. President, Vavoulis - - ions e-aa DUrLICAT6 TO rRINT6R /_'� ������ " ' ��CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�NCIL N � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORt�I � /�ESENTED�Y �� Ra��!�'�� WOl"�$ eT1I11� �� �.� COMMISSIONE� DAT� �� t� �!3.ne.1 ��e foa' isons�,r�.iR'�lt1g �he' 6rra� At,rena� Br�,dg'� �n c�v+�r � shor� I,i.ne Ro� and `�bs � pf` tha G�ae�go,- Kt�.�,u�Oeey St„ �u3: �nci. P�.c�,f'ic Rt .R.t Co�aptro��r'e Cc�ntz'a�� T.�E�7.76-1g, hsn►e �aae�ded �E►�e 4='�.g�. esti,�afi,�d oo� �,� ��, ui�ri f'��. e1AaQation o� I�i'o3p�]. Sfi,�te � I�g �o �no� `t,�e a'borre P�o��tr�� 't�exe are 3.nst�F�c3ent i�und� tc� �eet tbe �'3� c�s`�el �n t� e�rnmt ai' �.��0,�2� na�r 'Ehez�£ar� b�i i�E,� RE$OI,V�s '�.t � �t o� �'J.�220i 82 � �pplied f'roa� f,h� �uniatp�. State A� Su�pense �nd�, �►o Ei.n�nae the od�t of #,� tab�� a�.f,� i�re,• I ��. _ ' „ '�� COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �_., ._ . .a�', Holland Approved 19— Loss � Tn FAVOx' Meredith Peterson C� MAyOr R.eeca- A S��t Mr. President, Vavoulis iont aes