218963 4 -
O1t1�pINAL TO GITY GLCRK �� (`���3
• � ' , ; CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �•' �''
R�SOLV�D, upon t�e pertinent Appeal, ur�der the Zoning
Code, by Charles T. Schiller and Doro�hy Schiller, owners of the
s�.bject real estate� situate in the �ity of Saint Paul� zoned in
"A" Residence Distr3.�t tander said Zoning Code� an.d deseribed as
` s�bject to Mailand and McKni ht Roads, the �outherly 150 feet of
the �ast � of 'the Southeast � of the Northeast �- of Section 11,
Township 28� Range 22, that the provisions of said Zoning Code
in respect of tbdr application to said real estate hereby are
determiried and �raried as and to the extent nee�ssary therefor and
that the buildin.g setback line applieable to said real es�ate,
in Pespect of the Wes� lins; of McKnigh� Roa.d upon whi�h the s�me
_ abuts, shall be a Nor�h and South line drawr� across the same�
- parallel thereto and 29 feet dista.nt from said West l�ne of said
McK�:ght 8oad.
I CouncII File No. 218983—,�Frank'L.
+ L°�— � p��er�3r�ent
Resrolved, Upon th perblerrt Appeal,
undet the Zoning Code, by Charles T.
Schiller and Dorothy Sthiller, 3wners
of the subject real estate, aitu te in
"_ the City of Saint Paul, zoned � "A"
Residence Distrlct under �aid 7,oningl
� „ Code, and described as subi$et to�
Mailand and McI{night Roadb thel
` Southerly 150£eet of the East i4 ot the� -
Southeast la o4 the Northeast !4 oi
� thetp ovisi ns of sai Zoning Codeinl
- respect of their application to said�
real estate hereby are determined and I
� vazied as and to.the extent necessary
therefor and that the building setback�
. line applicable to said real estate, in'
resj�ect of the West line o,f McKnight�
Road upon which the same abuts, shall�
be a 1�Torth and South line drawn across',
the same, parallel thereto and 29 feet,
distant from said W�st llne of said i
McKnight Road.
Adopted by the Council Tune 30, 1964.
Approved June 30, 1964.
� � (July 3, 1964)
' � CTOR OF 1A��- - �` ..
d Q 196�
-- - �. � �UN 3
; COLJNCILMEN s• Adopted by the Council ' 19—
Yeas Nays
� Dalglish J�N 3 0196�
Holland ' A roved 19—.
� Loss
_ �In Favor
t`' ' Meredith • � �
Peterson �AyOr
• A gainst
&esea� .
Mr. President, Vavoulis
1on� e-as
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""' :•'::•:#X�dH.5�0l�F:]Sl-]S]-]B� 1�10 CIT7 MALI AND COURT HOUSI ' +� SAINT�AUL]�MINN�60TA . ����
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- 't ' - � � � � � ,June 22, 1964
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Mr. Rober� B. Gerber Jr. . , _ - _ ' � , �
City Clerk � ,. ' � _ '� - ' ' " " � � , 4 ^'
Building ` • _ _ . . _ � ' '
Dear Sir; � '
This is in reply to the referral of the appeal of Charles T. and .
Dorothy Schiller to establi.sh a ,�9 foot building line setback from .
McKnight Road on property located�the n�o�r b st corner of Mailand •
. and McKnight Roads which is described as. subject to Mailand and � .
� ' McKnight Roads, the Southerly 150 feet of ,the east one-quarter of tl�e
• southeast one-quarter of the northea�st one-quarter of. section 11,
Township 28, Range 22. �The property is zoned "A" residence. �
. ,�� � �
The site is presently occupied by a single-family residence and a
two-car garage now under construction. Because of the •extreme depth
of the lots, the required setback for this property would be 59 feet.
The residence on the site has a setback of approximately 52 feet,
> _ ' and the a,pplicant states that because of the contour of the lot, it
would be difficult to locate the .garage in accordance with the required
setback. Therefore, he is seeking Council authorization to place the
garage structure 29 feet from the property line on Mcgnight Road.
i , � � " �
- The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting on -
• May 14, 1964. After Hearing the report of the staff, and the appli-
, cant's attorney, the Board concluded that the request is a reasonable .
one, and recommends the granting of the request to establish a 29 foot '
building line setback fxom KcKnight Road for the purpose of erecting a
two-car garage. . �
. " Sincerely, - �
- . ' ` , .
B.�R. Teig, A. .P.
, Recording Secr ary - '
- • Encl. ' � - -
� Z. F.. 5469 - _ � � _ - �)� �
' Approved �G� /
• ' Member Boad of Zoning
_ , , - ��_
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. , ` ' LAW OFFIC6S � / QV
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� 1117 GOMMERCE BUILDING � /����' �-'f} �
.• ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 `�� , V"�" - � I "�
RR6D A. KUEPPER6, �R. April 16, I964
Honorable Mayor and CiCy Council
' c/o City Clerk •
City Hall and Courthouse
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Our File No. 2147
Gentlemen: I
On behalf of Charles T. Schiller and Dorothy Schiller, 475 So. McKnight
Road, St. Paul, appeal is hereby made from the application of Section
62.01 ot the Zoniug Code of the City of Saint Paul as it affects the
following described property situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to-wit:
The Southerly One Hundred Fif ty (150) feet of the East Quarter
(1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4� of the Northeast Quarter
(1/4) of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22.
This appeal is made pursuant to provision of Section 64.03 (j). Schillers
are the owners of the described real estaCe. We attach a photocopy of a
drawing of the premises.
Authority is requested for the construction of a two-car garage for use
�in connection with the single-family dwelling on the premises, such garage
to be situated 10 feet Northerly of the dwelling. The rear line of. the
garage is to be approximately in line wieh the front line of the dwelling,
and the garage will extend a distance of 22 feet further towards the front _
line of the property.
We attach hereto a photocopy of a letter which we addressed to the City
Architect and dated March 11, 1964. That letter requested authorization
for the •construction of the garage at a location to the front of the dwell-
ing. By letter dated April 2, 1964, the City Architect has advised us that
his office approves the variation from the garage building standards.
We direct this present appeal to you for relaxation of the setback require-
ments because it appears that the garage buildi.ng, as proposed, would be
set back from the street approximately 29.6 feet, which is less than the
20% distance required by the ordinance.
� � r
Very truly yours, `���"�`�
• By � �
v`�' � V� ,
• �
M�rch 11, 1964
Hr. Al�red E. Schroeder •
City Architect, Citq of St. Puul
City Hall end Courthouse aldg.
St. Paul, Minns�ota 55102 �
Ret Propoe�d garage at
745 So. McKnight xo�d
Char_ le�T. Sc ller
Dear Mr. Schro�ders
Oa behal! of Hr. aad ?4re. Charlea T. Sr,hill�r, the owaers of prop�rty
at 475 30. ticRnight Road in St. Paul, we requast an authorization !or
the constructioa ot a garago at the abave rei�erenced praperty addresa
uc�der circumstaac�s wt►ich do not conform to setback prwis�.:�n� ot
Paragraph C of the garage ordinance, oeing City Ordinflace ;;o. 104$9.
This requc3st is made tiroder t'.�e rerms of aaid Paragraph C.
We encloae a photocapy of a �ketch of the proparty, which is situat�d
at the PJorti7west corner of the intersection of t�cKnight :osd and Msiland
Road� wh`�h ia an �anpletted ?o }�aving a frontage o eet on AicRafght
`�' anc: 328 feet on Mailand T.;or3d. The particular portion of the ordi�
aance frorn which this propos,31 varies is that ahich prohibita the erec-
tion of -. oarage cloaer to tr�e street than the front line af the dwQlling.
It ia propoaed that the rear wall of the gar�ge be locaCed at tt:e dw�ll•
iag fra,t line, and that the frc�nt wa1Z of the garage be 22 fe�t closar
to tha front lins of the pro�erty. McKniglit xoad ie on r� strip 33 �eQt
wide acr�ss the front of th� propezt�, 3nd there#ere, tite propoead aet�
back of t:�e garage is 29.6 feet fran :•icKnight Road. xhe �raposal twuld
� in all c�ther respoets coafozm to the building code of t:i� iifiy o! St.
\ Paul. � .
\1 `
It is the opinioa of ?iro SchillQr that it is im�rac�icable �r inpoaaible,
due to t�e contours of the ground, t� conforra to the limits se t forth in
the ordinence. W� raqueat tlLat the l�.mit be v�ried according to th� l�eat
,��gment of thQ Ce�aissioner, a*_xi mc,re particularly, that �hc: lisit ba �
varied to permit th: locati�rn of the garage se ahawn on t��e attached
Dnta fort,rarded to ua by Mc. Schiller indicata� that thcs �round •level of
tbe lot slapea aubstantially to the North and eo the Wset, caa�eacit�
at a point about 35 fe�t Weat of ths edg� o# MeKaight �oad. Tho dfgs��
o! the slctige is euch that et the North�re�t corn�r of the propoa�d garago
loeation, the Srosmd lewl is a�proximately 2.S feet belc�v tiie fini�hed
sts�aC grads, ead that th� ground level is approximntely 7.S feet b�lov
the atreet grnde at t point apprcaimata2y 24 lset farth@r to the W�at.
r� ` �
�u ° . . • -
, e
A�. Algred E. Schro�d�r
March 11, 1964
Pa�e 1�0
Iu the opiaio� of 2�r. Schiller, sv�ch gr�aund cattours madlo it is�prastir
abl� to locat� the �ar�g� ia contozmity vith tho ordiraammce. Pusth�er,
in 6ia oginiou, locati�+a of tho gara�e as propoaQd a+ould be in no wy
' d�trimental to the ad�oining praparty aae�ra aa� �au1d aot, �n fsst,
ccntravene the purposa and iatan�ioeis of the ordinaucn.
We r�cognize th�t the prapo�ed locatioa ii at variaace 6rith Ch� aetb�cica
zequired by the scai� cod�. flo�vaz� la tho ivctat th� coasidased �vdg•
ment of you and yo�nr etaff vould permit Lba r�qusat�d variation grom th�
g�rage ordinanae liaitatian�, �o�e pro�eose to �ub�ait the aetbnck matter to
the City Couacil a• an appeai fram the �aning ordinance.
�e can further advis� you that your oftics hu iarued Building r�r�it
80. 25680 for tha canitruction ot� the gara�ge.
, Very trulq pauro,
� �. �_ ._.
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