218962\ / • i I ^l p
� - � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �- `"
�RESENTED EY t �/ PUBr.J,C,'T,�+,n ? _/ v
- RESOLVED, upon the pertinQnt Appeal, under the Zoning
Code� by J & � Building Companp, owner of the st�b�e�t premi5es�
zoned in "C" 8esidence District, �ander said Zoning Code� deseribed
as Lots 6� 7� 8� 9 Block 3, �ole' s rearran �:ment of Bloek 1 and
Bloek � and subdiv�sior� ax�d enlargement of �loek 3 of his Randolph
St. and P1Qasant �Aven�.e �ddition, acEOrding to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the offi�e of the Reg�ster of Deeds
in and for Ramsey Co�znty, Minnesota, that the provisions of
said �oning Code� ir� respe�t to density and lar�d area requirements,
and o�herwise, hereby are determined and varied, in their applica-
. �ion to said real estate, as a.nd to the �xtent neeessary tY�erefor�
ax�d that a permit hereby is grant�d �r�.to said Appellant and i-�s
successors in interest, in respect of said real estate, for the
installation, mainte�.ance and operation thereon of a 23-car off-
street parking facility accessory to � 2�-un3.t apartmen� building
to be construeted thereon• •��Zat sa3.d off--�tree� parking facility
shall conform to the fina�. approved plans therefor, dated June 1�
_ 1964 herewith filed; and that otherwise said Appellant-Permittee
�--- and �ts said successor� in 3.nteres� shall ma.ke due compliance with
all applicable ordin�ees, statutes aid rules and regulation� of
public authorities having �ognizance, in the premises.
�_ �
Couhcil EYle No. 21896�T�y�ea2�n� I,,
�Resolved, Upon ttie gE�l1T Appeal,
under the Zoning Code, by J & S
Building Company, owner oP the sub-
iect premises, zoned in "C" Residence
!iistrict� under said Zonin'g Code, de-
�•:ribed as I.ots 8,7,8,9,Bleck 3, Co7�+�
� �azrangement of Block �"'TUl Eloel•=�
� 1��,d subdiv�^�nn and e.".�.t�"t.m•nt '�� .
�ic�l: 3 c"t.�a�F��r.dc�fx�: zc'nc�4'le�b-
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JUN 3 019�4
COUNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Councii 19— .
Yeas Nays 0 1�
Dalglish ,�uN 3
Holland pprove� 19—_
Loss Tn FSVOT -
MQredith ' I
�/ Mayor
A g83IISt
Mr.,President, Vavoulis
lons a�s
............a'�.•...........` , . • •z ' y : T ' . � t- _ : , " JS t, , .
:•:.•:.• ��. r • �# _ : _ �f h w_n�.� _
'''::::::::;5:.;.�.::��:RD OF � ZONING,' CITY� OF_�: SAINT, PAUL .
.:::::�.:.:.:.:.. .:...:.:.::. � {� -
°°• ..::::::�ktRNai.ai�.ssi-sss-sss 1013 CITY XALI AND COURT HOUSt SAINT�AUL Z,MINN�60U � ' _//��n�
_ , . /� '� �
. ' June 23, 1964
- Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. -
City Clerk •
B ui lding ' � ` - _
- Dear Sir: ' � '
� This is in reply to the referral of the�.�J.'& S Building Company's -
; 1) appeal to relax the density standards o�f Chapter 60,24"of the
Legislative Code, and 2) application for a permit to�install and�
operate a 23 car off-street parking lot accessoryrto a�proposed �
-�—.._.�.........�.,�.a.,.,,,..- ----._.,.��--- -- --
22. unit apartment bui,�.da.ng o�roperty described as Lots 6, 7,tr 8, ,
,� �.. :,.� ,-.�.
9, Block 3,�o.],e_',s..Rear-r.,e..q�„Block 1 and Block 2 and Sub. and En- .
� _-�-...�»� ,.�.,....,._....�.-..a.-..r....,....,,.._...�.�.......�._.,...
largement of Block 3 of` his Randolph Street and Pleasant Avenue . ,
Addition to St.. Paul, located at, the 5.�. corner of Pleasant and Armstrong.
. ° . � .
On August 11, 1962, Lots 6 and 7 were rezoned to "C'� residence,�„on
» ,�-
April 25, 1964, 'Lots 8, and 9 were rezo�ed�o_ C residence. The _
site has a frontage of 177 feet o Pleasant Avenue and 125 feet on
Armstrong Avenue, resulting in an area of 21,255 square feet. When -
Lots 6 and 7 were rezoned, the Co�incil granted an appeal to construct ;
an 11 unit apartment building on an area of 10,005 square feet which
` was never constructed. The applicant proposes to combine the two
tracts and construct a 22 unit apartment building, but must secure
Council authorization to do so, because of the 745 square feet de-
- ficiency in area. � � - '
The Board of Zoning cnnsidered this matter at its regular meeting .
on May 14, 1964. The staff reported that the parking lot plan met
all of the standards for this type of faciXity, and had been approved
by the Traffic Engineer. The proposal meets the required standards
for building ground' coverage. Tbe Board felt that the requests are
reasonable and in keeping with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance "
and therefore recommends the granting of the appeal to relax the
density standards of Chapter 60.24 of the Legislative Zoning Code, and
the application for a permit for ari off-street parking facility on
the above described property in accordance with final plans dated _" ,
June 1, 1964. . , �
� �j - � � _ .Sincerely, , -
. � _ . r
� ` { � -
. , �. -
- : , . ,� . _
,� � - , . - ' , . '�
� ' . � � B. R. Teig, A I.P.
BRT:FGI ' ,'�� �' - ' ' _ , Recording Secretary
, ,�
Encl. � _ . , :
Z. V. 5491-98 '� �� �
CC: Mr.Janes � ' - Approved /6�
, �
�,ry. ' Member, ard of Zoning
_ � �- . �i� � •- ,
� � .' � � 4` �
' �, . .
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T�.seuox� 224-4884 A�n Con� 612
�ay 1.1., �g64
c�o The City Clerk •
City o� Saint Paul,, Minnesota
Re: Proposed Apa.rtment Building - Pleasant and Armstrong
Dear Sirs: �
We wish to appeal �der the provisions of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance for
relaxation o� the density requirements for the proposed apartment building
at Pleasant and Armstrong.
We have received approval from the City Counc3l for installing an 11-Unit
Apartment Building and 11-Car Pa,rking Lot on the corner two lots at the
Southeast corner intersection of Pleasant and Armstrong. These two lots
are 10,875 squaxe �eet less 870 square feet which was taken by the State
Highway Department for an approach to the new freeway. We have recently
purchased two lots ad3acent to the corner and they are naw rezoned to "C"
residential. These two lots are 90 feet by 125 feet or 11,250 square �eet
which would be suYficient �or an additiona,l 11-Unit Apartment Building. We
would like to combime the two 11-Unit Building sites into one 22-Unit Apartment
Building site. We have sufficient area for parking to provide spaces for 23-cars
which is more than 1 ca,r per apartment unit.
`The legal description for the property is as follaws:
Fll.� n
Lots 6,7,8 and 9, Block #3, Cole's Rearrangement of Block #1 a.nd
Block #2 and subdivision and enlargement of Block �3 of His Randolph
St. and Pleasant Avenue Add'n. to St. Paul, Minnesota.
We are enclos3ng herewith a copy o� the Plot Pla,n. If you have ar�y £�ther%�6y ���� ��, �p) �
questions, please contact me. �� •
Very truly yours, G���'� ;:�t_i�tt'� �k
� �A�i�i t't,�ii.. ��f
, v.
Robert W. John on
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City of Saint Paul, Minnesota °� �
(Please print or type)
96 the City Clerk ( �
City of Saint Paul, Mianeaota � �
. �
Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing
y install and operate a new (cross one out)
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity:
� �PARKING LOT for (customers) (employeea) (private use) (public use) (other)
2 Cars n ca e type) �
Capacity of parkin� lot 3
2'� �
To be used in connection with: �Un3t Apsrtment Building
(indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area:
*Location : S.E. Corner Pleasant & l�rmstrong, between Asmstrong and �Watson
St.Paul .
Legal Description � �ee atta.ched plot,pla,n. Block Addition
Applicant's Name : J & S Bu3lding Company, 7�+3 Selby Ave., St. Paul
Home or Office Address:
Phone Number : � !}_1P$31�
Fox/sY Tr� aPPZicArrr, F i L� o �
�. '�-6 -�4�
Si at re date
Address : 1781 Yorkshire Ave., (Home) 7�3 Selby Ave. (office) 36y �j�Y o PH IZ 2!�
Pbone No.: MI 8-5961+ (Yiame) CA 1+-�83�+ (office)
When completed: file three copies of this application form and three priL�tjs�� �t,��,�'� �� � :1�,.�
tbe preliminary Lay-out plans of the proposed facilitq with tbe City Cler�s���-�- �,���� ���,����
Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota �
Z-3 6/11/56 . �
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St.
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.