218960 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � � — ' q . • ` ~ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � ��O a� - � O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK FItE NO CO RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY \ COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are � hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Chicago Aerial Survey, Division of Chica�o Aerial Industries Inc. , whereby said Company agrees to � perform and furnish aerial photographic ma.ppin� services for the City of Saint Paul for a total estimated cost of �8,860.95. Councll File No. 218960—By Milton _ ' Rosen— , Resolved, That the prop er City ofA- cers are hereby authorized and directed _ to execute an agreement between the City oE Saint Paul and Chicago Aerlai Survey, Division of Chicago Aeriel In- dustries Inc.; whereby said' Company R APP OV PnotoBr Ph1c mapP�g s��rn"r�e�or�e City of Saint Paul'Por a total estimated cost of $8,860.95. Adopted by the Council Tune 30,19B4.� Asst. Corooration Counsel Appr�oved June 30, 1964'. (Tuly 3, 1964)' � ---..-... JUN� �� 1�� COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Councii I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish �uN � � � Holland ppI'ove� 19� Loss Tn Favor Meredith (\ Peterson V Msyor A gainst R�esea— Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e� DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R K��(��O � ' ' -- CITY OF ST. PAUL F�KC�� NO. "' � �°'' , --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRr�wrEU.r COMMISSIONE� nArF RT�OLVED, That th� prop�r Gi�y Q�'fiaerB are hereby author3zed and diredted to eaeaute an agreem�nt bet�reen the City of Saint Pau7. and Chicago Aerial 3urvey, Diviaion of Ch3Qago Aerial Induetries Ina., whereby sa3d Company agrees to perform and furniah aer3al photographia mapping s�rviaes for the City of Sa,int Paul fo� a total estima.�ed aost oP �CB,860.95• �UN 3 0 �q6q COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' ��glisb �UN 3 0 `� Holland Approv� 19— Loss Y� Tn FAVOr Meredith � Petersoa ���r Rosea� A S��t Mr. President, Vavoulis io�s s-0s