218951 s � _ ������ .. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �d ` a . �� r-'� '' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � _ O F F I C E O F T H E C I T Y C L E R K ; ���' COUNCIL RESO TION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY • COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that the appropriate City officials axe hereby authorized and c�irected to execute the attached Permit, which said Permit is hereunto attached, in copy form, and made hereof a part by reference, and which,said Permit grants permi.ssion from The Saint Paul Union Depot Company to the Ci�y -- __ � of Saint Paul, Bureau of Civil Defense, to install in said Union Depot build- ing appropriate civil defense display for a period commencing July 26, 1964, through and including August 8, 1g6�+, and for such additional dates as shall be mutually agreed upon and the Comptroller of said City is hereby instructed to file a copy of said Permit in the records� of said Comptroller, the original thereof to be returned to said Union Depot Company. Council Flle No. 218951 — By Deaa� y�,.� . Meredith— - Resolved, That the appropriate City� officials are hereby authorized and� directed to execute the attached Per-7 mit, which said Permit is hereunto� attached, in copy form, and made hereof a part by refer.ence, and which� said Permit gr ants permission from' The Saint Paul Union Depot Company to the City oP Saint Paui, Bureau of Civil Defense, to install in said Union Depot building appropriate civil de- fense display for a period commencing July 28, 1984, through and including August 8, 1964, and for such additional dates as shall be mutually agreed upon and the Comptroller of said City is � hereby instructed to ffie a copy of said Permit �in the records of said Comp- troller, the original thereof to be re- ' turned to said Upion Depot Company.� Adopted by the Council June 30, 1984. Approved June 30,1964. • FoR P av u _ �Ju�Y 3, �9�> � � ; / , , Asst. Corooration C�� ��sel � JUN 3 0 196�� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Dalglish �UN 3 0 196� Holland � , Approved 19— Loss , Tn F'aVOP . Meredith � Pete rs on MAyOr A,. A gainst sevvca�. Mr. President, Vavoulis , iont e-es DUrLICAT[TO PIIINT6R •;� _ NO- " ����� � - � � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo��uNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVED, tha� the a�propriate City ofiicials are hereby authorised and directed to execute the attached Permit, which said Permit ia hereunto attaehed, in copy forn, a.nd made hereof a part by reference� a.nd Which said Permit grants permission from The Saint Paul Union Depot Compaqy to the Ci�y of Saint Pau1, Bureau of Civil Defense, to install in said Union Depot build— ing appropriate civil defense display for �. period commencing Ju1y 26, 1964, through and including August $, 196�+, and for such adaitional dates as shall be mutually a�reed upon and the Comptroller oP said City is hereby instructed to file a copy of said Permit in the records of said Comptroller� the original thereof to be retuxned to said Union Depot Compa,ny. JU�! 3 0 1g6� COiJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays nalBlisb JUN 3 0 1St�`t Holland Approved 19— Loss ___�_In Favor .. Meredith Peterson (� �AyOr se A 8811]St Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� �s