218946,Ity Clerk + "ORDINANCE 218946 COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Sb 2 approval of the Chief Engineer and the City Architect, and fully reimburse the City of Saint Paul, upon receipt of proper invoices therefor, on account of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred for inspection and engineering services by the City of Saint Paul, in the premises. 5. Permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall fully indemnify the City of Saint Paul against all liability on account of all claims, causes of action, suits and judgments on account of injury to person and /or property arising from or connected with the installation and maintenance and /or removal of said chilled water pipes hereunder; and thatsupplemental to all other obligations on their part, jointly or severally, hereunder, said permittee and its successors and assigns shall furnish and maintain and pay all premiums and other expenses for casualty insurance coverage by a duly licensed casualty insurance company in the amount of $300,000 against liability for injury to any person or persons•,tin any single accident and in the amount of $25,000 against' liability for injury to property in any single accident, and in said amounts and for said purposes, respectively, indemnifying said permittee, its successors and assigns and the City of Saint Paul against liability on account of all claims of third'pbrsons_ for injury to person and /or property arising from dr—connected with the installation, maintenance, and /or removal of said chilled water pipes hereunder, and shall furnish competent evidence of said coverage, from time to time, to the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. 6. Permittee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance. 7. The permit hereby authorized may be revoked by the Council of the City of Saint Paul at any time, and said permittee thereupon shall remove said chilled water pipes and restore the alley', and the area affected thereby to the condition it was beforehand. 8. _ Permittee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Sec. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the.public peace, health and safety. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith b Peterson` Rosen Mr.Presi t (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IN "2 Form approved Corporation JUL 15 196' - Passed by the Council / In Favor Against JUL 15 19M Approved: ��ayorjj%% Counsel By a a ' Sty Cleric r ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. / PRESENTED' BY ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PERNjIT TO MINNESOTA OFFICE BUILDING CO. , TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN TWO CHILLED WATER PIPES NOT TO EXCEED FOUR INCHES IN DIAMETER IN, UNDER AND ACROSS THE PUBLIC ALLEY IN BLOCK 24, CITY OF ST. PAUL, ALSO KNOWN AS "STS: PAUL PROPER" • THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ". ouncil FIIe No. 218946 - ordinance rro. ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE 12750-sy Milton Rosen- . ' PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH n °elnan«: authorizing the 19;L:- r.ut to MinneW6.1'. +r -" AND SAFETY • °s' - � 5:?s botu„� �n .;s,u . lTd, ;v ^ LAY r rLq 16' S .'Ot TITiW^ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That upon compliance by the permittee with the conditions hereinafter set forth, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to Minnesota Office Building Co. to install and maintain two chilled water pipes not, to exceed four inches in diameter in, under and across the public alley in Block 24, City.of St. Paul, also known as "St. Paul Proper" said pipes'to cross the alley at a depth of not less than.-zeven feet in the area between ten feet and 25 feet east of the east line of Cedar Street, said conditions being as follows: 1. Permittee shall file plans and specifications for said chilled water pipes installation with the Commissioner of Public Works, which plans and specifi- cations shall be subject to approval by said Commissioner. 2. Permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the subject public alley, both day and night, so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp said alley to avoid settling, and shall restore said alley to its original condition. 3. Permittee shall forthwith furnish and deliver to the City of Saint Paul a surety bond in the penal sum of $10,000 made and executed by said permittee as principal and a corporation surety company ;duly authorized to transact business in the State of"Minriesota, as surety, to and in ,favor of the City of Saint Paul as obligee, condition that said permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless said City of Saint Paul against all expense and liability on account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of or con- . netted with the installation and maintenance by said .permittee and /or its successor in interest of the aforementioned chilled water pipes, which surety bond shall be in such :r-gzME as -tshall be approved by the Corporation Counsel and shall have such surety as shall be approved by the Commissioner of Finance. 4. Permittee shall, at its own cost and expense, as aforesaid, install and maintain said chilled water pipes under the supervision and subject to the inspection and Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1es "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel Passed by the Council DUPLICATE TO PRINTER PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 21 -8 (31fj ORDINANCE NO. �C AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT TO MINNESOTA OFFICE BUILDING CO. TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN TWO CHILLED WATER PIPES NOT TO EXCEED FOUR INCHES IN DIAMETER IN, UNZER AND ACROSS. THE PUBLIC ALLEY IN BLOCK 24, CITY OF ST. PAUL, ALSO KNOWN AS "ST. PAUL PROPER ". THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH. AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That upon compliance by the permittee with the conditions hereinafter set forth, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to Minnesota Office Building Co. to install and maintain two chilled grater pipes not to exceed four inches in diameter in, under and across the public alley in Block 24, City of St. Paul, also known as "St. Paul Proper ", said pipes to cross the alley at a depth of not less than seven feet in the area between ten feet and 25 feet east of the east line of Cedar Street, said conditions being as follows: 1. Permittee shall file plans and specifications for said chilled water pipes installation with the Commissioner of Public Works, which plans and specifi- cations shall be subject to approval by said Commissioner. 2. Permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the subject public alley, both day and night, so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp said alley to avoid settling, and shall restore said alley to its original condition. 3. Permittee shall forthwith furnish and deliver to the City of Saint Paul a surety bond in the penal sum of $10,000 made and executed by said permittee as principal and a corporation surety company duly authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as surety,, to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul as obligee, condition that said permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless said City of Saint Paul against all expense and liability on account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of or con- nected with the installation and maintenance by said permittee and /or its successor in interest of the aforementioned chilled water pipes, which surety bond shall be in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel and shall have such surety as shall be approved by the Commissioner of Finance. 4. Permittee shall, at its own cost and expense, as aforesaid, install and maintain said chilled water pipes under the supervision and subject to the inspection and Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Connell Approved: Mayor In Favor Against DUPLICATE TQ PRINTER PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO I ,S(3116 ORDINANCE NO. � " 2 approval of the Chief rnginer and the City Architect, and fully reimburse the City of Saint Paul, upon receipt of proper invoices therefor, on account of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred for inspection and engineering services by the City of Saint Paul, in the premises. 5. Permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall fully indemnify the City of Saint Paul against all liability on account of all claims, causes of action, suits and judgments on account of injury to person and /or property arising from or connected with the installation and maintenance and /or removal of said chilled water pipes hereunder; and thateupplemental to all other obligations on their part, jointly or severally, hereunder, 'said permittee and its successors and assigns shall furnish and maintain and pay all premiums and other expenses for casualty insurance coverage by a duly licensed casualty insurance company in the amount of $300,000 against liability for injury to any person or persons in any single accident and in the amount of $25,000 against liability for injury to property in any single accident, and in said amounts and for said purposes, respectively, indemnifying said permittee, its successors and assigns and the City of Saint Paul against liability on account of all claims of third persons for injury to person and /or property arising from or connected with the installation, maintenance, and /or removal of said chilled water pipes hereunder, and shall furnish competent evidence of said coverage, From time to time, to the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. 6. Permittee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance. 7. The permit hereby authorized may be revoked by the Council of the City of Saint Paul at any time, and said permittee thereupon shall remove said chilled water pipes and restore the .alley, and the area affected thereby to the condition it was beforehand. 8. Permittee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Sec. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. JUL 151964 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Approved:_ Attest: City Clerk IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By 7,-- - Mayor - July 20, 1964:. i To the Honorable, > the City' Council Saint Paul,' Minnesota: c w Gentlemen: - - We, the undersigned,, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms aid conditions of Council File No. 218946, being Ordinance No. 12750,= adopted by the Council on July 15, 1964. MINNESOTA OFFICE BUILDING COMPANY .: July -20. 1964. Clapp Thomason'CQ., , Minnesota Building, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen s We enclose a copy-of Ordinan gra ng YOU , permission to install and maintain t water -pipe -not to exceed four inches in diameter in, er•and rose the public alley in Block 24. City of_St. Paul, own a 'St. Paul Proper "'; also bill in the sum of 02.13 to cove a co f publication-of .this ` ordinance. We call your s ntio o Paragraphs-3, 5 and 8 of Section 1 which requ the f of and in the-amount specifiedv insurance, and ttie fil of an act tance o£ tY terms of this orcii, _ Hance. TfieML must be f I d in _tt►2.s ice, Room _86.-City Hall, within -ten days. If not so f d, the ord ante becomes void. Very truly Yours. Hp ,. City Clerk " _ _ CLAPP- TNOMSSEN',COMPANY . i lvl F t REALTOR) ' ,' •.. < - - ' ' r♦ 60$ MINNESOTA BUILDING. 'INSURANCE — MORTGAGES, •I•- ` s TAINT PAUL(I), MINNESOTA - - - PROPLRTY MANAGEM @NT' } Commissioner of Public Works - City of Saint -. Pauli - .cjty Ilan & Courthouse ti St. Paul, rann., 55102, .�. _ - s A. r Dear ,Sir s r ' . s,, - __ • _- _. , :. •- -, '- r ; y •, .- _ , In accordance 'with Council File ?Io. 218946,.' Ordinance No. 12750, : { • "' Section -1, ors are. filing with your, office - the mechanical plans 'and.' specifications.dovering the .remodeling of the 310 Cedar Street building vhidh' includes .the installation of chilled water pipes.. s finder the public alley in Block 24�, •City of St.� Paul. l + T These s' have revious been -approved by the City A•rchitectf s . r • Plan .p _ l,Y_ _ , Office. F. r. Pierre'- Aircon Co. is the meohanical•,contraator' if yo if habe raiiy questions on the- installation. ; y = tour's, very, trohy, 1 IIINNESOU ,OFFICE'bUILDING CO.; - i ' Clapp - Thomason Compa4q °Agents = = BY .,..__ y .. R. H.Thomssen, J_ r. z { . s 1 ' CLIFFORD W. HAMBLIN General Menage LEON RD`t i OMPSO 10-* » A& ar �A..F c � C w i MISSISSIPPI- RLYER C }0UR SEQ`, W; T E R� _ D E R ART M � N T i � 4 ROY . HOLZER AINT PA L - INNESO "`' b � � of Distribution BO : j�D OF A R 'C OM SSIO ERS'e . W. ALLAGHER...- , OMMISS O ERA E y »T I' LI:A . PraS'i ent Su et. of a e'r 5G"P`1` ROSS k . THUUM n h3 . MIL�iC 5EN ES, DAL6LISH� Su t. Filtr }etii�n ICES THATIUMT PUMPING z'' nISTRIHunnn April 21, 1964 Mr. Harold J. Riordan City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Riordan: Reference is made to your letter of April 7, 1964 in which you refer to the Water Department and the Department of Public Works a letter from Clapp- Thomssen Company requesting permission to install two chilled water pipes beneath the public alley to run from the basement of the Minnesota building to the basement of 310 Cedar Street building. The Water Department has checked the location and has found that such an installation would in no way affect any of the Water Department facilities, so therefore we would have no objection. CWH :lmp Very truly yours, C1" ord W. amblin ral Manager ORIGINAL TO PAYOR RECEIVED OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RECEIPT tq4 N ° 1648 CITY COMPTROLLER 0 500 ■.0 cQW22 BY A I (Ld5'G z,:�w e,2 too i sltL 2nd Laid over to 3rd and- App _Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays '7�alglish Dalglish '—"4�"olland -7 Holland Loss Loss Meredith 21-8q., eredith ^� Peterson Peterson Rosen \ Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis ® PUBLISHED h