218937 , , -- ..� `��. ,M � . .. �: .,<--r • � ; - . F - � - �, . ,.•;a`, : �,. .;y� {, y ' �. � -r- = -° K�J � . "Council File No. 218937— ' ����� / . r.,- : ' � a . >� :, Y In the matter oP reconstructing the �L FILE N0. " F I N A L O R D E R i sidewalk on the north side of Ashland � _�ve. from Wheeler St. west approxi- ;tately 54 ft. and on the west side of . � �':heeler St. from Ashland Ave. north � L�;iY�ximatpl�� ,��0 i-k abutting 1759 �, �'`I���id ?rY.i•r;�:a i�;� doin�•pl] other oq' '�;h' jI6'vt47y�•G•�t;Y:',+L:JI3�'J inci� ►s''l���� �.�[��31�!'YS + Y ' tq 't !sv- '(�•'�'ra��• `JxrEt �c .1^ �i b° —/ �. �' _�� f� _ -, ��` PUBLI��I[T;D - �� .,�, � In the Matter of r�canstxk�eting ���ie ��fdew�;lk gn th� nq��� �3.d'� pg �shiauit AV�. 1 fi�oai Wheeir�r `S.t: weet approx3,mat��y ;S� ��, €��� vn �the weat ,iaic��a �� ��lh�el�r St. . � �xom Ashland A've. r�or�h appxaxima�l.y �5Q �r� ,�butttag �.7�9 Ashland Ave�. �.c� �iy .dQing a1]. ath�x work �ah3,�h �e riec�'se�zy �tnd �ttci2�en��� �Q ctiuiple� s,�id impr�v�ment*. . ?� , . . �.4,ti; � under Preliminary Order 217ti2S apprbve� �r�� 1i� Zg6�+ Intermediary Order approved A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council _ ha,ving heard all persons, objectiona and recommendatidns relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be� it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement ta be made by the said City is tQ; �ecc�ne�ruCt the �,�id�w�lk �n �ha nvxth �4de t�� ��h��nd &v�« �xom Wheel�r. St. weg� �Ppraxim�.tel� 5�► .f�: �rid �� �h� �r��� ,��.de �4� Wti��l�� .S.�,� �ram Asf�l�nd Ave. north ap�ra�ci.me.�e�.y �,�0 �t, $bu�Cir�g ]:759 �sb�.aud� A�re, ,�ntt� �iq c�ai�g :ell ather wo�k whZc� _ �.s �n�c�esarg �nd 3.nciden��x ta. tom�le��, ��f.d �oaprQV�ement... , � � ' � � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIiER, Z`hat the Commisaioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proiper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ` � ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. '� COUNG`II�MEN � Adopted by the Counci� ��N 3 0 1964 � Yeas Nays _ 1UN 3 d ��� - Dalglisft � � Holland f - .__ Approve , Loss � i _ /'� jvlered�'th Pe��n - � TnFavor ` � Mayor . Rosen (� Vavo.uiis � . _ Against . G-68 2M 8� N-1 � .1'� �,s;' ;b,• ��} ' 1: , �-�_� --v , ,: �''`; � i . Dist. No. 2 . —�-�-- 6 � � - �` _ ,� - j , . � - N.S. Ashland Ave. - Wheeler St. west 54 ft. � 7`3�`� W.S. W h e e l e r S t. - A s h l a n d A v e. n o r t h a p p r o x. 1 5 0 f t. -I(��:�, .. abutting 1759 Ashland Ave. t�� � < < C/ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS / ` ������� ��� �� aJ�`'� REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G' �� 2� �U / � March 24th.1 q 64 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 217025 approved Ma.rch llth. 19 64 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the nozth side of Ashland Ave. from Wheeler St. west approximately 54 ft. and on the west side of Wheeler St. from Ashland Ave. north approximately 150 ft. abutting 1759 Ashland Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incideatal to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: ' ^ 1. The estimated cost thereof is $•3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft_ wide and 53 80 �er lin ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wfde. 2. A plan, profi 1�� sc� f, f said�improvement is hereto attached�� �i' a n d ma d e a p ����e���U N � � 19�. 3. Initiated b h�,flPao�rti�ii��io of Public Works % � I��' � 4, Improvement ' as��,���r' n petition � - s4 "• 9 �' ��� � � �� - - - _'�d�� Commissioner of Public Wor`ks