218933 . --� � -� - � 2�.��� ° � Ce�.�cil File`No. 218933— � c .,, - , � � ,f ; , �: � - '4 v- f�� !���he matter oi improving LEXING-� FILE NO. , F I N A L O R D E R rt�� � P�'KWAY �om We� Seventh + � • �J n' to St. Clair Avenue by widening, .fc':: r_in•t and curbing; by construct-� a, , ia:v+•3�•l, a:cons:ru.�t�ng s!7�:walk. by •_ , --- ���.r!�4 •t,�� ^;� ��=°r.zi�fl.:g street, �-' J�� � 1i� � .{7 b, .`��,7• �/�� ISHEI� , ' J_ ] .:' IltL Y'.r,+.�Li�nS(Jy�3„ r� }� 7'� ' ,_ �.l f.'t{� 3•.pJA'. '3�p`�` di''ijLiO. �r�+`��+� — �m �N "�x V77i,TUf. - . ��F �.4� - )$tu•. f. � . In the Matter of imgroving L�XYNGTON PA�WAT� fresn �Teet Senentti Stre�� �o �tt. Glsir ' � Aveaue by wi:dez�iing, reai�rfacing ai�d curbi,ng; by coaatructing and recanat�cucting sidewaYk; by reconetructing the interaactirigr�street, al].�y and diclve�raq returns; by cotia�rµcting .� . ator� �ater drainag� fs�cilit3�a; by�co�etructing +��wer, �atar aad gae service connection�; .�- �� and bp doing �11 other wtork whic� is ne�easasq snd ii�aidental ta cvmpl�te �aid impro�e- _ � � meat - '.; ';; . ��:���; , -, �� �' , under Prelimina,ry Order �15�+�+� approved Neveml�er 13, 1963 � � " Intermediary Order approved A public heaxing having been had upon, the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council � having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it . ,�'"'" RESOLVED, By the Council"of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- , provement�a be made by the said City is .� ' �o i�p�p�s LRffi�I1�GT0l�t �'ASI�WAY £rom .W�+�t 8evanth Stse�t to .l�t. Clair Avenue by widening, � ��sur�acing ancl ctirbi.ng; by cona�ructing snd recon�tructing �idewalk; by recox►structing the iatersQCting atre�t, Ail�p aad drive�rag retusc►�; by conetructing etorm water drain- � age faciliCies; by conptructing �ewer, wataz and gas �eririce aonnecGions; and bq doing - � . all oth�r work wtsieh 34 necmassry nnd incidenCa], tQ�cosepletia;��aid imp�ovement � ' � , f.�•�; • . . .. � A t 3 � . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - , ' RESOLVED FURTIi�R,, That the Commisaioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and " directed to prepare pla,ns and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said agproval, the pro�per city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � _ �UN 3 0 1964 COUNCII�MEN • Adopted b the Council , - �'e� Dalglish . Nays . Holland� � , Appr- e .IUN 3 0 196� � � - ' ����� _ � , . , Peterson Tn Favor Rosen � � � Mayor Vavoulis � A gainst , ,e-sa za� s� x-i� . - - � . . ; °---' - - ` -*-- - i � ' � ` • • J , • �I �� � .` . r /�, . e 5 �' �� ��• Mr. F�ederick L. Helmor � �� /� j- } blb So. i.�.t�n+3ton P�Y• t . J st. Paul, Ntsna�asotn syl�2 � 11 MKy lytr4 ..!�1 r ; , � Cumu�issi�ner P� lton itu�en � i ')c;��r„rtment o�' f'ublic +1ur:c� Gity i::�l�L �+nd C��urt :iuuse . , .�t. I'u:�l, M.iiuiesota »lU2 , :�e�r �;c�uuni s si un�i• Ku yen: . Kefei�c:nce is u�aae to the telephone cunversation between t•1r. ��zgene Avery of your �ffice and myseLf on fi May 1964 regarding ' the possibility uf ubtaining sidew�lks on the east side ui South Lexingtun I'r�.rlcti+ay t►et�reen Randol�h and l�tto Avenues. � I request tht�.t your depr�rtment investigate the need Yor such �ide:+alris and that every c�.nsideration be �iven to their construc- , tion. As you knoH, South I,exington is a relatively busy street. Tnere ure no cros� ::treets fr�m Ranclolp}i to We�t Seventh Which tends to pern�t drivers to travei at ��r in excebs of the 3�� miles per hour . s��eed limit, �r�rticularly after leaving the 40 �iles per hour zone on '�Ies� Seventn. FUrther, truck traffic on South lzxiiigton appears to havt increc�bed considerably in recent moni:hs. `L'here are r� number ' ; �f clLilclren livinY in this area and the heavy, fast tr.�ffic is ' dellrLitely r� h�zard to them. • Please info� me or your deci:.ion. � • Sincerely yours, . ' �c%,/ILL�iG�l:�GPi�� C� FRF.vERI�K L. I�IMF� � . �!� , O���L ' � . / / (� .�.��,•1� ��r�s f �� - ?"ra�",�� �.. � 9 7 S � d ' - % �o�' . . . ,, , � � . � . �-� . , ;� ,. . ✓ ; .� . ' � � 1�" .P ���.•.��I'�% . . � '�, , � � • � V � �''.�t,�,� n. � �!:��:; � .� , i � � � . ;�;�;�c�� 1 � � ._._._ _ _.. _.._ .. ... __...._ _ .���������.��.���._..__ ....._.__._.`.:...:::..�,;�`;�.:. � .� ,� .:;,.. ; , :w� ��� �� ����� �. .��.:. ..,,�..,r � `� • ' , � .c . ; �.r' .y'-r �` . • 17b SO. W/►BASHA ST. • ST. PAUL, MINN. • CAPiT�►L 4-b384 � � ���` � � � .��; �� , .,. RESIDiNTIAL�COMMi�C1AL�IND11iT�1/1� • ,~ . ;�; . • lt�y 13, 1964 . � �•. . .:�, . :}W:��, Commi�oioner 1{ilton Soseo4 "��' •'� Dep t. of Pnbli a i�orka • . : `,-�;��'';k;: � City Hall b ao�rt Hnns• • . �`c�.. 8 t. P�1, 3linno 5b102 . % r'� � .4 y� � , 1 . �.1` 71e8:' $lI'1 �, t`'''c•�• . . �:�i'�;;; . ;� : � ,�.;:�4t+ I wnld like to aad my reqwes t along `+i th thoae of �,: '��� n� nei�bors for eidswalka oa the 7la�t Side ot $outh•Le�ngton �K;�;:,, p�rk�+e`y betxeen Raadolph and Otto. • �%��:, : If the setback ot the bnil8inga is a problea. could . • , , `y:`�� :, �.#�. ; yon esplore the pogsibility o! � aurb wal�C euch ae on pair�ieY -rt,��;. .,��.-,:�N� bet�reen �'ord aud YlontrealT • • ' ,,; �;�:c�� fic that �r��3 This particnlar eection hae normal ioot traf , ��;�%;,i�` �.'.fl,y��:�j� ie iorced in rrinter bas to snov, aad in summer by wet BTaea to ��,;. xalt in the etreet. Siace it ie a paved thoroughfare. obviou.aly. ' .'��'c� � `;'{p�.�r;,, the traYf ic at times is heairy� aad wi th autoq parked �►t the �nrb ' ':�{�.;. ; � �:.��, thie foot traffic anet walk almost into the lane oP moving . .;, .��, � `4,4� . fehi.cles — to sa�r nothing ot children and btcycles. ' y, .• .�;, •�tj�i' � ' I believe �pon inveotigation of this eituation, that , ;::��:;rx in the iaterest of health� velfare, and pnblic aatety o! the ��; �� tasp�yere that you vill a�ee that not only ahould the sid�ral�s . -.���•- � � be put in� bnt thiv ia a►l.most'aa imu►edie►te priority owe. � �'-�'=s�� :, � c •r. ,. .`�^"�ti: :?-.ti,a•� I Mould appreciat� your nanal prontp t reply. • , • �;��;Yr: . ��•�,. �;::w;'. ' . Sinc ' . '3����> , , . , ��• ' ,; �� , Eobert 0. Mc P ipa . b86.So. Lezington 1'1cwy. ' . ' gpM�� ' . .St. Pa�nl. llina. a510a :'� ' , �., ' , , , . � . : • • . • . � ;'. � � . - ;,'�, � • � �;,�`" -.� . , ` . . . . • .. . , ,.�:r' � . �•, . � . ,��S�, . ,;. . - �•• � �`' •;ti. I` �d' ti o:' " ' � • ;y^c r�' '`�.1L\.'iu'Yll`'�(f%;���r�' • ,; ' '; ' 'A`t: '!. I.'i :',';`' . ` e� . � : ;, }.1:�:.,•;:pr 1 ' i . ",� :4r';::.;¢k�;,+:;,. . . ��'": .�� !,`�:�,'.,.::�.5•'.��se:':rl�_y ti•� �� � '�t. ,_L�. ���•r� . � . . • '+ '�. �'txr,��.t;� r i�� i��!�'£M�i,+L�,,.+�,�'��•��^51} •� ��. . . ��.. �i• �SN1`�'�� dL{�.�iJ.`'�i�, r • . . .i� „<.� , �� �� .r � •c�TM �r`; c:��� .:4_... _t;,,�` ' � . � . • _ � � • _ i� � ' r . _ � �• .' _ �\ . � ' • � � �i\�'� r ` � � �• •T v i . •'�` ' \ • ' . t_ - `' ).v ' . lr .r I V� ' _ I, _,••y, f� . .� _• • • + _ - . , �` - " . � . . , . - _ . . _� � . , �- -1096 Juno Ave. =� �,��� . , : �-r .Y. _ _ � . . , � , _• - • • - , St �Paul� Minn. ,, - � " . . 'j .. �� ' - a� . � -. ' ` , _ I . . � ' ,. • . - . .� . •i .. - _ - :- . . . . ..,� , . •, ._. � _. - _, , .. , "Juz�e:�25, �-1964 , - - -. � - •' _� , , , -' . ' a .,''' - . " .. .. � - ` _�h .ti.• . ' , . „ _ ' •' , . '*`i; '. , ' F� - ` • ' ; .. d -L..` :� _ ,, � . .. ,n 'V - .�.h 1_ •�' � �. '' ? ' - � 'n � � ,�. • ' F� , . __ ! ' ;,,.. i • � � • � , . ' � �- � . _ � Honorable City.Council •" -, . � - _ �, � . � • � , . � � ' , ,� J..��:,��, . City of:St: Paul � - ' _ ._. ' =ti. . .� ; . � ; - - , - . �; . -� � - . . - - ` . , +��• } s . '�' . ,yi.c .�-.�- � _� -Sc+ ' i �Y 'i, `- ' , -�� ._ , .a ''� ._ . -' ;� - . ' • _ :1 - ;-" ' , +- , • . . . :4 -'�'. Gentl�mens �.� .�r.� ,�;,::�,��� �.�:,- - �s : ' �" ¢ -` - �� ,.. � . - _ . j ; ��:, {= , .�•._�;.,.`.w.r` _- � , '�t��,;;�, _„-, - . . .. , .�. . .. - x�,: :File #16435, .Page.6 . : , , ;; , ... - _ ., -. `. ` '�.{ . ' ._ . . � -_ - , ' ' � --• � �. k , - " . ' - . - . ._ , _ . � _ _ . �k�=� �• ' ±-� �. . - '�I��have�reoeived notice .dat�e �J �-` , ' . -, 'refer � ^ . '~ . ., - .,�:�� � _ i _;," � �� - ` ; d• un,e �12-,witli� ence .to an improvement �� ?'�= • � " � :�Progra.m for'_Lezi.ngton Parkway:.� �",�� `�s ��'�' ^ .� -` � - • -�.�;';� •�. � ,i' ' _.� '�Y Si } •1�. • �+�. - +f y Y r i - - y y . . - - �' z. • ' � • i.:�y. � ��.Y-',� . - . � . Y � _ i .,�'�ti � - •./. ' _ J' , ,. ; � • _ , ._ , - '_ •4 � +, _ "� _ ; .�I��feel that the improvement.�pro'gra.m�r,as__outlined in this� iiotice���under' ,� • � -. . -� _ . � ' -: the above �ile number�' is ,undes�'r�ble .and not_ needed-at this,time.°` ` � , ' _ , " '� ;� 'ts,. ' *•� s, y�;' 's•= .r'_ . - y.. ._:j_ ._+� -' . , ' . ' ,' . � _ ' . . - - - - ' _' • y ' ' - _ ' .,��;,,p- ' .S � .i I -. _ ' � :. . .��� � €.,. �, • �..' � - - •�' . - '. ; "' f ir�, .� .. - - . ;-k.,._ =� ��ARegard.i:ng the,au'r.bing���'the�da.mage=.to. the curbs_,wa,s�all�caus ed�by ,the._., • ,��t` - _ . , '-��-;�� • City of St. Pau1. snow.plows: Why shoizld the property'owner be� made to • � " �_ ' •, , � pay to�.have�`this r`epaired� 'only to have,the plows next Winter ruin- them.: � -. - � �" _ ' ���.`.{� . r .- ' ' • ", •' � — �i ^ �' � � � . • ' • '— � •,L A6• ' - _ _ ,;�t-� �F: -As�to�_siaewalk't b , a � � . - .`4 " ' ' , - � • T . � , Y • � - , , __ , _ s� elieve`it .or riot,� �no one walks ;on Ze�i.ngton Parkwa,y „ . �, - ,�.� �: �. _,i in the stretah lietween`Randolp}i��and,,Pleasant Ave. Eben to go -to a ho�.ge�, � � � ' o � , � '�-`� a.,b1Qok awa.y�'the'car�i�s used: � �I_speak for mysel� as _well as Por' the "other • -_' - ' �"`F -� �' ro ert ower.s •�WE DO NOT 12EED ' ' � � r . _ , �� . - P ,P y . �- or.°WANT;side;walks on'Lexin�ton Pa,rkyray.. .� ,' . ' , ', ';, �; =�egardirio rthe*resurfaoing_o� the street� why doesn��t the 'City en�oroe the` ' { , ,. - - ° . _ - � �:, law�by keep�ng these big trailer truoks� eta. off? � How long will this . ' " ' - - - - � _ . _ `resur�aoing job, last if •these 7�.eavy,truoks are p�rmitted-to- trav:el. �on - .� : � . ;;I:r� .._'.the; street 3 - ' -_- ' - . '. : - � -- .: . '_ ' y - -' , �, . < .. _" _ {. - I� I 'a.m,,not able, to + .ettio�' -' . -.: - . . .��� ' . . : - � . ' , . - ' � ' ' • ,- .• -. _ � _ :z:r. _ _ .g ff'from '�ork'to= a.tt end •the hearing in the .�Counoil - ; . - � Cha,mbers,'on=June 30th�.,I do trust this-letter will �be.taken into' - �� � ' ��ti• ` - , 4 'i.' ' ' _ _ .,_ " - _ � _ -- � - consid'eration o�my �eel�ngs�regarding„the Program'in� qu:egtion. � : ;-; ; .__ • ;,_ � ' -_ ' '', � .'_ �_; _` � V._ _ . - _T ' " ' "• .. •.- � . } _ .,s . • ' _ -- _ .. -. . ,t� � - ` '4' :,.� . J ;�� . . . .i 3 " � - LL ' •�', • ` ` ' •• ,_ ' T4 .: ' ,T '�- .-` ` , ' C:.y •- , ' - � ,. � � ,. �. � ;:_ . • ' . � " . �?' ! . - • - _ - • , .- . .'l . + jj6l`� tI'Li�.�,�TOtirB� . .;',t f - , _ ,. . • _ - - - �f' � � " 'Y�-y" _ - ... " � y R � . ;,� - � �� i.l- ' '_ �. -- � y �. -.. " • .� " • _ . ., �. T1 . i.'r=�.— ..�w - � - � --�-. ' __ � ' ' � "-_'. •. . . ` �. �. " a _' . ' � �.b^ _ " . . -�ft' .'L' " - . �' ' ' ` • ' "' ' _" . . _" _ • .`�, , `+} •-'y �. _ •;" , ,K+ i- i1a * � . , " • _ � "' ' � t� � � �8�� �/.� F`recling , '.• k ♦ . . �. �' . . �- : _ .. � :- - , -- - � - � •� � � - io96.�s - � ..- -� - -- ; - _ - - . : - _ . � .�: ; - - , uno Ave.• - _ , .. , - • � , - '1`' _4 _s. f+ {�� -,S' . `� � - � ..' - -5•' ` �. _ �4 ` ` � 4 r . , . ^• �- T " i . ..� j ' , . — ' • �� _, " -_ . S " � _' r _ . • �� .� . ' ' , _ {, ••F^� • �� - • • , '•y' ."T.'.� . .E .. _ , '_ . ' ' . S • -a,` •" ", L--_ , . . , , _ - ' : ty = . -' �. r / � • �.\� , _ ;`"., =� : •_ ` , _ V ' + - -. _ ,'` �� ., ,-�:�-: , '4 , ' _ ._r< c � . , l, ' :..'t± ' � �° . � • .. � _ - f �fi_ - , � , �F _ � _ t"��r p _ � .f ' .. - ,. i.. .. `-. _ �; ' , . � 'b� . . ' . ,. ` .� r. . _ *Y � _.� J ..`r _ -y . ' , f_- �- . � . - : , -- ' r_'•a ' _ . ,. �� , .' -, - � t•� � , i ' . :� � , e� *, •,- s t ' ' . ' . �'i " .ti~_ �YI' _'�+;. ^ -- _ � '. .-.� ' - - • _ , � ,. -. �_ _ .� � - ro ` �' - ' • •-*iY , .� . ' '1 � F • ' . � � ' � '- • :� _� . " s- . ,.� - - ' � '�� ,. " " ' . ' I.- ' �c .._ * � ' a,.� . , " _,�- - ", :w: , _ , � , : �. -- , - . � .`• � . �i C r ' � . - . * . ': �' ' - ' .,;, - - _ ,.__� '. . _ ^ . �. ..�.r ' •1 - , _ ' ' . �` 2 � . ••A • -'- `� e � ^ • !a .-. r � - • .r'<4 . • _ `. . � ,y : _ '` . Z _� n �' ,. K'. ' � � .. i - "- _ ` ,. . i �.j,. , _ • ,. . � 1 d:� i f f�. ' ' -. __ . v� - .^- � ' � * :}; ,. . . ,i. . ' �� � . .r. - . � - - "• ' . .� . y_ f' . � Y`L t ,` � ' I ' _ ' ' .j.- J w ` - , ' . ' . �_ , " . _' - '.• ' + '�+ •. ' ��_.� ^ ' , s-_ ` ' • .' • ' *, . . c - ' +- - - #. ' " - , ti � '. ' '. `' ,. ` � '�,. T. . ' . . d _ . _ . _ . . . .. . - ' ' . . . r . . , • � � { • , . . . � f� �- . ' . . 2.� � �33 ' June �6, 1�64 Honorable City Councilmen, This letter is wri�tten in protest agninst the resurfacing of Lexington Pkwy. and the construction of sidewalks in some places be- tween St. Clair Av. and Montreal Av. As for the street, there are a few places need repair, but with proper repair work Ylould be adequate. I cannot understand why I should pay to have the street resurfaced with the possibility of someone in the city hall trying again to make our street a truck route as was the case Nov. 1962. The truck weight limit signs were removed and never replaced, so we still have some large semi- trucks using this street. If the signs were up, Itm sure the trucks would void this street. We have called to inc�uire tivhy the �veight limit signs were not replaced, and we yvere told there were no funds for new signs. They should have left the signs that were up and changed the 10,0001bs. to 15,OOOlbs. at little expense by just a simple matter of � '; changing an 0 to 5�: As for sidewalks on Lexington from Randolph south ta Otto, in any given vreek you can count on your hand the number of people who walk, so there is no need of sidewalks and ruin the terracing of the lawns. The city failed to issue a gradeorder for lawns when building permits were issued, with result every property owner has a different grade according to the terracing of their lawn. To install a walk would cause a terrific problem. �Pde property owners are proud of our lawns and it took a lot of effort to prepare as well ns maintain. Of the few who walk, they can continue to walk on the lawn as they have in the past. Sincerely, �juz r.e- ��c�°`,c"�'z— �� � �, � ' ��� i1��� � ` _ , -, � . . - . � � `�I � 9 -�� • � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � . ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL . MINNESOTA I 13 CourF House,55102 � JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phone:22411612 THOMAS J.KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner Ext. 343-344 June 29, 1964 Mr. Robert Gerber City Clerk BUIZDING Dear Mr. Gerber: I promised to have this letter read at the council hearing on Tuesday, June 30. Mr. Rubbelke of 380 S. Lexington Avenue called today about the proposed improvement of South Lexington Avenue. He told me that he speaks for the people who own property south of Jefferson Avenue on Lexington. He said they have one pri_mary objection to this iunprovement, and that is, that a wider, better road would likely influence the city towards making Lexington a truck route. He said that if they could get firm assurances that this would not happen, most of their objections would be overcome. Can this council give such a firm assurance? If we can give such an assurance, I would suggest that we write to Mr. Rubbelke telling him so. Si erely yours, es J, glish C�mmiss on�er of �i,�iia ce �zz � � � � � � � � i � � � , . • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 CourF House, 55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phone: 224-4612 THOMAS J.KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner ' Ext.343-344 June 29, 1964 " . ' � , Mr..� Robert Gerber � � City Clerk ' . � �• , - � BUILDING . Dear Mr. Gerber: , Will you please have the attaehed letters read at the hearing on the improvement of Lexington Parkway on Tuesday, June 30. Thank you. . ' Sincerely yours., ` ames J. algiish Commiss ner of Finance �2a ,�, . . ' EARL CLINIC f210 LOWRY MEDICAL ARTS BUILDINCd SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA June 26, 1964 � � � ' Mr. James J. Dalglish Commissioner of Finance 113 Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' Re: File 16435, Page 24 Dear Mr. Dalglish: _ I strongly protest the proposed improvement project on Lexington Parkway from West Seventh Street to St. Clair Avenue at this particular time. The sidewalks on Juliet Avenue were replaced during 1963 and being a corner lot owner, the assessment for that pro�ect will become due this comi.ng year too. • The proposed Lexington Parkway improvement pro3ect will be an additional burden upon �e over the next several years. I am well aware that the streets and sidewalks of Saint Paul must be improved from time to t�.me and lcept in the best possible condition. However� as explained above, the burden of this cost is spread over tioo short a period of time. I would like to ask one question: Why are the property o��rners assessed for resurfacing and curbing the streets which are used by all the people who drive cars? Yours very truly, � D. R. GILLESPI M. D. DRG:w�m ` � � d � /�-�-� I . • T. � ,� � ` ... • 642 SD, L " n . S#. Pa�12�����n. . �fivae �, �964 �.,� o�``�o� Y�au,�, �►��r�,z. . .. . ..� ���rr,� � F,t�zQrcce - u�,t l�ou�,,ea 5511�2 . . - -= Daaa. S.l�, � �fi�t�ve �� ��e�� L���on .�t.� rr� � � �� 9 am a.�ao clq.o�,tn,e� oorz.e�KUr.f:dnr� d u�ft. Dut �o �Jie �ae� atl�a,f ra+� fuave d .ama.Ll .Gawc u,t .#Jae pzeo�nt, � ��ct.�or� o� a ua�ft rmu.Gd eu� � e.��e �v �o.�.t no �.t �he �eaen.t raa a2e v� luaPA� ru�h �fae aond.L�vrr,o _ sca �fie� cr�te. � , Tfurrtfa-�ou o��� I19�. T�oerio Rou� r . , • I- . , � June 26, 1964 Honorable Councilman Daglish . This letter is written in protest against the resurfacing of Lexington Pkwy. and the construction of sidewalks in some places between St. Clair and 14iontreal Avs. As for the street, there are e few places need repair, but with proper repair work it would be adequate. I cannot understand why I should pay to have the street resurfaced with the possibility of someone in the city hall try again to make our street a truck route as rras the case Pdov. 1962. The truck weight limit signs were removed and never replaced, so we still have some large s�mi- trucks using this street. If the signs were up, I �m sure the drivers , would void this street. We have called to inquire tivhy the weight limit signs were not replaced, and were told there were no funds for ne6r signs. They should have left the signs that were up a� changed the 10,OOOlbs. to 15,OOOlbs at little �xpense by just a sim3le matter of changing an 0 to 5. A.s for sidewalks on Lexington from Rdndolph south to Otto, in any given week you can count on your hand:;the number of peaple who , walk, so there is no need of sidetvalks and ruin the terracing of the lawns. The city failed to issue a grade order for_ lawns when building permits rvere issued, �vith the result every property owner has a differ- ent grade according to the terracing of their la��nn. To install a walk vrould cause a problem. ti�e property owners are proud of our lawns and it took a lot of effort to prepare as well as maintain. Of the few who walk, they can walk on the lawn as they have in the past. Sincerely, �`�� ��o ,�. �°-���' �� . ���c�-� � �� f �.�. t . � ' . , / (� /`L7V - � . ��� � � � ��� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSICJNER OF PUBLIC WORKS �� � �� �,„ r��s� REPORT TO CONA4ISSIONER OF FINANCE ' April 21, 1964 To the Corr�nissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Pauls The Co�nissioner of Public Works9 having had under consideration �he pre� liminary order of the Coun�i3.9 lmown as Council F�lE No, 21544h approved _ November _13,_ 19_63 relative to_ Improvine LEXINGTON PARKWAY . £rom West Seventh Street to St. Clair Avenue bv widenin:� resurfacine and curbine• , by constructin� and reconstructinQ sidewalk; bv reconstructine the intersectine street, � llev and drivewav returns ; bv constructinQ storm water drainage facilities ; bv � constructine sewer, water, and eas service connections; and bv doine all other work• �-. which is necessarv and incidental to complete said improvement • and ha�ring irroestigated the matters and things refez�red to therein, hereu,y �-eportas 10 The estimated cost thereof 3s $ 141,655.94 ' � 2, A plar9 prof3le or sketch of said iraprovement is hereto �tta�hed a�ad r�de � p�r� rereof, � 3o Ini.tiated by �sioner of Public Works g � 1�, I�rsprovem s a k�d f on petition ���`� �� �� ;:� � � ,��,� �� � . Co�i.��ionor of Publia �Io�ks --�._,►. �,,'"'-r ' ` � � .�� ,� s� - �- � , _ .r �, , ,�. ' . �..: • ' ' ' • Y_ _�p�7 � "� i, � �r, � \����! P � t-' -r.�o�v � , � GEORGE M.SHEPARD ' i ' � Q �A Q EUGENE V.AVERY .� , STREET A�ID HIGHWAY C I T Y O ��T S A�-1 N T �PA:U�L��x d p F �Ci!IEF ENGINEER EN6!NEERING COORDINATOR {�III:II.- �p N� Ij w� N' � - 1" = ` �^ Ilf,",C'j��;it{il of{Mmnes� `-°-°s; } '"° °°�' I ' �� �� � �� I �� t.�.�-....... �,�,;;^ ,j�r �d ��c� �b"��C A TESTER �.��'- � ��"'��,"„4 ,, "+ ��.� � M�� =0�� �SJ�ERINTENDENT'OF SANITATION' �---�'' � 4 DEPART,I��A., N�T=O�P�Urr�BLIC�.WbRKS�-_=Y= ___,►,� ��.� �,�� �-' '�..� �f iniiiinr.•� pp��P�. r�c-ss _ A - � Ull '�: � JW�-- 234—C-i�i�'Fiall:&'rCou'rt. HYoyse:(�2,j■�■� -■ : '�" —� � � "! ' I- M4„ �� -- �rV `�� � � � � � " � p�� � ;f• kFC ;. e � ° �1f� ,,,,�• . I LT O� R O E�N� � �ry � '� �-'1 �,;: � ��e �� q � o - --�-��e! ° C�ommission�'�5 'L� �� zn �1 i'� �.-;,. � �' 6 O_� - �-^'^r-Yt��it,.�""" . - �.`�?`� � ..`� _ �'�---- � , W IL�AIVI P_BEHRENS r c-t r-r� 1 I I ' I ! + ( I � I I ( ww.w......�-� a � �,!'l - —�: - e w' - � D�PutY-Commiuton�r—�� i � � i . � � - � — , -- -? �22 �` '_ �� s April 21, 1964 Honorable James J. Dalglish � Commissioner of Finance , Room 113, City Hall and Court House - Re: Resurfacing and Widening of Lexington Parkway from W. 7th St. to St. Clair Avenue City Project No. P-356 Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for improving L�INGTON FARKWAY from West Seventh Street to St. Clair Avenue by widening, resurfacing and curbing; by constructing and reconstructing sidewalk; by reconstructing the inter- ' secting street, alley and driveway returns; by constructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water, and gas service connections; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order C.F. 215446, approved November 13, 1963. Estimated Construction Costs $125,630.30 Engineering and Inspection (12%) 15,075.64 � Water Department Charges 500.00 Department of Finance Charges 450.00 Total Estimated Cost �,5141,655.94 ���� Estimated Property Assessments $63,970.00 City's Share of Cost (1964 M.S.A.) 77,685.94 Estimated property share of cost is based on making the following assessment rates: ��� Resurfacing: Commercial and Apartments - 550 ft. @ $4.60 $2,530.00 Residential 12,150 f t. � $3.60 43,740.00 Curbing: (Replace) 4,500 ft. @ $1.00 4,500.00 �� (Where not existing) ft. C $2.00 no estima,te Sidewalk: 5 ft. width 4,400 ft. @ $3.00 13,200.00 Total Estimated Assessment $63,970.00 eways: Residential - 6" thick - $6.00 per sq. yd. � � � 1� � Commercial - 7" thick - $7.00 per sq. yd. `� V � � � ' �a,�i i sewer service connections, where necessary at $640.00 � � ;�' '�,r a°C. � t�. � Y ° _ '�, �, :. -- . � . . �� � ,. r. � < Lexington Parkway - City Project P-356 page 2 i �,Y '� ' Water service connections as per following schedule: " St. Clair to Pleasant Avenue East Side West Side 3/4 - $214 3/4 - $244 1 - 226 1 - 256 1'� - 289 1'� - 319 , Pleasant Avenue to Vista Avenue East Side West Side 3/4 - $125 3/4 - $165 1 - 131 1 - 172 1'� - 190 1'� - 230 Vista Avenue to W. 7th Street East Side West Side 3/4 - $314 3/4 - $344 1 - 326 1 - 356 1'� - 389 1'� - 419 Water service connections larger than 1�" will be estimated by the Water Department. If a new service is installed; there will be an additional $3.00 installation charge for meter. Yours very truly, � � Claude L. Thompson Design Engineer CLT/WH/gs . , Approved: � � Eugen V. Avery, Chief En er � �Approved: `� , � ����' � ����� � � � � ���}� ilton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works �,,��=' � � � �� ���; ` '�.�� '� �� - � � � � � � � � '� o,��' �' �'�M►� � „% '" ;,,��,,,, � �� �Ly — �. � ��. •a' � ♦_ „�*y� `�� ,��1 � � � _`i`�:.:. � �"/ t, � ��T' ~� � i�.r. / `` � ' %r •� . ."��. '� i� ��*/� i ' � ;1 � �\\1i1y�,;�; .� � n Y� ,:;. � ao•.�s, � 7 �� !f! d ,%O Ia .. �� I.y� / mcno����a� �. ��� O '• x .'d .� :, ► � 'p`t+`�, ��+ :� �+� .t' � '� O .O � , s,��. � .. O �a��. �,y�,h I �$ �' �:.� � ���, � � S� L .. -ati �d�—�- oerN J �i �� �.- _; � .. 3r� �: � i N wriwo� �`� r �i 7! •tnv .� C' `��TS 1 � ��1� � � O f1�t71191UNZ� � �� � I � �Y'� \�,�.��Q 'A•MN —m�HOd , 7 �//�� Y� ����� / J a wn.,�t��1 •�!,���LJ � . '�C , v\� O � ' � a • �. ^ ty r � rl:enw3��� 1'1'6 ( _�• � ' MNcI aN IHJIH 1V—' � HON'I31 tiiMl�� � � iv�:�ow �AY ONV3�3 A� (�� ;, ����� �� 3��3H: �YJ � � '. �al�� � aL HrAyf tl1l3S�Y � 3� O �`9nv"'y� ilOd•lUt apsuc�P� � � ��� � NL p�lyM os3v � Noatswa ���'� d .► 3^r�A� s�- 3,�N_ � Hnr— �w � 3L nv�'0 aL N�� � � id'1 �i�F`dH—' � G� � � �],� _ C W,1 ���ontr• (�� nr—f�— � � 3�-s wvrJ •����� ..�:` � �� 3�'� =C� � 60 .3�C� � - a3dd3r �- '" � yp a�� �3AV—m� � ��, � �r� �qal�Fi�dl^P�8� �� � _ �,' �c •a� 3AV ! � �� .. ."��� u!/,?� ,+1Slraldill �� �+ [q� 'l_3AyJ C ° � �� 4� i� � �/ 7% =3nr • aavawoa � �'� •3nv � : - � �� �'•� ' n � !i Ib'-10=1S "= J' �^ � �� �Cy� �"� I � � (�.'� n03�S0 � �--�y.J � � ��00 � 0 �� Jn i �.,���, Nnowai d anv— ---� � � �;4�S • �'� � 3s ang � ~ ► ! , � _� � � ��� . ^_, _ ,n . • — _- __'_ _— _ _A��.J�n a�n � ___ '_.»� �.r�..-4 r �_ __ ' �_ .,__ .._ .���� -r,�,�.��.... �_ . .' �.. _�-_._ �-. - �_f�_' ___ �i SZ tin�iasai .. i.�. ' ' ,y., � . ..,,. ' �EARL CLINIC P. A. � � ( Y A' �� � � �\ � i: ( ��•;. � 1210 LOWRV MEDICAL ARTB BUILDINO 5 i ' I - `� � ~ �"� " . _ ' ` �y f �: , ��- � ^ ST. PAUL 2, MINNESOTA l �Y � r S ''� • asto2 � t � , S�¢� ___ 6 � ` .. . i �5. di�� �.r _v. -.-r.�•-..+'v.—.r�.,...wT.. Mr. James J. Dalglish _ _ ' Commissioner of Finance 113 Court House � . , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 SPECIAL DELIVERY - � . -- ---_— _ _ —_ ---- _ --_. - -- - -- � - - - ` � _-/l i+'�=..r:7.dii��:�,.�,y._"'���1�.-�.�y`,v�,�-_�'�-'.'�'� - �.�:�_� - - _ T. --.-- .-.� ,.- __. -- / ��.� ` - - ss�°R� _-.- r--.�:./�-�.�'r� - � . ... _ .� ✓- • � \C� �� �� _ '�'�+m�.«- � x-,..�+ + ��:. ��' P M L "'°"°�,�- . - '. �� • -�°""��.� � �.� �.r,�, 27 JUN ti �q � =s' � /g .�-.�G� . � . � • Honorable City Councilm�n � City Clerk City Hall St. Paul, 2, Minn. � �;��� , � � G'u-N-��)�G�-� /d�o o �.� - . �` � o ' ( 96 C� 1,(�96 duno Ave. - • � � �,,,, ti-,......,,..n..,,r.�,-_--�=��2 .--� � a = , �.. � - ,!, F �.` ' ��p RN��S � � ✓ ,._-�� � , � , - 1 � ST. PAUL � MINN. � ' �� P�'� � ' ' � ~ �'�=� . , : �.�. , - . ! ~�:J , 27 �UIV \G Q�'C1�� ti ���T �� ��': ♦ rsea ,� � , ' � r� , �- • 5,,,��,.,,_ti,r-,-^_,.,,,,,,,. _ �..� Ci�y Clerk " � St: Paul Citg Hall St. Paul 2� Minn.