218926 ,' ' ������
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' '�' ;,.-� .- ' OFF(GE OF THE CITY CLERK
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j�jA'f�:R_FAR� �e Cov�issioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer of the City
� of St. Pau1, on October 31, 1g45, pursua.nt to Chapter 315 of the 1945 Session Laws ,
of the State of Minnesota, d3d present to the City Council a plan o� city streets
reach3ng and meeting the enlarged Capitol Grounds, this plan being approved by the
City Council by Resolution C. F. No. 13�+643, approved October 31, 19�+5, said plan
also being approved by the State Vetera.ns Service Build3ng Co�.i.ssion; and
WHEREAS, Subsequent to the October 31, 1945, report, it has been �ound neces-
sary to revise the origina.l plan of city streets reaching and meeting the enlarged
Capitol Grounds in order to meet a.nd conform to the Interstate Highwa.y plans in
this axea, thus requiring a revision of the orio nAl report as set forth in the
amended repor� dated June 2�+, 1.g64, as submitted by the Chief Engineer and the
Street and II3.ghway Engineering Coordina,tor, and approved by the Commissioner of
Public Works; now, therefore, be it "
RE50LVED, That the amended plan of city streets reaching and meeting the
enlarged Capitol Grounds, together with pla.n a.nd report as submitted herewith, be
and the �ame are hereby approved and. adopted; a.nd be it f�.irther
RESOI,VED, That the City Clerk be directed to fUrnish a copy of this resolution,
report and plan to the State Vetera.ns Service Building Co�ission, and that the
Chief Engineer and Street and Iiighway Engineering Coordina.tor be directed to present
said report and ple.n to the Comtni.ssion at its next regular meeting.
Council File No. 218926 — By Milton
,Whereas,The Commissioner of Public
6yorks and the Chie! Engineer of the . _ - --...-. �--
`.!v ot St. Paul, on October 31, 1943,
� � -- Y�,2;;taat to Chapter 315 of the 1945
i .n Lsws ot the State uf Minne=.
, •� "1 nresent to the �lty,Council :�
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:� �IUN 2 6 1964
COUNCILMEN ' �� �=;� Adopted by the Counci 19—
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Yeas;: • Nays _
' Dalglish' c� '� ' , JUN 2 6 i96�
' � � �ved 19—
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June 2�+, 1964 ��.�,
Hon. George J. Vavoulis, Mayor
a.nd Members of the City Council
City of Saint Paul
In 1945 the Co�i.ssioner of Public �,Torks, pursuant to Chapter 315 of the
1945 Session I�aws of the State of Minnesota, submitted a plan of city streets �
r.eaching and meeting the enlarged Capitol Grounds area. This plan was approved
by the Council and submitted to the State Vetera.ns Service Building Commission
for its approva.l. Following approval by the Conmm3.ssion, the Depaxtment of Public
Works bega.n the making of surveys and preparation of plans for the acquiring of
property a.nd the construction of streets and roadways. This original pla.n was the
basis of the Capitol Approach work done by the City up to this time. Based upon
developments since 1g45, we are submitting herewith an. amended plan for your
In 1956 Con.gress passed the Act creating the Idational. System o� Interstate a.nd
Defense Highways. The system upon which the legislation and cost estim�tes of the
Interstate System were based had been under consideration �or a number of years by
the United States Bureau of Public Roads, with assistance from the various state
highway departments. The federal cost of 90 percent is paid from the highway trust
fund, into which all sources of highway users revenue dedicated for this purpose
axe placed. Ten percent of the construction cost, including right of way, is
financed by the Minnesota Highway Department, there being no requirement for man-
datory City pe.rticipation in any portion of thia ma�or undertak3ng. Cities and
counties in max�y other states are required to sha.re in the 10 percent allocation.
In St. Paul proper, the interstate mileage is 17.3, with a total cost estima,ted to
be $113,700,000, including est3mated right-o�-way cost of $3�+,�+Q0,000.
The work of surveys, prepaxation of preliminaxy plans by the Minnesota Highway
Department, together with some construction for the Interstate System, started al-
most inn�ediately in �957. The right of way for the Capitol �pproach had been ac-
quired and, to a conaiderable extent, the conatruction in the 9�ediate axea had
been completed under the origina.i Capitol Approach authoriza.tion on such streets
as a portion of Ireland Boul.evaxd, Wabasha Street, Cedax Street, Ftzl.ler Street,
and others as authorized 3n the origina,l Council approval.
The ma3or interstate routes serving St. Paul, such as T.H. 35E ana_ T.H. 94,
merged into a ma,jor interchange skirting the Capitol Area to the south. Some o�
the originel Capitol Approach work had been deferred pending the adoption of final
layout plans for the Interstate System. The result has been that the improvement
and construction of certain of the streets and bridges originally in the Capitol
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- f' App'roach pla�t axe no�w enibod3ed in the final pla.n approved by the Bureau of Public
Roads a.nd are being, or wi11 be, constructed under the Interstate plan. Provisions
for other connections to the interstate ramps and frontage roads axe being mad.e
necessary so that the revised plan of city streets •will meet both the Capitol
Approach area as now laid out and the Interstate System of Aighways. The construc-
tion of certain pro,jects under the Interstate System without City cost provid.es a
financial balance for construction of the am,ended list •without draw3ng on other
The following list ha,s been prepared with the view of providing uniform street
development of reason�.bly high stan.d.axd within the entire Capitol Area, includ3ng
such items as street reconstruction where necessary, change of �ade, lighting and
other facilities as authorized under the 1g�+5 Act. These streets are listed as
follows a.nd axe shown on the attached sma,ll scale ma.p of the State Capitol Grounds
as prepared for the State Veterans Service Building Conmmission by the firm then
l�iown as Morell & Nichols, Inc. This map, while not entirely accurate as to ramp
a.nd main line highway location, shaws in excellent perspective the relation of
city streets to general Capitol plan.
• Am�nded List of Streets �
To be i�proved in and ad,jacent to State Capitol area
� Da,yton Diagonal - Louis Street to Su�it Avenue
Da.yton Avenue - Louis Street to Su�it Avenue
College Avenue - Kellogg Boulevard to Rice Street
Sixth Street � - S�a�it Avenue to Pleasa.nt Avenue
Ninth Street - John Ireland Boulevard to Main Stree-t
Carroll Avenue - Faxrington Avenue to Su�nit Avenue (possible temporary improve-
ment old Carroll)
Tenth Street - Main Street to St. Peter Street (At St. Joseph's Hospital)
Eleventh Street - 200' W. of St. Peter Street to 200� E. of Jackson Street
Twelfth Street - 200' W. of Wabasha Street to 200' E. of Jackson Street
(Include regrading of slopes East of Veterans Building)
Pleasant Avenue - At Christ Church a.nd Connection to College Avenue
Rellogg Blvd. - Suumiit �ivenue to Smith Avenue
It is recommended that the amended plan. for city streets reaching a.nd meeting
' the enlaxged Capitol Grounds axea be approved and that a certified copy of the
resolution giving such approval, together with copy of this report and map, be
f`urnished the State Veterans Service Bu3.lding Coimni.s�ion.
Re ectfl�lly submitte ,
Etiigene V. Avery
Chief Engineer
�/l ,
rge . Shepard
reet and Highway
Approved: ngineering Coordina.tor
Milton Rosen
CoIInnissioner of Public Works
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