218923 � �,� t• _�. �_���7�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ , �;'�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RES LUTION;GENERAL FORM r ' �R&'iEN�ED CY � June 22� 1� COMMISSIONE DATE �1�ESOLUED, That the Council here'by approves the awaxd o� the Contract Committee . ., .�... _.. � therefor and hereby awaxds contract for furnishing all la,bor,�material�s, equip- ment and services necessary for or reasonably incidenta,l to the Repla.cement of . - � . , Footings, mud ring a.n.d fire boxes of Boilers in the Public Safety Building, 101 Ea,st Tenth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota,, to 1VOI�1'HWE�STERN HEATING, INC: in accordance' - r � with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid ' �33 of said Northwestern Heating, Inc. �or the contract price of $12,588.00 (and�. • "-�• • . unit prices bid) such bid being the lowest and said 1Vorthwestern. Heating, Inc. being a reasona.ble and reliable bidder, and the C�poration Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby axe authorized to execute said contra,ct on behalf of the City of Sa3nt Pau1. ' Formal Bid ./�� couneti F;ie No. 218923 — By Dean 71'7�33• Meredith— Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the .Contract �Commlttee there4or and hereby awards 4contract for furnishing all labor, ma- y , terials, equipment and services neces- , ,sary foi or reasonably incidental .to ,.. t s 'the Replacement of Footings, mud ring " `and Sre boxes of Boilers in the Public �Safety Building, 101 East Tenth Street, 4 • I Saint Paul', Minneso�a, to NORTIi- `WESTERN HEATING, INC. in accord- ance with City plans and speciHcations 4therefor hereto attached and the For- mal Bid No. 9833 of said Northwestern F3eating, Inc. for the contract price oP $12,588.00 (and unit prices bid) sucfl �bid being the lowest and said North- (western Fieating, Inc. being a reason- able and �reliable bidder, and the • Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper-form of contract therefor, and the proper City ofPicials hereby are authozlzed to . execute said contract ori behaif ot the ���r City o! Saint Paul. � ��N 2 6 �� Formal Bid No. 9833. Adopted by the Council June 26, 1964. ' Approved June 26, 1984. (June 27, 1984) ' COIJNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��N !,+ 6 �a� , Dalglish • � Holland r, ve 19— Loss � Favor ' Meredith C S � Peterson . � MAyOr Rosen Sal�gt Mr. President, Vavoulis , :� � - - 1on� e-es ' - . ' . 1 , � � • - / , , _ - . 1 � •{ DU�LICAT[TO rA1H7[R ^ � � ����q�, �� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�NCIL NO . �- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRElfCNTED �T �TUI1@ � �.� COMMISSIONER DATF � Rffi4�D, Tha� �the Co�.c�.l here'by a�p�g the �ard o� the Cantra,ct Committee �da.ex�e�or and hes�eby a�rasds �contrac-t �or f�s3shing all labor, m�.tertaya, equip- men� and sez�rices necessa�y fc�r or reasonably incidental to t�e Rep3�,cement o� Footi�ga, mud ring anc� �ix� 'boxes of BoiJ.er� i.n the Pub]3c Se.fety Building, ].Ol �1aa�t Ten�th Stre��, Satn,t �a,u1, M�.nneso�s,, �o �'OR�,�4 �t Il�C. �.n �.ccorda�.ee w3th City p�.ns a,nd apec�.�i.cations thlrefor here�o r�tta.c�ted aad �h,e �'ox�er,1 Bic� �9$33 0�' aaid Nox�rea�rn �ee,ting, Inc. for the cantract price b� $]2,588,00 (and ' unit prl.ces b�.d� such b3d t�eing �Iie �araest and ga3.�. Nortl�xestern 8eating, Inc. being a reasonab�s and re�.iable bidder, and the Ccrpora�i�n Counse�. be snd hereby is directed �o d.raw ttp the proper �ozm o�' coa�tr�,ct �there�'or, gnd the praper Ci.ty o��iciala hereby are author�zed � exectz�e sa,id con�ra�t o� 'behal� o� t'he �i�y o� Saint Paul. �'ox�ma.7. Bid �9833• JuN 2 6 196� COiTNCILh1EN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �l�'� Z� 1�� Dalglish � Holland + Approl►et� 19— Loss Tn FBVOT Meredith Pete rs on \ MAyOr �' AsalIISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-�