218920 r LI��.fl�-21"�' ���� ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLER _ � �� -- CITY OF ST. PAUL Y� FOENCIL ND °� O " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � .. -_.' COU�ICIL R SOLUTIO GENERAL FORM �Y�a Sh e Bernard2 TBy Holl nd? � . nk L. Loss-- Dean Meredith— � ert F. Peterson—Milton Rosen— �RESENTED EY v.�/ � � �t•r2e J.Vavoulis,Mayor— COMMISSIONE . DATF e •.r.a,q, pn Saturday Tune 27;.1�R-1r ..�!_:..� u£tY�e�Un�ted 5t�±'a=, '� r 'Yfr,tid�.'a•�y 7�,r ,i —� � �ti' . r� WHEREAS� on Saturday� June 27, 1964, the President of the United States� the Honorable Lyndon B. Johnson, will visit the Twin Cities; and � � WHEREAS, it is significantly proper that the City of Saint Paul, in reeognition of President Johnson: s important office and his local visit, should take appropriate actions . to hono� our President, Now, Therefore, be it - - RESOLVED, that on June 27, 1964, all citizens of the City of Saint Paul are requested to fly the N'ational Colors . in honor of President Lyndon Johnsonts visit to Minnesota; and . � RESOLVID FURTHER� that all retail establishments in said City� and for the excellent reasons aforesaid, are urged by the Council of said City to fly the National Colors from their buildings. �� ~ � G�-c2�1/ r'�---_ � ~ , COLJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Counci�N 2 51� �9_ Yeas Nays ��N 2 5196� . Dalglish /1 Holland /^ rove 19— Loss v Tn FsvOr � ` Meredith � -�P*P��� Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions ads DUrLIWT!TO MtINT[R �����o � _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO ' �� OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK . _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ►��,�c nr COMMISSIONE� DAT� WHEREAS� on Saturd�.y June 27� 1964� ths Pr��ident of ths IIni�ed State�� the Honors�b�.e Lyncion B. Johnson� will vi�it the Tarin Citie�; �.nd WHE'REAS� it 3a aignifiQantly prop�r th�t th� �ity of Sain� Paul� in r�cogn��ion of Preaid�nt Johnaon' s important offic� and hia loa�]. vi�it� ffihould t�ke appropriate actionffi to honor our Preaid�nt, Now� Ther�f'ore, b� it RESOLVID� that on Jun� 27� 1964� all ei�izena of ths City of Saint Paul ar� requ�st�d to fly the National Colors i.n honor of Pr��ident I,yndon Johnson' s vi�it to Minnesota; and RESOLVID F[TRTHER� that �11 ret�il e�tabli�hmAnts in �aid City� � for the excellen� reaaona afor�said, aro urged by the Council of �aid City to fly the N�.tional �olor� fro� their builc�ings. � JUN 2 51� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays , ��� � ,��j '�4��I� Dalglish Holland �.- � Appror� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith —�-r.°� D MAy►OI' Rosen Ag�st Mr. President, Vavoulis iou sas