218895 � r �� ���v ��V��� ORIOINAL TO CITY CLEWK � � � . � ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � � ' OFFI�E OF THE CITY CLERK -'- O R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,��.����� ������ COMMI65�IONE ` ISII� IiOM. Of �7�IJ11�Ilr� DA� ��1�P,��� V�J RESOLVED, That ohecks be drawn on the City Treasury, t o �, ��.5� � % 9� �� the aggregate amount of �� , covering ahecke numbered /� i q� �o li 4z inclusive, as per . .-.,� . checks or pertinen� listing oY same on f11e in the office of the City Oomptroller. Councll File No. 219890-218891-2188g2� —218893--218694-218895—By James J. Dalglish— , " Resolved, That checks be drawn on ' the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$2,225,499.83,covering checks numbered 11198 to 11742 inclusive, as per qhecks or pex���ent listing oP Syafe ' on ffie in the offlce oi the City Comp_ troller. Adopted by the Couttcil June 24,1964. Approved June 24,,1984. � �p Y' 18T (June 27, 1964) B� i.. . � _ � � _ �� � JI�N '�419f� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� �� q��n Dalglish c � p H���, pprove 19— Loss ' " . Favor Meredith � �� v Mayor ��� A gainst Mr. President, �ueulis /�e�� , loas e.as _ , � DUrLIGT6 TO MIHTCR � � . . ' . . _ cmr o� s�. P�u�. �o�N��� �1 ���� - ` OFFI�� �F T6-IE CIT�' CLERI� FILE NO- �OUNCIL RES�L�ITION—GENERAL FORM o�'�ONE� .tA*i!�'S J. DAIG�ISH, C0�:1. 3� �t�IANCE DATE _ RE�OLVED, That ahe aks be drawrn on the Clty Treaaury, t o �he aggregate amount of � 627.8�2,74 , cover3.ng aheaks numbered ,���� to 117�2 inolu�3.ve, as per ahecks or pertinent listing o�' eame on file in the o�Pice o� '�he Cl�y Comptroller. a � y ptr er M B� � �` � rC "_C7� J���,,4��9�, COUNCILMEN Adopte�l by the Council �g_ Yeas Nays ,n r '� Dalglish `���� ��''� ,'`'t . K�_ Approved 19— Iross �II1 �'3d�Ji` ' Meredith — �� � Mayor � A gains t RoSea Mr. President, vou is io�[ s�s