218828 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ����('1/'.� n ;- .'" CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� "``' y ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �a :�._ COU IL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ti ►RESENTEO EY � ,,` COMMISSIONE pA� JUTl@ ],9. lyC7� � RE�50LUED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Con.tract Co�ni.ttze therefor a,nd hereby awards contract for fuxnishing all labor, m�,terial, equi� - " � ment and services necessaxy for or reasonab],y incidenta,l to the performance o� all Mechanical Work in the Addition to and the Remodeling of the Boys Totem Tawn, City and Coun.ty De�tention and Corrections Authority, 398 Totem Roa.d, Saint Pau1, Minnesota to A�PII�E HEATING COM}.'ANY in accordaace with City plans a.nd specifications therefor hereto atta,ched and the Formal Bid �9802 of said Hankee Heating Compar�y for the contract price o� $1�+1,989.00, such bid being the lawest and said As,nkee Heating Compa�y being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be a.nd hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby axe authorized to execute said contract on behalf o� the City of Saint Paul. FOI�t]El,l B'ld �02. CMereditt�e No.' z188z8 — By Dean ` Resolved, That the Council hereby . _ approves the awazd of the Contract i Comxnittee therefor and hereby awards � contract for furnishing all labor, ma- � � terial� equipment and services neces- sary for or reasonably incidental to - _ _ the performance of all Mechanical � Work in the Addition' to and the Remodeling of the Boys Totem Town; City and County Detention and CoT- rections Authority,- 398 Totem Road, Saint Paul, Minnesota� to HANF{EE / ,73EATING COMPANY in. accordance with City plans and speciflcations htherefor hereto attached and the For- mal Bid No. 9802 of said FIankee Heat- ing Company far the contract price of#141,989.00,such bfd being the lowest I and said Hankee Heating Company! being a reasonable and reliable bidder, � �_�,F and the Corporation Counsel be and n �� hereby is directed ta draw up' the ivN (� ° proper form of contract therefor, and J the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalt oE the cicY of Saint Paul. � Adopted by the Council I9— COUNCILA�N Formal Bid No. 9802. Adopted by the Council June 23,1964. Yeas NSyS Approved June 23, 1964. (JUne 27. 1964) � ��g� C)� �' �h... -- - - � - - ee (.r 0 1�— �., Approved 19_ Loss � Tn FaVOr o Meredith 1 Peterson �� Mayor A gainst Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis _ - ions e-sa \ 4 � DUPLICAT6 TO rRINT[R ������� � J� ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�« NO.�, � .-- COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �RF.SENTED �Y �'une lg, 196� COMMISSIONE� DA� � �tSSO�VED, �hs,t the Cotmc3.1. �erebY apProv�g '�h� a�ra,�d. of the Con�ract Go�N.t'kee �Yt.e�e�or and h�re� a�ra,�ds con�r.�,ct �'or �'ux�t���g a1]. �-abor, tpa.fie�3-e.7., equ3p- ment �n�. ser�cea �,ecessary �br or reasonab�.y inC�denta,�. to the p�r�rman,ce b� a11 Mechan3.c�. T��rk 3.�. 'th� Ad,d�.tion �o an.d the R�d�33ng bf the Boys Tot�t TaFm, C3�Ly and County F��n�1.on .an.d Cor�e�ions Au�hor:�ty, 398 Totem R�,d; S�,3nt Paaal, Idi nnPa��a. t.d � �1T7� C�+lPAN'Y �.n acca�d.anC� �.th Eit� p].ane and spec��iCa.tions . �.�re�or here-to a,�te.che3 and. th� �'arma], �-1.d g�602 0� s�,3d, �.kee I�feating Go�,ia,ny �`or th� cvrFtxaC� ��3ce of $l�l,q89.�0y �txeh b3d bein�, the �r�$t at1d said Hank�e He�ct3ng Campar�Y be�.ng a rea�on�b7.e an.d �11.a'6�.e b3dclez�, end the Caxporat3on Cot��seY 'be axid hereby is d,iz�c�ec� to c1raW up th� pr�per fora1 0� e�ntraQt �ie�e�or, €�uc� '�te px�er Ci�y o��l,cia,La h�reby� sx`s a��horized to �xecu�l;e sa3d contrac� on behal.�E o� -L•h� Ci�y �� Sa3.nt Pau1� Form�.,l B�d �802. JUN23 � COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� �I 2� r��� go��_ Approv� 19— Loss v Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �y°Y A g'81IISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� em