218824 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r`C ��O��� , > r �,., ✓ 1-� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. `p ,F _ ;, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION-GENERAL FORM �'UBI,ISg�� � -Z, �� � -- COMM SS�IONE June 3, 1964 DATE RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the turnishing and installing of temporary office partitions on the Fourth Floor of the Public Utilities Building, 100 East lOth Street, Saitt Paul, Minnesota -to SPERRY OFFICE FURNI- TURE in accordance with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and tlie Bid �6955 of said Speary Office Furn. Co. for the contract price of $ 468.65 such bid being the lowest and said Sperry Office Furn. Co. being a reasonabl� and reliable bidder, aricl _ the Corporatinn Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the _ _ Proper form of contract therefor ard the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute aaid contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. ;.� F�e No. 218824—By ne:'�� '�e;iitr,by req�Y�st— '}c� RiaE �hP'C`�U��cil h� � Info id �6955 sia��er���, F.,.;-�i� tf�:��b Co�it f'a I'[IIal B � y,;:: 7oH'3it:_�h ^4f h•Y J'tz.- - .� J `� .xYCi�°;�a�,,�� .sa. •- ._ �I' -3 „(Te�r � .. . ,�,`• ,�. . _ � f. .9UN 2 3 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,�aigu�— � .�UN 2 3 1�� �d� --. Approved 19_ �gs � Tn Favor �se�- � . Peterson � • Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis � lOD2 8-82 DU►LICATE TO rRINTER " + J�j��/",� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�, +'� �'��'" / 'r ,�� FILE — ' ��� 1� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONER DATF JL111� 3� �'��G _ �BStLV#�., �h�t ths �ouncil hereby a�prw+�� the award of th� iContract 6+ommi���e� there�or aatd hereby awards conCraaC for �uxn3sh3,ng a11 labor, maCqa�i�1�. �quipm�n� and �ervices n�c��ffiary �or +�� raa�o�►ably isncid�ntsl �o tha futrniahi�tg r�nd inet�lling of tem�orAry af���Lce parti��.o�ns or� Che, �'ourr.tt Floor a� ths Public Utf.litie� Bui.].dtng, �a0 ��st la� �t�eet, 5a�.r� Pauly;Mituie�ota -to SP�ItRY' E�'�'�t� Ft�#I- • � �" , �t� in acao�danc� With City p1a�s and apec��icaCions �h�refoz hersto ,s • aCteched ��zcl �k�� Sid �G955 0� sa:��d 5ge�ry 0�#ic� Fux�. Co, for t1,�s � . con�r��� gric� qf � 4b8�6S �u�Ta �i�.d b�3.ng the laweat and aaid a. � � , . � $p��ry a���ce Fuxn. Co. be�n� a �easonably and �el�.a�la biddsr, and .�� � tb.e �o�pora�is►n Counael ba u�d h�reby is dir,scte� ta draor up tl�,e . �rog�r fa�e of contxacC ther��or ard the pxop� City affi,�3.a1� hereb� are authori,zed �o e�c�cu�t� oaid coQtract on beh�tl£ o� �h� C#.tiy of Sain� �'�aul. . �refo�aa]. ��d .l�6955. � �,� ',c�;��_ �� .,�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �'a`�juaiL. 14�'�� �1 ` ~��. _� + ✓d L �d Approved 19— �gg �In Favor Nfartmson-j-y��%!�_ Peterson a Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ionz s-sa