06-666Council File # _ ��— l0l010 RESOLUTION Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Capitol Region Watershed has tendered to the City of Saint Paul a Cooperative Construction Agreement to 2 provide payment 6y the City to the Capitol Region Watershed District the Citys share of costs of the Arlington/Pascaf 3 Stormwater Improvemeni Phase II; AND 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 W HEREAS, the City Councif of the City of Saint Paul has said proposed agreement before it and has given it careful review and consideration; AND WHEREAS, it is considered that the best interests of said Gity of Saint Paul, wil! be subserved by the acceptance of said Agreement; AND THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, that the proper City Officials be authorized to execute and approve on behalf of the City of Saint Paul a Cooperative Construction Agreement, between the City of Saint Paul and the Capitol Regions Watershed District, a copy of the Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Mont4omerv Harris Benanav an ry un� os ro� � Yeas ✓ ✓ ✓ Green Sheet # 3031160 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Absent Reques by Department of: �_ ;ie��u (.VCC � BY= � Adopted by Council �Date �l.� v Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary Recommende by FS Direc or: By: Form Approved by City Attorney: $ ` 1 ' / c%C',.Sd�t BY� /SfA. �. �-� Approved By ayor. Date �_ L�—Q � Appro ed or for Submissio to Council: B � ' ' ���� B Y � ,�, /. S//(/( �,0���_ `,�' � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheef Green Sheet Pw n�bli�w�� Contacf Person & Phone: Joseph Mueller 2G6&l49 Must Be on Council Aqen� Conhacf Type: AR-RESOLUTION W/� 7RANSACi70N z�.�uri-os v ' Assign Number For Routing Order D�o '�o%�o Green �heet �O: 3Q311 �0 0 ti'ublfc Woiks I } 1 iic W e anwenf A fan � 2 b6c Wocks D �nentDirecto . 3 tto 4 IFinanciat Services rSL c� $ �fav�r'S O�ce � � � 6 �Conndl � � Total # of Signature Pages _(Cfip AII LowSons for SignaW re) AcEion Requested: Approve Resolution authorizing City to enter into a Cooperative Construction Agreement with Capitol Region Watershed District to conshuct the Arlington/pascal Stozmwater Impmvement Project - Phase II. �tlatfons: Appro�e (A) or F P4anning Commission CB Committee Ciul Senice Commission (R): 7. Has this person/Srm e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persorJSrtn possess a skili not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach fo green sheet inRiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �� There aze continuing storm water flooding problemsin the Como Golf Course; the residenfal azea west of the golf course; and, on Lazpenteur Avenue neaz Gotfried Pit. Falcon Heights, Ramsey County, Roseville and Saint Paui all coniribute storm water runoff to thi azea. Advantaqes IfApproved: . Storm water flooding will be reduced or eliminated. Lake quality improvements-will be implemented Disadvantages{fApproved: None DisaManfages If Not Approved: Flooding will coatinue and lake quality improvements will not be implemented iorai�vnountot �c�0,000 Tmnsacfion: Funains source: Sewer Sen.ices Fund Financial InfortnaEion: (ECplain) MustMswerthe CostlRevenue Budge4ed: Y Adivify �umber. Cp�27g30 June 28, 2006 1257 PM Page 1 �;�_ �6� COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Arlington Pascal Stormwater Improvement Project — Phase II Capitol Region Watershed District and the City of Saint Paul T`HIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2006, by and between the CTTI' OF SAINT PAIJL, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Saint Paul", and the CAPITOL REGION WATERSHED DISTRICT, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Capitol Region Watershed DistricY'. WI'I'NESSETH; WHEREAS, Saint Paul and the Capitol Region Watershed District haue been plauuing to bring about storm water improvements in association with the Arlington Pascal Residenfial Street Vitality Program, which program is generally bounded by Snelling Avenue on the west, Midway Parkway on the south, Chelsea Street on the east and Hoyt Avenue on the north; and WHEREAS, the improvement contemplates and includes the Arlington Hamline Underground Storage Facility and the Como Golf Course Pond; and WIIEREAS, storm water improvements have been identified in the "Como 7 Subwatershed Analysis" report dated November 2, 2003 and prepared by Emmons & Oliver Resources, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, these storm water improvements are proposed on St. Paul pazk land adjacent to the Arlington and Aamline intersection and between the 3'� and 11` fairways in the Como Golf Course, See Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Capitol Region Watershed District is planning to conshuct these improvements; and WIlEREAS, the "Como 7 Subwatershed Analysis" report has identified these storm water improvements to be paid for jointly under the following formula: Capitol Region Watershed District- 50%, the City of Saint Paul-3735%, the City of Falcon Heights-11.15%, the City of Roseville-1.45% and Ramsey County-0.05%; and WHEREAS, Capitol Region Watershed District is preparing plans and specificarions for the above described improvement; and WHEREAS, the Contractor employed by Capitol Region Watershed District (the Contractor) shall co-insure Saint Paul; and WI�EREAS, the above described improvement lies within the limits of Saint Paul and of Capitol Region Watershed District; and WHEREAS, the Capitol Itegion Watershed District Project Engineer, has on April 27, 2006, Arlington Pascal Stormwater Improvement Project - Cooperative Construcrion Agreement Capitol Region Watershed District 6/26/2006 Page 1 of 8 - o����� prepazed an Engineer's estimate of the quantities and unit prices of materials and labor for the above described improvement. On this estimate aze shown the specific items for the Arlington, Pascal Phase II storm water improvements. Actual costs chargeable to Saint Paul will be 37.35% and based on the Contractor's unit prices and the quantities conshucted. The total estimated costs for Arlington Hamline Underground Storage Facility and the Como Golf Course Pond storm water improvements are listed on Eachibit `B". A copy of said estimates (mazked E�ibit "B'� is attached hereto and by this reference, are made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, it is contemplated that said work be carried out by the parties hereto under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sec. 471.59, Joint Exercise of Powers. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY AGREED; I. Saint Paul, by this Agreement, pernuts and authorizes the Capitol Region Watershed District to bid and award a contract, subject to approval of Saint Paul as provided herein, to construct the above mentioned storm water improvements and related work within the corporate limits of Saint Paul, in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by both parties. Capitol Region Watershed District shall have lead responsibility in the hiring of an appropriate consultant and for administering the contract with the consultant. All Consultant costs chazged to this Project must be supported by proper documentation, including invoices. Capitol Region Watershed District agrees to establish and maintain accurate, detailed and complete separate accounts and records xelating to the receipt and expenditure of a11 costs incurred under this Agreement including all project documents, financial records, supporting documentation, and the property records. These project accounts and records shall be retained intact by Capitol Region Watershed District for at least six (6) years following the end of the term of this Agreement. These requirements shall survive terminafion of this Agreement. The Parties agree that each Party hereto, the Legislative Auditor, the State Auditor, or any of their duly authorized representatives upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, and as often as they reasonably deem necessary, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe and books, documents, papers, or records, which are pertinent to the accounting practices and procedures of the City and involve transactions relating to this Agreement. This right to audit will extend far a muumuxn of six (6) yeazs from the expiration of this Agreement. This provision shall survive terniination or expirarion of this Agreement. II. All construction pernuts for said improvements required by either party for work in its corporate limits by the second party shall be obtained in accordance with applicable local law. Arlington Pascal Stormwater Improvement Project - Cooperarive Construction Agxeement Capitol Region Watershed District 6/26/2006 Page 2 of 8 / � i � j �' All extra work orders or changes during the construcrion of said unprovements shall be subject to approval, by change order in writing by both parties, prior to that construcrion. N. Saint Paul will compensate Capitol Region Watershed District for 3735% of the storm water improvements actual costs as estimated in E�ibit "B", the estimated cost thereof being the amount of $ 333,521. It is understood that the estimated cost will be adjusted when actual costs are determined, and that Saint Paul will compensate Capitol Region Watershed District for Saint Paul's share of actual costs attributable to the storm water improvement work to be performed under this Agreement. All records and costs pertaining to the wark to be performed under this Agreement shall be kept by Capitol Region Watershed District and Saint Paul in accordance with the established record keeping and accounfing procedures developed by each party. Upon completion of the work, Capitol Region Watershed Dishict will submit a payment request to Saint Paul, payable in full within sixty (60) days of the billing date. Costs incurred for Capitol Region Watershed District to prepare contract documents, coordinate, inspect and monitor the construction work including engineering services, shall be equal to 10% of the actual conshuction cost. V. Maintenance and public safety will be the responsibility of Capitol Region Watershed District until the final estimate has been executed. VI. It is further agreed that any and all employees of Capitol Region Watershed District and all other persons engaged by Capitol Region Watershed District in the performance of any work or services required, volunteered, ar provided for herein to be performed by Capitol Region Watershed District, shall not be considered employees of Saint Paul, and that any and all claims that may arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of 5aint Paul. Each party agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts, errors, and omissions and the results thereof to the extent authorized by Arlington Pascal Stormwater Improvement Project - Cooperative Construction Agreement Capitol Region Watershed District 6/26/2006 Page 3 of 8 d lo �(v�O� law, and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other parties and the results thereof. The liability of the City and Capitol Region Watershec3 District is governed by the provisions of the Mimiesota Statutes Chapter 466. Each party warrants that it has an adequate self-insurance program in effect. The Contractor wi11 co-insure the City and Capitol Region Wateished District. The parties shall comply with applicable provisioas and requizements of VII. tlll previous a�eements regarding stormwater improvements shall remain in effect after the improvements referred to in this Agreement are completed. This agreement shall have no effect on these earlier maintenance agreements. VIII Both parties shall comply with the Minnesota Crovernment Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes chapter 13, in administering data under this Agreement. The parties shall comply with applicable provisions and requirements of Minnesota state law, and regulations including but not limited to compliance with prevailing wage requiremenYs, federal iaw and regularions and of any applicable local ordinances, all of which shall be considered a part of this agreement as though fixlly set forth herein. LY. Upon completion of this project, Capitol Region Watershed District will own and jointly maintain the facilities under a separate maintenance agreement. The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sea 181.59, and of any applicable local ordinance relating to Civil Rights and Discrimination, shall be considered a part of this Agreement as if fixily set forth herein. This agreement shall be effective on the date of execution by a11 parties and shall remain in effect until the time fhe construcrion contract is terminated by Capitol Region Watershed District. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and wi11 not be effecrive unril it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the Original Agreement, or their successors in office. With written agreement of all parties, the Ageement may be ternunated at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days' written notice to the other parties. Termina6on must be by mailed or faa� notice to ali other parties. The parties are not obligated to pay for any of the services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, any of the parties will be enriYled Yo payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services sarisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are auailable. Arlington Pascal Stormwater Improvement Project - Cooperative Construction Agreement Capitol Region Watershed District 6/26/2006 Page 4 of 8 o�o-blo� X. RECTTALS The recitals in this agreement (i.e. the WI�REAS clauses) are incorporated into the agreement and constitute obligations and rights of the parties as if set forth herein. IN TESTIMONY WFIEREdF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on their behalf respectively by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized and haue caused their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAIl�T PALTI, By: Mayor By: Directar of Public Works By: Director, Financial Services Approved as to Form: By: City Attorney CAPTTOL REGION WATERSHED DISTRICT By: President Recommended for Approvai: By: Administrator Approved as to Form: � Arlington Pascal Stormwater Improvement Project - Cooperative Construction Agreement Capitol Region Watershed District 6/26/2006 Page 5 of 8 , _ _ !`F' — :�i ,. � �.L _ t�.: y— ,r g .��.!' .. . . _ - f'" �1 � a ,y. � . 3. ' Y -�: j ��"fi r � � • ,.' � , -. � + � `� y � • )•-,°� . ..aA `� . . � r F '� - � � � � +4 � , �" ° " f' o" �✓ � � x � ��� i- L � . 't zi� • � � ? ..,' P:�.. � ,'� � ;�� �� ,i � : Y � �� *. `� ,�+�� . � P > � ._r � :Yl. � � � �`a� � ��� �- rr � S. y � i L-.=- a .� { F., , � �. F d � � t � - '�.+..:::�: .� � . � „ � ��' �# � aX =..' f � - - $ �„ `-- � ' *-^� ;^ o-'. ' �' � � r '.� ;�, y ''� � ,�h' T^ q,y `�,- ��� ., j � � �.: .. _ . � �' t. 3'.' . v�-��� EXHIBIT B-1 Estimated Costs far Consiruction of the Ariington Hamline Underground Storage Facility Proie«ri�e k�+�vaswseom,w�arMww.o»ne�et Oa+u cawo EMMONS Laa6m St. Pmd, MHrbaNa & OLIYIEA �+w� RESOURCfS PmjeU U'9saiP6n+ Ar1in96a+Hamflns Untle�9round Seor� - A�n06W t ..--_ . _ .' 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Each Acre Lbs Ton Acra 4.�30 3,340 1.975 225 849 19 25 15 1 9 t 1 1 2 7 1,445 1 1 410 435 i 0,3 60.0 i 0.5 $220.00 S2o.W 528.W $54.00 1200.00 Su00,00 S�t.000.00 55.000.00 $B.00O.W $t.00Q.00 $40�OOO.W $1.50 5250.00 St00A0 $3. 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Covarvrilh Casting F�u�iah ard 04tfai! 77' MH Fumish aM t�a114A" MH ouHetsWUUre 72' MH 8ase Sk+b 72" MH CorerwAh Casting Fumish and tm� 60" MH 6ff' AAH B�e �b 6(t" fvUi Covar wAh Castfn9 Fumisi� and f,rAaN 36` 31tnce Gate 48' RCACIass ql Tiench Matall 96' RCP lag Ra�us Be� 35' RCP Shat Radius 8erd 36' RCP Claes III ltench Nstal! 30` RCPCIass 11! T�enchlnstaN 24" RCP Class 111 Tren�A MstaN 24" RCPCIass 111 Non-irench Insdd fumish m+d f�tatl 48' Flared End Sec6on 48• 7ras� Gumd 8" PVC Pipe 8" Qate Vaive and Bpx TrasM1 Rack fw 12" x 1fi Weir No1ch Mola1izetion Fiosion CaevW Blar�ket Category 2 Erosian CantW 8�anketCa�gory 3 Canmrn E�avalion a� Gradug �'N MU�tif SalvagefiTOps��t - Fai'way Sodding Rou9h Soddi^9 Tree Renwvai iS Fi1CN LF TRIPS ACRE LS LS LF EACH LF EACH CY SY lF LF LF EACH enncH � EACti FACH tF EiCYi EACH EACH Lf EACIi EACH EACFf LF EACH EACH lF LF LF Lf EACH 64G1 i LF EACFI EACl1 l5 SY SY CY ACRE SY SY SY FALMi i i 4W 10 0.5 1 1 1500 f 5 7 f0 15 15 15�0 70 r t 11 i t 7 i 1 1 16 1 1 1 81 1 4 210 �4 239 sso 1 t 24 1 1 i �o A�0 177Q0 3 i05Q0 6600 945Q 36 SL 51, S2. St; � FMMONS & OLlVIER RESOURCES v . - SB00 57,8�0 5090 33,9� 5375 53.000 53�600 �� 57,500 5250 5500 S8(10 S3a0 5420 59,90U $74,369 $2,59I $2.714 $9.833 $1.729 57,551 53.234 53,000 56d9 5476 $4,320 5474 5758 57.006 St3.765 St,�13 52,1lI(J 523,9d0 S21t.i96 ST1,472 5743,�54 52,133 $1,604 528B 51.�0 5500 510,006 37.Si5 SB,575 561,950 $6.00Q 51Q5U� 546,500 W:\06 Projects�Como Lake ProjectslComo Subwatershed Intercom Flow�Arlington Pascal Consuvction 2006�Cooperarive Conshucrion Ageement Pha II St. Paul.doc Ariington Pascal Stormwater Improvement Project - Cooperarive Construction Agreement Capitol Region Watershed IlistricY 6/26/200b Page 8 of 8