06-665cm,n�il Fue # b� -(�G.� Green Sheet # Q � RESOLUTION Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PAUL, MINNESOTA � ItESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 169.14, Subdivision 5, the Minnesota Motor Velucle and Traffic Iaws, the Councii of the City of St. Paul hereby requesu the Couunissioner of the Minnesob Department of Transportarion to detemilne ffie maximum safe speeds on the following sheeTS or portions thereof C:RETIN AVENUE fromMazshall Avenue to Intezstate Highway 94 And to authorize the City of St. Paul to revise the e�sting speed zones in accordance with the findings of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation. Yeas Requested by Department of: ��� ��� ��� r���+� � , � Adopted by Council: Date � Form Approved by City Attomey BY� �i;� �� 7�.1� Adoprion Certified by Council Secret�ly Form A rov y yor fo ubmissio o Council BY� // . By: Approvedby Date 7 � ��o B � � Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Creen Sheet [/!o',O�o� PW - �bticworks Contact Person 8 Phone: E(izabeth Stifller 266-6270 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ContractType: RERESOIUTiON �,� I. Green Sheet NO: 3031'176 � �eoarnnen[ sent ro rerson mroauuate i � � o nucworts { raut ss. Mar�n � PA 5 C.3' -° 6; i s � t Assign 1 �ublicWorks IDeoartmentDirector I �v.CJI Number 2 GitvAttomev I___��_ I For Routing 3 �favor's0ffice MavodAs,istaat i � Order 4 ouncil � I 5 K.tiri Cle�§ Citv Cierk , Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loptions for Signaiure) Action Requested: Council resolufion requesting the Commissioner of MnDot to investigate and determiue the maacimum safe speed on Cretin Avenue between Mazshall Avenue and I-94. �aatfons: Appro�e (A) or F Planning Commission CIB Committee Cnil Senice Commission 7. Has this persoNfirm e�erwxked undera contract forthis departmeM? Yes No 2. Flas this personlfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Ooes this personlfinn possess a skill not nom�ally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aitaeh to green sheet initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, Wben, Where, Why): Neighborhood residents are concemed about speeding on Cretin Avenue and have asked that we consider lowering the speed limit. This segment of Cretin Avenue is presenfly 35 miles per hour. Advantages If Approved: Speed limit changes can only be made by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Depamnent of Transportation. This counci] resolution requests MnDOT to investigate. Disadvantages HApprovetl: None. C��I�CIVCU L �� ���� JUL 6 2006 Disadvantaqes If Not Approved: Not responsive to the neighborhood concems. �f € 7 „'°� 9 ��.1E'3��,8' TransacGon: Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: (Expiain) CosNtevenue Budgeted: Activ'fij Number: �a��:. !; 3 ���6 C6�r��i! �tesearr.h ��r�t�t �� � ( L� June 28, 2006 6:27 PM Page 1