218800 : - �.•�.v-,�-�� : _., ...��� - „ , ,,. , . . .. " . i' - - .'ai. 'i�,� ' r /'�y'� ' ` ' , • ..._ � �� � I �N�[�.+�Y t rr�/ ' ,� ��1�/V�� � � ^-.} � F ✓ '� ,� t'' � � � " COUNG`IL FIT.� N0. " ` FIN��- ORDER � � � . , � � . , , . � . B� . . E r 'n� � • . c � 1 , File No. s�.27 '` � —� . PUBLISHED �� In the Matter of eC�as�z�ucting riep �it3l�aikc o�, the w�a� �,� q� �fa3.t3er S�. i?rant Burges� 5�.� to the uoi�h �p,�raxi.m�ts�,y� �7 ��. a�a.d aa �he nor�h $i�e ti�� �urge�� �t. . ='�fra� (�.l.tier ��C; � the 'we�t appr�fi,��,�c 50 F''t, and b�r db�ag adt�. �her uor& wh�..�h s - j.� �1.8C8$$�LT'�T.$Tlf�. ��1�.°�y�ut+$�. tid �dIIl��$'kiE1 �,$$�� �S�C,}V�}��i1 �:File No.218800— 1� ; �he matter of constructing r.t , �alk on the west side of Gas�� ' , .•om Burgess St. to the noitY ., ' -:»±el} ',27 ft. ard nn .�c � ' . £u.� . S..i �<.l G:? .' 7p� '.I��G.Ih.•,�rr .L.=�R:rf:.i ' :3c • ' "� � . under Prelimina,ry Order �-?�� approved � I�'Ch �.2� 196� Intermediaiy Order � approvec� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council -. having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and� having fully considered . the same; therefore, be it �- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement ta be made by the said City is to �o�►struct a��r �id�ra,lk .o� the �re�� Bi.cis of Q�lties�� ��:, �r�m Hurgee� 8�� 'to 'bhe �orth �p�.icc�xim�t��,y ].�7 �`t. �n� � �e� ziortY�, s�.rie o� �trE�i�a� S�« �x'om (#�lti�r 3t� , t� trh,a �re$t appraxim��k,e7,y 50 �... a,�d 'b�t daing Q3.1 o#hex� woxk�h3.ch 'la� nece�gax�y end �ncsae��ta]. to c�le�k,e �ai.� i�p��it.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be a,nd is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the praper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- • eeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCII.,MEN . J�N 2 3 �� , • Adopted by the Counci� Yeas - Nays _ , alglis JUN 2 3 `�� - o a n c7� � Approve Lo5s � `� , M�rtirrse���i J - - '' Peterson Tn Favor . Rosen . � Mayor Vavoulis ,� � A gainst - . e-ss aM a� x-i ` -� . -�� i � ' Dist. No. 1 � ' .�' •-� . W.S. Galtier St. - Burgess St. north 127 ft. �>3�� _ • N.S. Burgess St. - Galtier St. west 50 ft. . _ . - � ��g�c . �5 .�` OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONEB OF PUBLIC W OBKS �/ �� . AEPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �'� March 24th, lg 64 To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St. Pa ul: The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- limi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 217043 approved March 12th. lq 64 relative toconstructing new sidewalk on the west side of Galtier St. from Burgess St. to the north approximately 127 ft. and on the north side of Burgess St. from Galtier St. to the west approximately 50 ft. and by doin� all other work which is necessary and incidental to complste said improvement and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein� hereby reports: � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• 3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. � �� I2 . 2. A plan, profile ske�1�}�qf` d improvement is hereto attachel��'� G�- - and made a part �'r�\�,�6 �9� - w �� � 3. Initiated by the om►r��i�r Public Works .,.�. 4, Improvement i s ask �' peti ti on X 5 . _ � � �� ` , _ �� Commissioner of Public Work-s�