218727 OR�GINAL TO CITY CLQ K �p CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �� ���_ LICENSE CcY�TTEL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY JUll@ 16 J�C�jl�. COMMISSIONE DATF � RESOt,VID: That portion of I,icense No. 8262, expir�.ng March l� 1965� covering Gas stat3.on . 6 P.\ issued to Harold Werkhoven at 2205 IIniversity Avernze� be anrl the s ame is C , hereby transferred to Silas �erkhoven at the same address. Council File No. 218727 — By Dean Meredith— Resolved,That portion of Idcense No. 8262, expiring March 1, 1985, covering Gas Station (6. P.) issued to Hazold Werkhoven at 2208 IIniversity Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred tn Silas Werkhoven at the same ad- dress. Adopted by the Council June 16,1964. Approved June 16, 1964. (June 20, 1984) ���. (I.i.censees) t JUN �6 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� �� 1g�, Holla,nd Approve 19— Loss � f , Tn Favor � �ITH " - Peterson • � ayor � A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOM 8-82