D001519_ - Ciry Clerk �- Finance Dept • _ - Dept. Accaunting {Civic Center) _ - Engineer (Cazuso) _ - Contractor ,- Project Manager (CPMI) CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.23-01 ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Exoansion CP4.23 Kitchen Eauipment Cateeorv 2 known as Contract L- Project No.016267 Volume Services, is composed of the following: Change beer dispensing system ro Polar per Volume Services Contractor Proposal dated 3 November 1997. • and which amount is to be financed from: �� 20 ]9S� 19 �L�Z_ � • Director of Civic Center ���'�d�.��_-- �-s �9 q� . _,y.� ,t.�.��, �ooOSER� tC�n Goi.KuL'P4�J T` Reason: Other system not available when required. 2. Provide 12 cash registers for Concessions areu per Volume Services Contractor Proposal dated 3 November 1497. Reason: Computerized system wifl not be installed at this time (due to Arena) so electronic cash registers required. No.�i'"� Date �o � Total ($2,29537) 6.81 I.94 $4,516.57 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made +n accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 4,516.51 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. Volume Services Contractor By � I Expansion Coordinating Committee Dated : `� t � BUOCETOIRECTOR MAYOR (OR A$$IST. N� 51557 �1�1� INRIAUOA7E Q CfiYCOUNGL � CRY CLEflK � FIN. & MGi SERVICES �IR. C} G P� � TOTAL # Of SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ' 4CT10N RE�UESTED: ����-��- ��� #/ V U � u r� � PLANNMGCOMMISSION �CNILSERVIC_� CIB COMMtREE � STAFF _ OfSTRICTCWRT _ JRT5 WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE> S e r✓• c � S PERSONAL SERViCE CONTAACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING �ilESTIONS: 1. Has this persortXrm ever worketl under a coMract for this tlepartmem? YES NO 2. Has this pergpn�rm ever been a city empioy�e? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currant city emplqree? YES NO Ezplain ail yes a�swers on separate aheat antl ettach to grae� aheat ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY �1Nho. Whai, When. Whare. Wny)� �je� � T ��' ` � ='y'x- � ` RECEIVEL? MAR 2 61998 CITY CIERK �.` �1`7�►U!i±J ��� � 4199� ����: �r r���r,� �a�:�r� FtECEtVEt� FEg 23 1998 �b1A�0�'� OfF4CE ��.�����.,.�� '�a�v:��e i� �':, FE8 2 i 1998 � � y5 /G � AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS -J COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(GpCLEONE) VES NO iG50URCE�� /.k'-'�� 1�`-�,� � ��`�VNUMBER Y 7- f���� d ` j �� - Qa `!J ��' �� �� d.11� AL INFORN7pTIpN (E LAIN1 �7 GREEN SHEET WITIAIlDATE— (� DEAAPTM£NT OIRECTOR � I ►�15 �q � CRMI CHANGE ORDER ROUTING TRANSMITTAL � Attached please find 7 copies of Change Order CP4.23-01 for signatures/routing. Per the Partnering Session, the Change Orders are to be routed as listed below. As you receive it from the firm listed above your name, piease review, sign and SEND IT DIRECTLY TO THE FIRM listed below yourname. When you send it to the firm fisted below your name, please do the following: 1. Verify all 7 copies are signed. SEND ALL COPIES TO THE NEXT fiRM. 2. fnitial and date this transmittai under the column "Date Received" and "initial". 3. Fiii in the date you forward to the next firm under the column "Date SenY'. 4. Send a COPY of the transmittal to CPMI THE SAME DAY you forward the change order. 3225-423.9 A\32251CP-4\co-bt 5. Cali CPMI at 298-5409 if you have any questions. �i5� � PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Volume Services 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Original ContractAmounY. PO # 015119 $330,560.76 CO No. • CP4.23-01 Subtotal Deduct .�0 Add $4,516.57 $4,516.57 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: DATE: 3 December 1997 CP423 Kitchen Equipment Category 2 12 October 1997 Net Amount of Contract incfuding this Change Order: $335,077.33 / �C�cS�� 3 2ZS- �� 3 � � � CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSA,L Contractor roposai No.: o• '-�-z�, C�1 I R C� ' ��� + � t � JrL`/ . • ;ag �1� 6 � It is requested the compietion date be ( 1 exiended, () decreased�unchanged by v ���lendar days. The adjusted completion date wili be Description of the change: {Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicablel. Reference RFP No.:, : FO NO.: A change in the scepe ot Yhe work is requested as indicated below: /�M Title: �A > ' r✓� � 3. Basis of payme :{Check one) t) Firm price for performing this change is Adequate supporting details and intormation must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and materiai per contract, but not to exceed () Actual cost at completion of work f r Submittedby: /o L�w�� ��il .ces-S��T a ..�� 60R CPMI USE 2. 3. 4. 5. Action Recommended: (Check one> {) Change will not be made. Explain: Contract No._ � CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the foliowing basis: �As indicated above, change and basis of payment is accepta6le. O Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( 1 8asis of payment shali be S {) The following modification is recommended: (} Change in completion date is accepted. (� Change is acceptabie with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( S Other Reason for Change: O Design Change {) Client Request !) Field Condition O Suggested by Gontractor �Design Omission or Other (explain) Prepared Approved Approved U��iv��� �c� Date:_1�1�� I Oate: ry Date: � ! g Z Z �3 I 4lncreased) educt) $ S��iSS',Sj - � Date: � + �N O ( � fJ0 (}NO Approved by: lOwner) Date: CPMI Inc., c10 Saint Paut Civic Center, I.A. 0'Shaughnessy Plaza, 743 VVest Fourth Si�eet, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- Is this a part of the original contract scope? () YES Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �YES A/E consulted. YES • 301 Eas� B�oad Sveet PQ. Boa L0099 $panan6urg, SC 293W �sbaa s�s-sboo 3 225- 423, 3 .��c�:�.��_; ; ���� �� �� - , , T2g1 ,� '.J (- f'V�� I � LJ October 16, 1947 Ms. Susan Campbell CPMI 143 West 4`" Street St.Paul, MN 55101 RE: Beer System Dear Susan: We would like to propose an alternate manufacturer to the Periick Beer System originally specified. The alternate manufacturer is Polar Beer Systems. Volume Services uses Polar exclusively throughout the countty...their product is excellent and they stand 100°fu behind their warranty. The Polar system would have a total cost to the city of $13,454.06...the Periick system cost is $15,749.43. Using Polar wouid net the city $2,295.37 in savings, making the beer system approximately ] S% less than originally quoted. Please advise. Sincerel�,��� L� on Muscalo VP Facilities 3M:mg cc: Mazk Pevan Dianne McDowell ��,,,�n �/' � � �,y� ' 1 �'" _ �`� ^� (� (� l . W ' � `/ l � ,�,� ������ i S � � ��'�►� �i�, �r�` t� c� �t �j � T« Susan Jones From: Mark Pevan pate: October 29,1997 Re: Beer System Memo '1 �� Volume has selected Polar 8eer Systems not only because of the cost savings, but also the possible lead-time in securing beer trunk lines. We need to have someone start building these beer and refrigerated lines in order to maintain the same time line for installation. Potar can custom build these irunk lines in two weeks. Please let me know if there are any other questions reganii�g the use of this purveyor. \J c. J. Muscalo D. McDowell S. Denny a� �2� � �17 T RfverCentre 175 West Kellogg Saint Paul, MN 55102 �Q�5Iq r, LJ • CONSRAC30R'S PROP05 Date: �/ 1 — Pr ' 7 KE Contract No.: ��c�� �u � I �� 2 A change in the scope of the wark is requested as indica.ed below: yp�j 0 � 1997 ` 1. It is requested the completion date be () exiended, {) decreased,�unchanged by �31,endar days. The adjusted completion date will be f'IVI' 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drewings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference FO 3. Basis of paymeni4' {Check one) (} Firm price fior perfiorming this change is Adequate supporting details and infiormation must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. { � Time and materia! per contract, 6ut not to exceed (} Actual cost at completion of work Submitted by: �1of�w�� S�✓ cCS-Snv� I'ri]:��IJ�51Nb'iy Action Recommended: (Check one) {� Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 04 Proc ' on the toliowing basis: �� �s indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. { � Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptabie. O Basis of psyment shall be S () The foliowing modification is recommended: { 1 Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptabie with no change in price. O Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other 2. Reason for Change: �Design Change O Cfient Request (} Pield Condition �( ) Suggested by Contractor i] Design �mission or Other {explain� 3. 4. 5. ls this a part of the original contract scope? i 1 YES Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �ES A1! Prepared t Appraved Appraved $ `� 6g11.�i `P Increased�(Deduct] S S6r1 ` Date:l� 3 � �NO {)NO (�NO Date: 1 �� � �� I ! Date: Date: �� j Approved by: (Owner} Date: CPMI ina, c/o Saint Paui Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Flaza, 143 West Pourth Street, Saini Paul, MN 55102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- • � z U W ��, � � ti �r � � O E - H z W a t'� W � 4 i"' W G � U z c� � W � 7 w c m 0 � 4 Q.' � w U a d N � N N W a � � � � a � � J 0 H � z � N � r F O- � ti Z O 4 ; a t 0 f ��51� D�%O O�O•�'O�'O)O O�G�o�OtOI070j0'O�O O�O'OiO�p Q O 6; ?ICO�O'O�p!O�OMO 4�0 O�O;b�O�0i0;0'•Oj0,0 O,O��;OiO'O 6 �il�j�IO�O�Ci'tj�0�0�0 OlOiO O�Oj0�0�0'O O:C� O{Oi0�0 O O' hY�O�(fl�fA�FA�ffll�f1�64 V? fR�Hi.EA�Efl�fA.fHSfN�fR�Ei} fA:�t3 fA EA V4 ER�H3 i � �f � , ` � : i ! , ��. , ' , j i � ; ! i � � ! , , � • ; ;�� j . � '. i ' ' � , ! . , � � ' � ' , I � ! , ' ! { ' , I � , i I ; ; � � � � � � � I , ; j ! � 1 ; � , : ' ' ' � � ' � ' '';,_i_Ti i � • i —' � ; .. _ � i �'_�� �M� ' . � � � � � � � ' � I i � � � ' i i �.j; � . : cr' i I . o . tj" � i , ; � IQ i°; ��� � , �i � i i � 1 ;�I i ' -� I ! �"; � ' � ;"' I , . 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Madern sryiing ar�d a ccm- pact Iow profile desi�n r,.ake Ihe TEC MA-1&6 ideal for a wide variety oF sma!i reta:l appiicarions. Quick and Fasy Programmu�g • Lbpaz2ments Q 4o s�ndard (�a Depc. Sh�h; D 5lqgle uem Q Negazltie 0 Hd10 F;ogamm�; g ❑ Preset Price t7 Sp;Jt Package Prtci1q ■ Price took L'� 0 540 Standard ❑ 1-3 Di�t Code ;1-SCC) O O�en FLU � Medie ICsyS ❑ Three {3) St�nda� Ci Cash O Check 7 Chazge 'lecks 7 El�hc {8) Maximu.^s I Y�a C�de (Opdon} O 2 or 3 D{git Secu.�fry Uia Secre[ CoCe SEles ibtais {Dziiy. 2TD) �, , .---_' _ 1I Easy w Use Keyboaxi ❑ Aaised Key 7yp� 0 b6 Keys Srandard ❑ SOft KEy Posltioning , 1 Cash thawer D tacge Stze ❑ Medta ;la C Manuat Release vfa Lock G RemoVable 1!U fl Rertwvabk Coin lYay C 5 BilU5 Coin Compartmen� � Shary Ctear D3sptays ❑ Operzrcc Otspfay Ot0 D(git3 O 7 Segnen� Nut�ttic � i,arge Characcers O 6'I7i.Matk 6escdptot5 _,_._ _ . . ���• a � , .. � e . �. � � � f ` M � ,`� O 0 Customer Display 0 � ��rs O 7 Scgmeni Numeric O Catge Ctwiacce�s O PcD Up and Swicel O 5andatd � Hlgh �liry Yrinter ❑ Dnm Pdncer � 12 Ptinc Co}umn8 Q 5& nm Paper Wtdttt ❑ 3.3 LPs Priat Sper! o Z P[y Paper is Supporte� t7 Cogo Sramp (51'D) o Spocl far Re•ictkir�; ■ uaruagement APpo�rs ❑ Depaitments A Fiaandai Q Houciy O PL(: O .jll O Zone 0 Peripd t0 Da[e 0 Gashier • o Dai1y O PT7 0 ,Kedia ir Dzwer d tndi�idual Dep:. Rcad � A 7bshtba �`Iliated Compar;y 1 VLl!iL JLR� 1bLJ ,. . - 40d-445-1152 TEC ATLRNTR ADt*IIN. 945 P02 L : s � :i►1 • r. . ,� . r • i�iG 13 '97 �� i 5 �q !! fltCtropic �aym�1 Fean�re o PdlametLf SE{eeL�b{e Opsiorf 01NFD O�don � q Near FuQ lnduawr t7 Ldtge.MetllaFy S�rege,ire.a tI Eli�tir+b4�s thc Need Fot 2 PIy Papet 0 Provides Princed'�ts Aecada s os,rr FC8t1F(es and FunCti9nS p Post Re�ipt (24 Lines) LI AII v«d ;zo treros) n �ax px��pc CManual'S8x ' ❑ Dbtiar DLuount L19b+ O �c- 4 void ' C7 item S'fln'eCt , ❑ Received ori Accouac 4 Psld Out . n �rFor - � � Petum kierchandise ❑ $eeseip� arVOEP s ❑ f,5'[ Ftittc�on . c3 uatntng fvnccmn 7�C 13mc'rzCis, irrc:, —�, :OiQD28t8 D�C! -001-A s tinde, ��.�. c�a sosso �t (no� +avw+o . �c: �-------•. fc 6Yrr • � � � i i �:.R � � cmp�y .�----- ; �r rox. .- .. r � '` SPFClFICATfONS DlmeA6ions: i8.t25'(v;3 x 17.675"(D} x t1.75"(H}