218701 .± , . °+ ' ��17r�'l�'� . , ORIGINAL TO GITY GLERK ' , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE r � DATF — RESOLVED,� That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the �. - - . City of St.' Paul and the Municipal Softball Association�and the Municipal Baseball Association for the use of Dunning Field, said M�nicipal Softball Association to receive the net proceeds ,� up to but not to exceed $1, 000. 00, and said Municipal Baseball Associ.ation to receive the net proceeds 'up to but not to exceed $1, 000. 00, for the season of 1964. , . J . - . i , Councll File No. 218701—By Frank L.� � � Loss— Resolved, That the proper city offi- cers are hereby authorized and direct- � ed to execute an agreement betaeea� - . the City of St. Paul and the,Municipal � Softball Association and the Municipal ' . , Baseball As"sociation for the use of n:. Dunning Field, said Municipal Softball �' Association to receive the net proceeds " ' '" up td but not to exceed �1,000.00, and " � said Municipal Baseball Association to _ ' receive the net proceeds up to bi�t not " to exceed $1,000.00, tor the seasoa of 1964. �� Adopted by the Councll Juae 16,1964. � • :Approved Tupe 16, 1964. ' - (Jude 20, 1964) - . ��N 16 196� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,��N 16 1� Dalglish ' = ' Holland ", pproved 19— ._ � � I'OSS n Favor � � � .. �e�i�se���� � ` Peterson - � � Mayor -- � A gainst � - Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis , ' ionz s-sz � ,�