06-650Council File # O -/p,5� Green Sheet # 3031145 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Trades I.aborer be established at the rate set 2 forth in Grade 30U, of Bazgaining Unit 71 - I.aborers I ocal #132 Salary Schedule, and be it s RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Trades Iaborer shall be established in three ways � to meet the business needs of the City organization, and be it Employee Rate without PERA Rate Base rate of $26.78, plus vacarion of $1.70 for a total taxable rate of $28.48 Non-tasable fringes benefits, paid by the employer, aze: o Health and Welfaze - $5.60 o Pension - $3.85 o Tnining - $.26 Employee Rate with PERA Rate 21 22 23 24 25 Base rate of $25.26, plus vacation of $1.70 for a total taxable rate of $26.96 Non-tasable fringe benefits, paid by the employer, aze: o Health and Welfaze - $5.60 o Pensian - $3.85 o Training - $.26 Employee Wage Rate with City Benefits • Base Rate of $2532 • City Benefits Include: Holidays, Vacation, Health and Welfaze, and PERA FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Benanav Bostrom Harris Adopted by Council: Date Yeas � ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ s� Requested by Office of Human Resources: B Form Approv d b inancial S rvices B a T _ Adoprion Certified by Counc' Secret�y — Form Approv By: /�i�1�ri Approved a Date 7 By ' B Y� Fo ppro ed to Council G\SfiaredVSYSTEMSDEVELOPMENTSECTIOMOrg Design\ConsWqnt-Turchin\ClassificaGOn.work\'Crzdes.laborerClass�Resolutlon.2.doc �6 - �3v Gsr DEYARTtrSENT/OS�FICE/COIINCII.: ' DATE INITIA'CED GREEN SHEET rto• 3031145 Human Resources 6/26/06 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: ATE IMTTALDATE I.eeAnII Turchin, 266-6517 t DEPABihIINC DiR ��� s an covrrcu. M[JST BE OPI COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DAT'E) �ss�c� 3 crn'^'iTOx�r 6 an am�c Ni3MBEAROR ROUTING zFRtnNCULSmvDm FiNnNCIALSEicv/nCC[G ORDER 4MAYOR(O8ASS7-) TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) acrtorr x�QuESt�n: Approval af the new classificarian of Trades Laborec in C'srade 30U of Laborers Local #132 Salary Schedule. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) orReject (R) PERSONAi. SERVICE CONTRACA'S MOST ANSWER THE FOI.LOR'AG QUESTIOttS: 1. Hastlilspeandfumeverworkedunderacontractfnrtfiisdepartrnent? PLANNIlYG COMMISSION Yes No CID COMIdLITE6 2. Has thic peisodfum ever been a city ert�loyee7 CNII.SERVICECOMbIISSION Yes No 3. DoesthispersoNfumpossessasldlinotnomuilypossessedbyanyc�mevtcityemployee7 Yes No 4. Is Niis P�dfirtn a egevA vrndor7 Yes No Explain atl yes ancwers on separa[e Sfieet and attaCh to green sheet INTTSATIPYG PROBLEM, ISSUE� OPPORTUNITY (Whq Wfiay When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul has had a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Local #132 for three years to meet the operationai needs of Pazks and Recreations — Operations. The parties mutually agreed that it made sense that a classification now be created to address the ongoing issues and need for such a position(s) in the City. HR created the classification of Trades Iaborer to meet the aforementioned need. This position will serve as an assistant to a joumey-level h�ades person. I,aborer Local #132 was notified that the class of Trades Laborer was being created and they had no objections. nnvnnTaGES � arrxovEn: The Pazks and Recreation organizational structure will be properly shuctured to manage this type of work now being done in Pazks Operations. Individual who will perform this worlc in the future will now be certified and appropriately compensated. nisanvax�rncES � nrrxovEV: None nisanvniv�rncES � No'r nrrxovEn: The City and Local #132 would continue to address the operationai needs of Pazks through the use of a MOA like the ones that have been signed and in use for the last three years. This is not the most effective and efficient manner to address this ongoing issue. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes See explanation below. Fi7NDING SOURCE: General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER: 03102 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� Parks has budgeted for this position(s) for the last three years. Funding for this necessary work would conrinue. RECEIVED G:1Sha[ed�SYS'LEMS.DEVELOPMENT.SECIfOMOrg.Desig¢�Coasultant-TwcLin�Classi5cafioawork�Trndes.La6aer.C�ass\Gmensheetl.doc ��� 1 0 2006 MAYO�'S OFFICE G:VShazedVSYST'EMS.DEVELOPMENT.SECTIO1V�Org. Design\Consultant- TurchinlClassification.work\Trades.Laborer.Class\Greensheet.l.doc D� �� ,SD Trades Laborer occ coDE: 3aaB B.U.: 71 GRADE: 30U EFFBCTIVE: DESCRIPTION WORK General Duty Statement: Performs sezni-skilled manual labor to support the construction, maintenance, and repair of building facilities and systems. Performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a journey-level trades person, unit supervisor, and/or crew leader. Supervision Exercised: May guides and orient lower-level employees or other temporary help as assigned. Competencies: Demonstrates a good understanding and familiarity of the current policies, procedures, techniques, terms, and practices for proper maintenance of building facilities and systems. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in independentiy resolving a full range of challenges associated with the work being performed. Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of and ability to properly and safely operate and maintain larger commercial vehicles, equipment and tools in the performance of their assignments. Demonstrates an ability to follow, guide and orient others in established safety practices and care of equipment procedures as indicated in manufactures' specifications and department procedures. Demonstrates an ability to idenfify basic risks and liability implications associated with the work and take appropriate action to minimize those risks. Demonstrates an ability to lift equipment, tools, and supplies of up to 50 pounds, maneuver them around obstacles and under adverse conditions. Demonstrates an ability and willingness to work in all types of environmental conditions. Demonstrates an ability to resolve the fixll range of problems associated with building facili6es and systems in the assigned work azea. Demonstrates an ability to plan, coordinate, monitor and manage work assigned. Demonstrates an abiliry to define and measure results. /- � � Demonstrates an abilily to prioririze own work and coordinate the work of others, meet deadlines, and adhere to work schedule and hours assigned. Demonshates an ability to be fleacible and adaptable to changes in work assigunents. Demonstrates a complete understanding of the assigned priorities, goals, and objectives and a common understanding of the department mission and vision. Demonstrates an ability to take responsibility for own action and takes initiative by anticipating and planning for steps with assigned project to most efficiently use fime. Demonstrates an ability to maintain buildings faciliries, systems, and work areas in a neat, orderly, and quality manner. Demonstrates an understanding and an ability to be mindful of other's work so they can coordinate their work with others in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Demonstrates an ability to effecfively listen, speak, and interact tactfully in a work group or with the public. Demonsh�ates verbal and written ability to work collaborarively with citizens and departmental staf£ Demonstrates an ability to follow moderately complex oral and written inshuctions. Demonstrates an abiliry to complete departmental forms, records, and daily reports in a clear and rimely maimer. Demonsirates an ability to communicate with a diverse group of coworkers, supervisors, and the public in a cooperarive, non-argumentative manner, using calm and moderate tones and appropriate language. Demonstrates an ability to diffuse a hostile situation and manage conflict appropriately. Demonsttates an ability to develop posifive worldng relationships and an ability to positively influence intemal and external customers. Demonstrates an ability to coordinaYe and communicate with their supervisor and departmental staff on a daily basis. Demonstrates an ability to support the efforts of the entire team by consistently modeling a positive, proactive work ethic exhibited by embracing their role as a tenured employee and supporting the organization's goals. Demonstrates effective team membership by being self motivated, showing iniriative, including finding more work to do when work is completed, managing their assignments independently adhering to work rules, and worldng within the team to create and maintain a positive image of the City. Demonstrates anticipatory leadership by understanding specific roles and responsibilities of others within the City and the department and using this information to effectively accomplish the team's goals and objectives and assisting other members of the team. Demonstrates leadership abiliries by sharing expertise and lrnowledge with lower-levei employees or volunteers and worldng with management to improve processes, systems and organi2ation. Demonstrates an ability to assist in detemuning group perFormance standards and in monitoring individual and group progress. Demonstrates an ability to provide construc6ve feedback in review of employee performance and provide training and coaching for co-workers. Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the operational mission, vision, and associated customer service standards by consistently worldng in accordance with those established standards and by encouraging and coaching co-workers to meet or exceed the standards. D(���� Demonsfrates an understanding of who the customer is, an ability to identify customer needs, and prozuptly and appropriately respond to requests for service from customers. Demonstrates a commitment to customer service by proactively addressing customer service issues and e�chibiting pafience, attentiveness, and respectfiil bebavior when addressing more complex customer service issues. Demonstrates an ability to assist in identifying overall customer seivice needs and providing input to develop appropriate customer service standards for the organizarion. Demonstrates an ability to establish effective worldng relationships and an ability to focus on issues most important within that azea. Demonslrates an ability to connect organizational resources and the customers needs in an effective manner. Requirements: Must be at least eighteen (18) yeazs of age. Successful candidates for this classification will tiave specialized trades skills, which may include one or more of the following azeas of expertise. Demonstrated ability to: • Mix cement mortar and supply to the location the Bricklayer is worldng. • Supply brick or block to the locarion the bricklayer is worldng. This may be on scaffold, roofs, or in a trench. • Assist with pouring concrete, off loading of delivery huck, wheel barrowing, spreading, floating, fmishing, and brooming. • Operate the sldd loader during installarion excavation. • Install cement forms and bracing. • Operate a concrete saw during demolition or installation. • Use a laser level for accurate worlananship. • Lay tile and pavers. • Install backer rod, insulation, and caulldng. • Utilize a worldng laiowledge of masonry tools and practices.