221055or s"i to City Clark y ORDINAN PRESENTED BY No 22) 1 NO. An ordinance amending Ori%Lie�T6. 12736, entitled: "An ordinance imposing a yearly tax upon any private person, firm or corporation, other than an authorized public utility, which shall maintain and operate, in any multiple occupancy building in the City of Saint Paul, as landlord or otherwise, a business or business activity which shall involve the resale, by any such private person, firm or corporation, of electric energy purchased from any authorized public utility, by any such private person, firm or corporation, to any tenant, or tenants, occupant or occupants of any such multiple occupancy building; providing for the manner of payment of such tax; and pro- viding for penalties for any violation of this ordinance. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." approved June 16, 1964. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ordinance-No., 12736, approved -June 16, 19641 hereby is.amended by striking Section 1 thereof in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof a new Section 1 toy -;read as follows: "Section 1. That there is hereby levied, assessed, and imposed a tax on every private person, firm, or corpora- tion, other than an authorized public utility, which shall maintain and operate, in any multiple occupancy buildinjg in the City of Saint Paul, as landlord or otherwise, a "busi- ness or business activity which shall involve the resale, whether remetered or not, by any such private- person, firm, or corporation, of electric energy purah&s'ed,from any authorized public utility by any such private person, firm, or corporation, to any tenant or tenants, occupant or occupants, of any such multiple occupancy building, which tax shall be an annual tax and which shall be, in amount, 2% of the gross charges for electric energy purchased from any authorized public utility by any such private person, firm or corporation in any such multiple occupancy building within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, said 2% of such gross charges, when considered with and added to the 5% of gross charges for said public utilities otherwise paid to the City of Saint Paul throug�i said public utility, constituting the equivalent of 5% of grossievenues derived from such resale of electric energy in such multiple occupancy building within the limits of the City of Saint Paul. Sec. 2. That ordinance No. 12736, approved June 16, 19649 hereby is further amended by striking Section 2 thereof in its Antiretv_ and substitutine in lieu thereof a new Seat-ion 2 to T Oritiml to City Cleric A , .r ORDINANCE (o) F NO. � COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY . ORDINANCE NO. Page 2. as follows: "Sec. 2. Every person, firm or corporation required, by the provisions of Section 1, to pay such tax as in said section provided, shall annually, on or before the first Monday in February, file with the Commissioner of Finance a statement, subscribed and sworn to by an - authorized officer, if a corporation, or by an individual charged with management or control of the business or business activity, if not a corporation, setting forth the separate monthly charges for each month for the preceding calendar year of the gross monthly charges for electric energy purchased by such person, firm or corporation, from an authorized public utility. A monthly billing statement received from such authorized public utility will be acceptable substantiation for such annual statement,_ regardless of the meter reading date established by such authcr ized public utility. Such annual stdnments shall be in a form acceptable to the City Comptroller, and after receipt of such form by the Commissioner 'of Finance, said Commissioner shall transmit the same to the Comptroller for permanent filing in the Comptroller t s office as a public record." Sec. 3. That ordinance No. 12736, approved June 16, 19642 hereby-is further amended by adding a new section, following Section 2, to read as follows: "Sec. 3. The tax required to be paid pursuant to the Provisions of Section 1 hereof shall be paid to the Commissioner of Finance on or before the first Monday in March of each year. The tax for the calendar year 1964 shall be prorated from the 27th day of June, 1964." Sec. 4. That ordinance No. 12736, approved June 16, 19641 hereby is further amended by striking Section 3 thereof in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof a new section, renumbered Section 4, to read as follows: "Sec. 4. That if any person, firm or corporation required to pay a tax by the terms of this ordinance shall fail to pay the _same on or before the first Monday of March in any year, there shall be added to said annual tax so in default, a penalty of ten per cent. (lop ell Sea. 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec.6. This ordinance its passage, approval and p Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President Vavoulis),pg Attest: City Cler shall take effect and be in force upon blication. IM 1142 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council DEC 2 9 1964 Tn Favor (7 Against . :PUBLISHED rJAR 2 ®° (laasou) }uopisaad aaiA •.;p1 sllnonen }uap!saJd •J uasoa \ .— fesov nuosJa }ad ` uosiale 4+!pa-'ayq 44!paJa ssol PUelloH. P1ell°H***-N� 4s!161ea \ 4s!I61ea,**� s�(eN ses�(eN sea,, pe4dopy� dde pue pig o} nano p!el