Council File No. 221017 —By Milton
Resolved, Ba
Battle k hDevelopm Development
that section of public street herein -
after described be and the same here-
by is vacated and discontinued as pub-
lic street, viz.;
Rou4ds Avenue between the west
i line of McKnight Road and the east
I line of Winthrop Street in Block
16, Battle Creek Heights Plat 2 and
Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 20, Battle
Creek Heights Plat 3;
subject expressly to the following con-
,ditions and at the vacation be subject to all
the terms and conditions of Section
226 of the Legislative Code reg-
ulating the procedure and prescrib-
in bli conditions for the vacation of
puc grounds, streets, alleys and
highways in the City of Saint Paul;
2. that the petitioners pay to the City
the sum of $5,000.00 as compensation
vacation he
City twith a ond in ihepramounttof
Adopted by the Council December 10,
Approved December 10, 1964.
(December 12, 1964) i