221008Original to City Clerk ORDI-NANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.y PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 42 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING CODE, CHAPTERS 60 TO 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, PERTAINING TO USE DISTRICTS, HEIGHT DISTRICTS AND REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AS AMENDED. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF TIE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as toiezone the following described property from Height District I to Height District II, to -wit: Block 20, except Lots 1 through 9 thereof, Battle Creek Heights Plat 3; Block 16, Batt -le -Creek Heights Plat 2; Lots 9 through 13, Block 21, Battle Creek Heights Plat 3; located in the area Winded by Burns Avenue, Ruth Street, McKnight Road and -North Park Drive. Sec. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of ..� the public peace,: health, and safety. Sec. 3. This ordinance ,shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and =pub4, cation. PETITION TO RLP DISTRICT T� A petition having been filed request- ing that Chapters 60 to 64, incl., St. � Paul Legislative Code, re Zoning, etc., be amended so as to re- district from j Height DistriDt I to Height District Il the following described property:i Except Lots 1 through 9, Block 20 and Lots 9 through 13, Block 21, Battle Creek Heights Plat #3 and Block 16 I Battle Creek Heights Plat #2, locatea ,in the area surrounded by Burns Ave- nue, McKnight's North Park Drive and I Ruth Street; the Council of the City of Saint Paul has fixed the 19th day of November, 1964, at ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Council Chamber ink the City Hall of said City and at said time and place, the Council will hear ,all persons and all objections and recommendations relative to said pro- posed amendment. Dated November 5, 1964. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss /1 Meredith 0 Peterson Rosen Mr.President (V ulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By ROBERT B. GERBER, Jr., City Clerk. (November 7, 1964) DEC_ 2 91964 Passed by the Council Approved: Tn Favor Against jnn is 1964 Mayor PUBLISHED JAN 2 19657 DUPLIGAT[ TO PRINT[R ORDINANCE,(�� PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO.-D v AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING CODE$ CHAPTERS 60 TO 64 INCLUSIVE OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE 80DEi PERTAINING TO USE DISTRICTS HEIGHT DISTRICTS AND REZONING OF CERTAIk PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL9 AS AMENDED. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF 1H E PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINt Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Codeq pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as toi+ezone the following described property from Height District I to Height District I19 to -wits Block 20, except Lots 1 through 9 thereofq Battle Creek Heights Plat 3; Block 16, Battle Creek Heights Plat 2; Lots 9 through 13, Block 21, Battle Creek Heights Plat 3; located in the area bounded by Burns Avenue, Ruth Streetq McKnight Road and North Park Drive. Sec. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace$ health, and safety. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1W "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By DEC 2 9 Passed by the Council Tn i Favor �A�a ^inert Approved: DEC 2 91964 Mayor .......................... . . ......................... ...� ::::::.' ;: R;: ARD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ::•:IXTRHSI.ON; 751 -151 -133 1713 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 7, MINNESOTA ... ...... ..: November 17, 1964 Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr.- - City Clerk } .Building Dear Sir: 221008 This is in the matter of the petition of the Battle Creek Development Co. to rezone from Height District I to Height District II certain properties located in -the area bounded by Burns�Ruth?,_;"McKnight Road and North Park Drive and described as Block 20 ex. Lots 1 thr -u 9 thereof, Battle Creek - Heights Plat 3; B1ockl6, Battle Creek Heights Plat 2; Lots 9 thru 1.3, Block 21,',Battle Creek Heights Plat 3. On November 3, 1964, the Commissioner of Finance reported the petition sufficient with the owners of 21 or a possible 26 (80.38%) tracts of land within the prescribed 100 foot radius having signed the petition. The site is vacant and it is proposed to be developed in stages with town -house complexes and tower apartments. The first stage of the development will consist of one tower apartment 20 stories in height with 130 units, and one town -house complex consisting of 36 units-to be located at the south- easterly corner of the site as it adjoins North Park Drive and McKnight Road. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting on November 15, 1964. The staff reported that a meeting had been held with the City Architect and the petitioner's architect, and it was concluded that the proposed tower apartments could be constructed within the limits prescribed under Height district II. Because of the placement of the pro- posed tower apartments on the site, it does not appear that the change in Height District would have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area properties. It was therefore the Board of Zoning's recommendation that the petition to rezone the above - described property from Height District I- to Height District II be granted. Sincerely, B. R. Teig A. P. Recording Secretary Approved BRT:FGI Membe Board of Zoning ENcl. Z. F. 5675 - ` 1 I st - 2nd �a Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted — Yeas Nays Yeas Nays 8afglish --- Yeas tW of nom— Holland \ Loss 221-0 ` Loss Meredith Meredith I?e+ffl-= r Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis