220964ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ^j L.JQry CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ®x jSL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISS11 RFSOLVED, That upon the report and recommendation of the City Valuation.Engineer and pursuant to Section 303 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the acquisition of the property known as 840 Conway Street and legally described as: the west 50 feet of the east 400 feet of the north 134 feet of Block 82, Lyman Daytons Addition to the City of Saint Paul, hereby is approved and ratified, and the proper City officials are hereby authorited and directed to pay to Ina Sherar, owner of said property, the sum of $12,500:00, said sum to be paid to the afore- said party from Fund 3700 -501 upon her furnishing an abstract of title, continued to date, evidencing good marketable title, and upon tender by the owner of appropriate deeds conveying said pro- perty to the City free from encumbrance, said property to be used for the proposed Van Buren Playground as a replacement for the Bluff Playground which was taken by the State of Minnesota under appropriate condemnation proceedings. FORM APPROVED ,rt.Jw�� corpWation Counsel DEC 81964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 8 1 Dalglish pEL96 7�i4 Holland Approve 19— Loss � ^ XZ�L Tn Favor Meredith Ili)-L Peterson p� Mayor Against Acting I:� .: '? PUBLISHED DEC 12 1964 loM a 6zicePreq;.� ..... . .,