G -1669
2,091 1
Council File No........� ...............
Theundersignedhereby uronosesthemakingof the following nublicimprovement by the City of Saint, Pa»l, vis.:
Condemning and taking , an -- easement- for.—the "pur =pose of_'-c6-nstructi rig -and
_ ...r... ---r - _..
.- nmai•nta►nang ,a�puba -i=c_ s -ewer on;�, under and °across therwest���- '`�f °the'eaSt"�!" ----"""'
of Lot t15,, B1_ock- 1, Knauft!s-'Pddi tion fr-vm -Beech Street to the Alley in the
—?.(y a'r'..o f - sa i ,d.;,..1 o .,,.. _ •...... _ _........... - . _..........
so� condemn-rng an taking a temporary easement-for
construct ion
_qu ;rposes,oh „a,- stdJ,p. of-,,.1_and ,$!...i -n_ w,-Ld.th.,on:.. the.. west- ._s.ide_of••-... _ - - - - --
Wthe above easement and the east 2' of Lot 15, Block 1, Knauft's Addition and
- --- the- wes- t•*- 6J, -of •L•ot•463i•- of- Lot ... --
` a1 l exdi,n- Bl oc�cj 14, Kn3u�foti'si- Addi,,tiion. — 1 {
...................................... --- ��.�'�� - �- .....----- ..- •- •---- - - - - --
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.:
ndemni n -and taki n an _easement o.r a pure s.e_. of-t.i ng a
.....r, • ..,...._.... p
g.- a - .public•. sewer,, on under =and ec ro r - ~�
. .,, .. �•,. , . f. i .h
• ;.
me,inta'inln , ss the-'west 41- of the -:�as' ':\
`of... Lot- �LS.r..B.l. ock ..1 >, •Knauft ! s� Adds t =ion �f rom Beech - Street= to -- the"-a1 I-- Th'`t,�, °'
rear of sai d__l ot: Also condemni ng. and taki ng a4 temporary easement:;for . �J
- ,: , ,...
--- constr�ct`i t5n' "pu poses on a s "r`i= p`'o'f `i�and• '8''' "i n wT dt'_ '"on h'e west side of
_the above easement and the east 2' f .Lo
.. ._ 9.....- - _iL ..lS., _B,.1,0ck.L,, Knau.f.ti-s -Addi ti.on�.- and•.---- - -. - --
the west 6' of Lot 16, Block 1,+Knauft's Addition from Beech Street to the
h��alnlrey ti npt3l o 12d1`; tk'iiaZff_,.tje l rAd�.i=tfiion of Saint Paul ... . .......................... . .. .................., ............I................
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and •directed: •-
1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.
Adopted by the Council . QE- C'-- - - - -3 %4
Councilman Da 19 1 i s DEC 3 1964
Ho l l and Approved ----- - .................... -- ........................................
-- - -
Loss '
}� Peterson
�• Rosen ---------- -- ----- - - -•- . ........
......_. -------- -
MR. P$ESIDI&T Vavou 1 i s Mayor.
MW 7:a4
� 5 196