220901ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 220901 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE Ca MITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY flu ,�, N J," December 3, 1964 r_nuul ED BY a nac RESOLV1D: That Application H�13209 for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License-No. 2068, expiring January 31, 1965, issued to the Lo Price Liquor Store, Inc. at 173 North Snelling Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to William J. Lynch at 1818 Grand Avenues Liquor Store's off Sale Liquor Establishment ± H Set TRANSFER A public hearing was scheduled by the City Coun- (Licensee and Location) cil today for next Tuesday on Informally rp proved by Couna l an application to establish an Nuvember'17 .1964 off -sale liquor store at 1818 .9- New Location Grand ave. Applicant is William J. Lynch, 2097 Carroll ave:, who has been in the grocery busi- ness in the area and wants to move a liquor license he obtained from the Lo -Price " <. liquor store, 473 N. Snelling ave. to the Grand avenue lo- cation. The public hearing was or- dered in line with established council policy to set such ses- sions for a specified date in the event persons may wish to protest. DEC 31964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DEC C C ^ 3 '1964 Dalglish Holland Approved 19— . Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson U Mayor A gainst Rosen ; Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBUSHM DEC 5 1964 coat ass 900' 9_60 CITY 00 SAINT PAUL 76 2 APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No. (This form must be filled out in addition to the application form and sworn statement required by the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota.) Name of Applicant William J. Lynch Age 31 Residence Address 2097 Carroll, Saint Paul, Minnesota Telephone No 645 -4034 Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? No When and Where? Not applicable If corporation, give date when incorporated Not applicable Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold Not applicable Names and addresses of Stockholders Nat a ppl i n a h l e Name of surety company which will write bond, if known Agri .0 ltu r n r an .. C om piny Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 1818 Grand Ave. Southeast :Wheeler' and Fairview Eleventh • 1954 ft from Macalester; How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ? 3444 ft. from St. Thomas How many feet from church (measured along streets) 7 2327 ft. from Macalester Presbyterian Church How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) ? 1050 ft. Name of closest school Alexander Ramsey How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance L On what floor located? First floor If leased, give name of owner Edwin N. T,,- h (father of applicant) Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? Exclusive liquor store How long have you operated present business at present site? Father operated 50 years grocery store Do you now have an "On Sale" non - intoxicating liquor license? Nn (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated i 9 License Inspector. MIZ o, IN , ry. 5 Form 8— Revised 4/1/60 4' STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER ' APPLICATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following questionnaire shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering the following questions "APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a Corpora- tion one officer shall execute this application for all officers, directors and stockholders. For a partnership one of the "APPLICANTS" shall execute this application for all members of the partnership. EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. 1. I, William J. Lvneh , as individual owner (Individual owner, o/hcer, or partner) for and in behalf of William J. Lynch , hereby apply for an Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to be located at 1818 Grand Avenue (Street Address and /or Lot and Block Number) Municipality of Saint Paul , County of REUnaey , State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340, commencing 19 —, and ending , 19 —. 2. Give applicants' date of birth 16 February 1933 (Day) (Month) (Year) (Day) (Month) (Year) (Lay) (Month) (Year) (Day) (Month) 3. -The residence for each of the applicants named herein for the past five years is as follows: 2097 Car 'roll Avenue. Saint Paul, Minnesota 4. Is the applicant a citizen of the United States? Yes If naturalized state date and place of naturalization— If a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers or partners. (Year) i. �u 6. The person who executes this application shall give wife's or husband's full name and address Mary Georgette (SampaiO' Lynch 6. What occupations have applicant and associates in this application followed for the past five years? Sales reer6sentative. Wood Conversion Co., Saint Paul, Minnesota �y 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership Not applicable -. ` _ �_ •. _ ` -ti. t' .. -y `•( ' `` `•` , ,. ' - - - - . -.T '- Vii) L • November 10) 1941, Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell' Corporation - GOUTlsel Building Dear f Sir: After a public nearing he e C it referred to ,you for study and opinion the'mat of the sf P Off dale Liquor, license of Will s1m J.' from x+73 Sne ing Ave. to 1818 d Ave. The problem revoly around the as, it applies to the ` location of Off Sale Liq stores reference `'to the distance Prom schools. Upon completi' your- findings, the Council requested ' that you report the to the.- nee Committee for its study-and recom- " mendatio' . J ` . The matter ha on la i ver to Tuesday, Novo ber 1 th. Very tru _ours City Clerk •, ' ••a + ^''d: �, �_ '- s - •- •� -• ' • _ -•�� _''` ;' _• �." •ice - ` _YX fi Nov. lot- 1964 • ' Boni Dean Meredith - • -, ,. s . Go®81's of public Safety _T - • Public Safety Building ( • Dear Sir; • t on Vernon Michel T y The City Council*laid over to Nov'. 17 tier of,the applicatida - ' fbr transfer oft f Sale ,i quor . use L6 Pricy Y,3 quor store. at, - - 473 N, ' SneDing Ave. to Wi ch a 18 (}rand Ave: ,k. after a hearing held'today: _ -, - The matter mus referred the C on Counsel for study and opinion, ' with, reference to the law it appl.i to- the location of Off Sale Liquor _ ; = stores d tbei.r it�ity ecbob The- Council sted that the Corporation Counselp upon cow].etion of '• - his f indings, . eport the to - the License Committee- for its .study and ioa . J 4 M1 ;Very truly yOU34 1 - City_ Clerk ng G- •' l a J' . ' _• . = __ ^. -' _- •.♦ J — - -, f • ` • �'. . �' V • i of -. - _ s{ f - �' _ 1. •'_ `.. `fi= - - � __ . - .^ TO'Iiq;iorable Mayor Vavbulis and the Members of th City Council: 'Ad undersigned persons, living in.and concerned with the Vej#rq of, tha neighborhood bordering the Fairview and Grand Avenue business communtty,j only within the past few days learned of th6 r6kluett for & transfer of a liquor licenise for a-liguor store to be i6d6ted at 1818 Grand AVogue. We are opposed to thd 6p6ning of any typo of liquor'stor6 at-thi* location because of its proximity to school* and colleges. 1t;has traditionally been known as a college area and is-•ithin the patrol limits of the City of,St.Paul. The Ramsey Junior High and the Ramsey Annex Jayand Evening Schools ,are within twO,,and one,and'a half blockarespectivelyipf'the proposed locAtion. A popular billiard and pool hall, frequenthd by.many yqund people in thba6 schools and those from Macalester-i St. Thomas College and Academy, is located, two doors from the proposed store,. This -typo of environment is well-recognized at detrimental -for young people. Moreover, the liquor,demapds of the community axe amply taken care,of b within, ,y the "quo, stores already established in this area, the closest wit two bl6oks of, the propos64 location. We -earnestly, r6quest that your August Body refuse the 'transfer of this lidebsethus,heeding the urgent requests 6g. parp4te, rppidents and educators concerned with the welfE&e of Its children, and,yout1h and that of the, entire Community. We thank you ,for your co'haiidepation. \2 TO Honorable Mayor Vavoulis and the Members of the City Council: The undersigned'persons, living in and concerned with the welfare of the neighborhood bordering the Fairview and Grand.Avenue business community, only 'within the past few days learned of the request .for a transfer of • a liquor license for a liguor store to )e - located at 1818 Grand Avenue. f We are opposed to,the opening of any type of liquor store at this location because of its proximity to schools and colleges. It has traditionally been known as a college area and is within the patrol limits of the City of St:Paul. The Ramsey Junior High: and the Ramsey Annex Day and Evening Schools are within two,and one and a half blocksrespectively,of,lthe proposed location. A popular billiard and pool hall, frequentibd by many young people in these school's and those from Macalester, St. Thomas College and Academy,,,is located two doors from the proposed store. This type of environment is well recognized as detrimental'£or young people. Moreover, the liquor demands of the community are amply taken care, of by the liquor stores already established in this area, the closest being within two blocks of the proposed- location. We earnestly request that your August Body refuse the transfer of this license thus heeding the urgent requests of parents, residents and educators concerned with the Welfare of its children and youth and that of the entire Community. < We thank you for your consideration.. ,Ww� r� iJ 1, 0 L %\z 1',76'o 3 I1 n to m4otabio Hw6r, VaVdultip wA the Members of thd City CoUnOOk The undersigned porsquill living in a!34 concerne4 vith Vio veifato of " ' t6, neighborhood bOrdering- the ftirView 6VA Grand AVeme buoinOoss ao=nUAtyo only within the post few days 1"rAed of tho "guest for a tremsfdr of a I- -*quor liceose for a ilguot,'stot6 tov be locate4at 1618 Gt&uA AvoiWA, We are pppoced to the opening of aW type of liquor stqM'at UtS Iodation becaude of its proximity to adhools atd- tolloade. It bai tvadition4ly been, knova eA a college area and is within thO patrol %Wtlo of the City of St4ftuli The Ram:aev Ounior High, and the Ramov AMIOX 'Day end ZVOX449 Sob*ols are within'twojand one WA a bait b1oftteqpOOtLvel;Yjof'the pwpogie A location, A popule& billiard and pool. WIt frequoutbd V vary -young people. in theop schools and. those from Maoaiestort Sto Thomat Ool,lego and Acedewo Lo located two doors from the propomed store. This type of ormiroamentia-well. recognized at dOtAmental for YoUng PdoplO. Moft6vOrs the liquor 'din of the - community ate' ampler taken � Of 0a" day the liqOr storea alrea -ait4bitabp4 in, this areal the olooett being wltblu two bldeks bf the proposed lodatton. n we earnesitly, r"st. that your August Body refuse the transfer of this ltd0jide thud heeding tx-O lwdent. vW-esto of parento, "sidentla and educatoria Cohoor-nod with the wolfewo Of 04 + lldreu, and yoUth,WA tbAt of the entire Wo thank you for,you; oonsOeration, 2 .. 6 YI.UIw(tb w�P �h e u dev -6 i° r)ed 9 Ito re. c)r Mg CS rand. do not desire cs- woo-ortma CI-0 rl- v. ICJ -c� 17 0 � 7 T' F oor 1 n / • J l� fiel rT,?r A 42 i J SAINT PAUL OFF SALE LIQUOR DEALERS ASSOCIATION November 13, 1964 Mr. Robert Gerber City Clerk Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: At the St. Paul council meeting of Tuesday, November 10, 1964, Mr. Frank Gaertner was introduced by Mr. Jos. T. O'Neill, attorney for Mr. Ed Lynch. Mr. Lynch is the applicant for a liquor license transfer. The St. Paul Off -Sale Liquor Dealers wish to inform you that he, Mr. Gaertner, was not appearing for our organization. He was appearing in his own behalf. Our organization has always remained neutral in any license transfers in the past and wi II continue to do so in the future. Very sincerely yours, St. Paul Off -Sale Liquor Dealers Assoc. Mr. ra iche e, resident Mr. or Lemenowski, ice President Mr. Rocco Crea, Secretary- Treasurer i h r r SAINT PAUL OFF SALE LIQUOR The Honorable George Vavoulis Mayor, City of St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: REC]EIV ED SAINT PAUL, MINN. In MAYOR'S OFFICE DEALE S A����Qgi,(IONr, M �Ig19110111I1a1 �1�131�I alb L November 13, 1964 At the St. Paul council meeting of Tuesday, November 10, 1964, Mr. Frank Gaertner was introduced by Mr. Jos. T. O'Neill, attorney for Mr. Ed Lynch. Mr. Lynch is the applicant for a, liquor license transfer. The St. Paul Off -Sale Liquor Dealers wish to inform you that he, Mr. Gaertner, was not appearing for our organization. He was appearing in his own behalf. Our organization has always remained neutral in any license transfers in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Very sincerely yours, St. Paul Off -Sale Liquor Dealers Assoc. Mr. Geral Aic ele, resi ent Mr. 4oj Lemenows ice President Mr. Rocco Crea, Secretary- Treasurer 0 r P7�V . S /Ds �'7y2 �aR,lrN�,�vE (j/R j ,;aT IYWcy(:�;b0ExY144A-M r g ;Ro,�p 4�El��xv�;���r����y� iZ C�A,vi�,vl9' �F? z����� 1✓f'r,NS� /a A��UF /� bti/2ESS pi A -)�/s/Tie / r)-Ly'c ?S`y'PJ4✓ED�i,Y A jagC)t 57a6.5 AA/V S7rn"'u -p" y fvr/k re 1'4 P"4 A s %,(,�4�?C?R(AC 9 N,� i{{� Tt'A�S'Ey Ue��i�btply �,v�v�x• q J?4A)TS &F /Ills lypr- Pe AI,79116, /vv 1M piZctl6 7Ne 617y 6F � ?At,, R 9, f CZ a cD r ZA NF A Ho/ys ANA VI;4P4Y 4detc6,2'474- Ille 6 P oN g'' I WA.)V s T 7N�'