220875ORIGINAL ,70 CITE CLERK ~ , j -'! {, ^i ~'f }! fr?{ •1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. FILE NO J f " COUN RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAB November 25, 1964 _ RESOLVED; That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from BORCHERT- INGERSOLL, INC. Parts for Repair of T -11 Allis - Chalmers Model HD6B Tractor with 16" Grouser Shoes, Serial HD613-1382 at a cost of $1255 #82, without competitive bids, pursuant to Section 290 of the Charter of the City of St, Paul,. as these parts are for patented equipment# Code 0580 -000 1?4 't ASS ISTANT RAT TON COUNSEL I i COUNCILMEN Yeas . Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 100 "2 �/ Tn Favor v Against ► LiiY1 V • APPROVED: Joseph J. Mitchell 'ty Comptroller COMPTROLLER Ulpfuty ptroller �VRCHAS AGENT, DEC 11964 Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 11964 19— Z Mayor po int DEC 5 lam Ivuly DUPLIC:TV O PRINTER - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM �r FILE al. NO , FILE PRESENTED CMMMISSIIONER DAB November 250 1964 RESOLVED0 That the 1hwchaRsing Agent be and he is hereby authoriaed3 with the convent of the Coaaptraller, to purchase from BORCEW- INGERSOLL, INC, parts for Repair of T -11 Allis - Chalmers Yodel HDOB Tractor with 18" Grouser Shoesf Serial HD6B -1382 at a cost of $12550820 without 000petitive bids, pursuant to Section 290 of the Charter of the City of Ste Paaul,� as these parts are for patented equipment, Code 0560 -000 APPROVED AS TO 1'M: ASSISTANT CORPORATION COMWEL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays nalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions 6-es Tn Favor 0 Against AP>P4t0VEDs Joaeph J. N1'J�ti_.11 ity Comptroller B CO3+1pTROLLffit ING AGENT. of-C 11964 Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 1 1934 Approved 19— Mayor