216589 .,_. .� � �_ �� , ^ I ORIGINA`TP CITY GLERK '^ , 1n77�21_� �� ����1 I CITY OF ST. PAUL '��'�"�` couNCi� �� E����' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � + COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �v vo�ulisi1eMayor 1�89—By George T. � 49hereas, The Women's Coordinating - PRESENTED BY ��,� �-'ouncil for CiviI Defense, consisting of COMMISSIONER DATF � �rfsentatives of 150 Saint Paul W�..i rCt��K. f`ivic :.��s�zni:a�ions, condii.�` _ . rl ='1 -' `1 2dUC:•f .1� _ ..3�•t •-�L'�,,ZCf9'^ !1.,�,�J ��` :v!rTd9St j _ _ , ... .:r. WHEREAS, the Woment s Coordinating Coun.cil for Civil � Defense, consistin.g of representatives of 150 �aint l�aul Womenr s Civic Organizations, conducts nine informational and educational meetings eaeh year ineluding the day-long Annual School of Instruation;an.d WHEREAS� the Womenis Coordinating Council for Civil Defense is organized to support the program of the Bureau of - Civil Defense and is sponsored by said Bureau; and WHEREAS� the Woments Coordinating Council for Civil Defense is recognized as contributing significantly to the over-all Civil Defense posture of Saint gaul; and � WHEREAS� �here are certain necessary and legitimate expenses involved in conducting the nine meetings of said Coordinating Council, . � Now� Therefore� be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Faul approves the sponsorship of said meetings and authorizes the proper City officers to expend from the funds appropriated for Civil Defense a total a.mount not to exceed �ao Hundred � Dollars ($200.00) per year for the purpose of conduating said � meetings and defraying the neaessary and legitimate expenses , �`" conneeted therewith including speakerst fees,an.d/or the cost of gratuitous luncheons for said speakers and representatives of the news media. . � EO AP ROVED 4 � .� • Asst. Corporation Coiinse � FE B 13 1�� �' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish FE� 13 �964 � I3olland A proved 19— �gg In Favor Mortinson • . Peterson � Mayor � Rosen gainst ` T Mr. President, Vavoulis �� iorz s-s2 . - �- ' DUPLIGATE TO rRINTER - " � , -�� �J���1 J� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �.. � 'm� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF - W�EREAS, the Women� s Coordinating Coun,cil for Civil Defense� consisting of representatives of 150 Saint Paul Women� s Civic Organizations conducts nine inform�tion�l and education�l meetings each year �ncluding the day-long Annual School of Instruction;�nd WHEREAS� the �Tomen� s Coordin�.ting Council for Civil Defense i� organized to support the program oP the Huresu of G`Ivil Defense a.nd is sponsored by s�id Bureau; �nd. WHER�AS the Women� s Coordinating Co�ncil for Civil Defense is recogn�zed as contributing significantly to the over-all Civil Defense po�ture o� Saint Paul; a.nd WHEAEAS� �here are certain necess�ry and legitimate eapenses involved in conducting the nine meetings of said Coordinatin.g Counail, Now� There�'ore� be it RESOLYED, That the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul approves the apons.orship of said meeting� and suthori2es the proper City ofPicers to eapend from the tunds appropriated for Civ31 Defease a total amovnt not to �aceed Two Hundred Dollsrs ($200.00) per year for the purpose of conducting s�id meetings and de�raying the necesaary and legitimate eapea��s conn�cted therewith including speakers� fees and/or the cost of gratuitous luncheons for s�id speakers and representatives of the neWS media. ;�;� -_= ° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved ' ^ � 19— Loss � In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor R,osen �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 10I11 8-82