216587 � T �— 5 _c� r• ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �� _ T T(��,,) �F�,S'� � r� �^� CITY OF ST. PAUL P�l�lv++��— COUNCIL �,d�?,?�� ICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COU C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t�„�„ F;,e No. 218587—By Milton �>"tosen— PRESENTE BY �'Whereas, Comptroller's Contract L� C0�1Mf5�ONE y� DATF 79 for the Paving oY PARKWAY ��`EtIVE from Payne Avenue to Trunk _ -_iway No. 61,McCree and Company. - - �' iactor, has been �ompleted, and ��*•-�• :;nid• C r+rartor requests Gitc -u .�i�:.3 r., ,�tained un- �"�L4x�4aa;�;,�--,..��.3_ .�ates for �.�.��ut',land e � and �REAS, Comptroller � s Contract L-6579 for the Paving of ;nt at PARKWAY DR IVE f r om Payne Av enue t o Trunk Hi ghway No. 61, �.lo 11�cCree and Company, contractor, has been completed, and �- �� � WHEREAS, 'said Contrac tor requests that a portion of tha 15°� retained under the contract from estimates for work done, be paid in advance of tl� final settlement of ti�e contract, and WHEREAS, T�e Commissioner and Chief Engir�eer of the Department of Public VPorks approve the payment at this time of � 18,000.00 of tha � 21,12�...10 retained; therefore be it • RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are h�eby authorized to pay an e st imate in the amount of � 18,000.00 from the retained percentage of � 21,121.}..10 to said contractor, and be it • FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall have no force or ef� ct unle9s the sureties on the contractor� s Bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Coniptroller. ��B 13 �g�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� � Dalglish '��� Holland proved �� 1g_ Loss ' n Favor Mortinson Peterson t �layor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOri �82.-.. , _ s 'd't':+et� �"� ' , . • , � �_'f�`�' ' - ' . � � . DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER � . - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND .� r- _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -'- � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENT,ED BY COMMt5510NER DATF - V�I�r,REA�, Gomptroller� � Con�ra¢t L�65?9 for the Pav3x�g of PARKV�AY DRTVE frox� 1'nyne Avenu� to Tr�nk B3�h�vay No. 61� P�a�rse and Oampany� contr�.etor� hee� be�r� co�rtp�.et�d3 and '1�iEAEA�, said Cont�a �or requeet�� tha� a port�on of tl� 15� retainod unde� the contr�.at ��a� �stima.t�� for work dane, be paid �r� s�dvan�e o� the f�n�,7. eettler�ent of the cont�aat, and �iiHEREAS., TPze Comu;iss3.oneo.° and Ch3ef '�ng3r,�er of th� Departmbn� of Public t�ork� apprave the pa.yanea�.t at thi� t3�ze o�' � 18 j 000.t?0 of the � 21,121.}..10 retalned; �here�'ore be �.t I��OLVhD, that �the proper ��.�g officers be s�nd they are he�eby authorized to pa�- ar� e$timate in tk�.e �mou�t of' � �.8,000.40 from the rQ tained per�e nta.ge of � 21,�2�.1.0 to ea�d contrsa tor, and be �t FURTSER R�SOLVED, �ha� thi� re�olu�ion sha11 have no �orce or effb at urle�s thQ auretie�� on ��.e contr�ctor� �e l3ond con�ent �h�rato and fSle sueh eor��ent in a�it3ng with the C3ty �omptroller, � ����z b COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ' Yeas Nays Dalglish E�'� � - � � Holland Approved 19— Loss n Favor Mortinson Peterson O Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iort s-sz