216584 4 _ ,�f Orl$innl to City Clerk � �� � � O� � DINANCE , � COUNCIL FILE NO. ������ PRESENTED BY ` � �� ORDINANCE NO. � � An. ordinance amending Ordinance No. 12432, entitled: "An ordinance granting permission to F. F. Foslien Homes, Inc. � a Niinnesota eorporation, to construct a public sewer in a permanent public sewer easement to be granted unto the City of �aint Pau1, covering a strip of la.n.d 25.0 fee� in width� the center li.ne � of said easement be3.ng an East-West line extending 280 feet west of Westminster Street parallel to and 105 feet north of the south line of the North one-half � of Lot 20� J. W. Bass Garden Lots. This is ari emergency ordinan.ce rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace� health� and safety." approved March 28� 1963. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace� health and ' � safety. . _ THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOFS ORDAIN: ' . Section l. That Ordinance No. 12432, approved 'Ma.rch 28, ' 1963, be and the same is hereby amended as follow�: The date for completion in. Section 2, paragraph 4, shal.l be extended from January 1, 1964 to January 1, 1965. Sec. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be ar� emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public - peace, health and safety. �, Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be 'in force from and after its passage, approval and publication.. `� . - uncll File No. 218584—Ordinance No. � '2f•71—By Miiton R.osen— • , ��;iS:l�_32,�entitled ending OfdinsL.,:), = 6 ,i ordir:ance granting perr,• ^''1,�'t . Fo�:+Cn Homes, Inc., '•'�� f. rTp 4u+r:.Y;�r., #a construc'�� ,�: •�xmanen`, put� ' ' • • „�r'�,� -aateJ. ur��rl--'- .s� r,.;,•.e;:•l., a '; 1 Tj•..:�Sl •�r.� y�� IS.' f bn:Y qz.ar, ".��:r'oM Ycxr�vo7gui. IJ2�a sfer�� � - - - �: i�n 11 _, � . FORM f1P ROVED . � Asst. Corporation Coi�nsel � •• � • Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the cil �EB 2 8 19�4 Dalglieh Holland ,�y rn Favor Mortinson Peterson , gainst Rosen / Mr. President (Vav s) - � g 2$ �g�4 . Approve • Attest: i�f���// � - -_ - / l�, � �,+-L. + 'ty Clerk ' � Mayor " � � , 1M 8-82 �22 f Form-approved Corporation Counsel By . .� ,. • Daplleate to Printer • .. , t - . O�RLDINANCE ��_q��� . . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An 4rdinance amending Ordinance No. 12�+32� entitleds "An ordinance granting permission to F. F. Fo�li.ea Homes, Inc. , � Minnesota corporation, to construct a publ�,c sewer in a permanent public sewer easement to be granted unto the City of S�.int Paul� cover3ng a strip of land 25.0 f�et in width� the aenter line of said e�sement being an East-We�t line ext�nding 280 feet �rest of Westmin�ter .Street p�.rallel to and 105 feet north of the south line of the North one-half of Lot 20� J. W. Bass Garden Lots. This is an emergency ordinance rendered n�cessary for the preservation of the p�blic peace health� and safety." approved M�rch 28� 1g63. This �.s an emergency ordinance renciered neceasary for the preservation of the public peace� health and 'safety. THE �IINCIL OF THE CITY OF SATN'r PAIIL DOES ORDAINs Section 1. That Ordinance No. 12432, approved March 28, 1963, be Qnd the same is hereby amended as followss Th� d�te for completion in Section 2� paragr�ph 4, �hall be eatended �rom Sanuary 1, 196�+ to January 1, 1965. Sec. 2. This ordinance is hereby d�alared to be an emergency ordiaance rendered necessary for the preserv�tion of the publi� peace, health and safety. Sec. 3. This ordin�nc� shall take effeet and be in foree from and aft�r its passage� approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the unc>> �EB 2� �96� � Dalglish /� Holland C � S�� � Tn Favor Mortinsan Peterson 1� Againat Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) FEB 2 8 19G� Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor lh1 s-sa �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By , � •� . - _ . . . � .-�Y!C� ' . ' . , ..+ � .� si non� ua isa v � � s�nono ua isa� v .1 A I P. d W� .I A � P. d W ���as�qys Y'�.L�1d uaso� 1�� f ,� ` uos�a�ad uos�a{ad uosu��o�y uosw�oyy 9_ssa� ^ sso� t,� P�°II°H PO°ll°H ysi�s�na ysi�B�nd s,(�N sna� s�loN soa,� �� � pa;dopd .� •ddn pun p�g . - -t ., o��ano pin� Q � puZ: . � t ' y � � 4SL e • �