06-62Council File # � `/ � �pZ Green Sheet # 3029289 RESOLUTION Presented by CITY OF PAUL, MINNESOTA i Preliminary and Finai Plat Approval for La Dey Commons 2 �� 3 WHEREAS, Global Construction & Investment Company, Inc. has submitted for City Council approval the 4 attached preliminary and final plat for subdivision of property at the SE comer at St. Albans; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the 7 recommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 69 of the Zoning Code; and 8 9 WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper to of the City, and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property, including ail property situated 11 within 350 feet of the subject property; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed plat on January 4, 2006 where afl 1a interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard and the Council considered all the facts and 15 recommendations concerning the piat; 16 t7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached 18 pre�iminary and final plat for La Dey Commons at 678 Concordia Avenue subject to the fo�lowing 19 conditions: 20 21 1 Common wall agreements and restrictions shall be recorded on the deeds for all eight lots so that the z2 lots can only be developed as attached houses, with copies of the deed restrictions and recording 23 numbers provided to the City. 24 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey County zs Recorders Office. z6 Benanav Bostrom Hanis Yeas Requested by Department of. Pi ng and Economic Develo ment By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: p. ww�-.. �-,— o� AdoptedbyCouncil: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary U By: Appro e y ayo Date �3, �6 By: Form t�p ove y Ma for S 'ssio o Co cil ,l� / By: ( � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheef PE p��¢ & Ec000mic Development Confad Person 8 Phone: Patricia James 266-6639 Must Be on Council Agen I ContractType: RE-RESOLUTION � ' Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3029289 � O�. �0� UEp3�rtflefli SEfli 1 O Y¢ISOO mmavuare 0 TI ' & Econo ' D eloo I P tricia Jam �ro V 1 'Ylannin¢ & Economic Develoo � DirecforlT. Schertl¢r . 2 C1tv Attorn v Ciri Attomev i ��� � 3 a or's � M r isfant 4 'Conncil I CtiN Councd 5 �Ctiri Clerk Ciri Clerk 6 lannin & onomic Develo Patricia dames Totat # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: ` Approve resolution memorializing City Council action to approve Preliminary and Final Plat for La Dey Commons. Public hearing held January 4, 2006. itlations: Appro�e (A) or F Planning Commission CIB Commit[ee CiNI Service Commission rersonai semce convac�s mus[answer[ne ronowmg uues[ions: 1 Has this persoNfirm eeer worked under a contract (nr this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm e�er heen a city employee? Yes No 3, Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill ra[ nortnally possessed by any currerit city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and aHach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Global Construction & Inveshnent Co. has applied for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for La Dey Commons on property located 678 Concordia Avenue, SE comer at St. Albans. Ciry Council approved the plat subject to 2 conditions. Advantages IfApproved: City Council intent is finalized. ;�. , ' z DisativanWges If Approved: None. ���� �������� DisadvanWges If NotApproved: City Council action will not be completed. Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: (Explain) Activity Number: +�'.C.�i�i�.tlli�i� J.�a� ` - [l0� � ��i !v_ ...., . .�i�e'��➢ �d9�€3m CosURevenue Budgeted: January 5, 2006 8:55 AM Page 1 �� � 1� ��a� DEPARTMENT OF pLANN/NG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Susan Kimberly, Direc[or CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C Kelly, Mayor December 16, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 Wesl FourUr S(reet Saini Pauf, MN55702 � -b2 Telephorse.� 651-166-6700 Facsimi[e: 651-228-3120 I would like to confirm that a pubiic hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, January 4, 2006, for the following zoning case: Zoning File Number: 05-187-416 Applicant: Global Construction and Investment Company, Inc. Address: 678 Concordia Avenue, southeast corner at St. Albans Purpose: Combined plat for La Dey Commons Previous Action: City staff have reviewed the preliminary and final plat for the property located at 678 Concordis Avenue, and now recommend approval. Under the provisions of §69.405 of the Zoning Code, the City Council has untii February 16, 2006, to adopt a resolution either approving or disapproving the final plat. A staff report will be prepared and provided to the Council the week prior to the public hearing. I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 4, 2006, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing. Please call me at 266-6591 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � A< < �JEYI�� fi�` Emily Ulmer City Planner cc: Fife #: 05-187-416 Applicant: Global Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson Construction and Investment Company, Inc. A.4-ADA-EEO Employer xo'rccE oF roB�c �nxara 'Itte Saint Pavl GtitY Covncil wiIl conduct a public heaiing .on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in the C�LS :Council Chambers, Tliird Floor City Hall, 15 West geltogg Boulevazd, St. Pavl, MI3, to con- sidu the application of GTobal Construr tion and Investment Company, ��• for a Comb�ed Pat for La Dey Commons, 678 Concordia Avenue, southeast corner at St. Nbans. (Zoning File 05-187-416J Dated: December 19, 2005 � Mt1RY ERICKSON � Assistant City Council Se.cretaiY ��,�r a,�r- , � —_'s— Sf. PAOL LEGAL IEDGSR — —°' 221Q7705 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNlNG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Susan Kimberly, Director �Z CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor C� � December 16, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 15 WestFourth Street Telephorse: 651-166-6700 SaintPaul. MN55/01 Facsimile� 651-228-3220 I wouid like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, January 4, 2006, for the following zoning case: Zoning File Number: Applicant: Address: Purpose: Previous Action: 05-187-416 Globai Construction and Investment Company, Inc. 678 Concordia Avenue, southeast corner at St. Albans Gombined plat for La Dey Commons City staff have reviewed the preliminary and final plat for the property located at 678 Concordia Avenue, and now recommend approval. Under the provisions of §69.405 of the Zoning Code, the City Council has until February 16, 2006, to adopt a resolution either approving or disapproving the final plat. A staff report will be prepared and provided to the Council the week prior to the public hearing. I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomerys office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 4, 2006, City Counci� meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger at least 10 days in advance of the pubfic hearing. Pfease call me at 266-6591 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �tn��- Emii Ulmer� Y City Planner cc: File #: 05-187-416 Applicant: Global Construction and Investment Company, Inc. Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Atlan Torstenson , ND1'ICEDFPI�IdC�HEYlIRIB - = �'Ihe Sainf Paa�l LSty�Gounc�lsvill �public.:heaiing�.;on Wednesdayn Ylani;ary°4, 2(JU6�.ah-'5 30 �p.m;. iur the City�uCourn:il �:Cliambers, Th�rd"Floor Crty IIaIl,'lb?iPest 3�e`flogg Bouledara; 'st Paul `NIN�:°to - con- sider'the agplication�of Globat_Cons�'ac- �lion-and �InvestrnenY�CompanY,�='3nc. tvr�a Combined Pat for Ra �De�Y-"Commons, 678 ConeordiaAvenue, snutheastcomer af. St p1}y�ys:'�Zon'sigBile�Ob 187-*b3�6Y - - Dafed: Dereinber 19,�,2U05. �': � � NIARY�ERICKSON� . ,:,. . AssisfianC�iLy�Conncil Secretary . . . :(DecemtieA'22�-= . ---ST.PAUI:L8Ge1L�L�DGER —_--__ 22Y07705 .. . AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPART'MENT OF PLANNING & !�. ECONOMICDEVEIqPMEN'L � � Susan Kimber(y, Director •"'....'" CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor December 27, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Appficanf: Address: Purpose: � City Council Hearinq: Staff Recommendation: z,5 WestFourth Street Telephone: 6�rz666655 Sain[Pau1,MNS�i02 Facsimi1e:651-22$-3314 05-187-416 La Dey Commons Global Construction & Investment Company, Inc. 678 Concordia Ave, SE corner at St. Albans Combined Plat for La Dey Commons to create 7 residential lots and 1 outlot. Januarv 4, 2006, 5:30 p.m., Citv Council Chambers Approval District Council Recommendation: No formal recommendation was made Staff Assigned: cc: � Emily Ulmer, 651-266-6591 Applicant: Global Costruction and Investment Company, Inc. City Councii Members District Council: 8 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Ailan Torstenson Peter Wamer ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT � FILE # 05-187-416 1. F(LE NAME: La Dey Commons HEARING DATE: January 4, 2006 2. APPLICANT: Global Construction and Investmenf Company, inc. 3. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Preliminary and Final Plat 4. LOCATION: 678 Concordia Avenue, SE corner at St. Albans Street 5. P►N & LEGAL DESCRtPTiON: 35-29-23-44-0142, WiLLfAM B(CK�L'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, SMITH & LOTTS OUT LOTS SUBJ TO AVE; EX E 4.56 FT LOT 24 BLK 2 OF LARPENTEUR'S SUBDIVISION A& ALSO LOT 1 OF MERRIAMS RE-AR OF E 106.55 �7" & ALSO tN SD WILLIAM BICKEL'S SUBD, LOTS 1, 2& LOT 3 BLK 4 6. PLANNlNG DlSTRlCT: 8 PRESENT ZOiVtNG: RMT 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §69.301; §69.304; §69.406 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: December 23, 2005 BY; Emily Ulmer 9. DA7E RECEIVED: December 16, 200 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: March 16, 2006 A. PURPOSE: Combined plat for La Dey Commons to creafe 7 residentiai lots and 1 outlot. B. PARCEL SIZE: 13528 ft. (Sf. Atbans} x 12424 ft. (Concordia) = 15,629 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant mixed use building and gravel parking lot D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Infersfate 94 (RM2 and RM1) East: Mixed density residentiai (RM3) South Mixed density residentia) (RM3 and RM1) West: Mixed density housing (RM2) E. ZONlNG CODE CITATtON: §69.3Q1 states that platting is required when a subdivision {1 } creafes five or more lots or parcels each of which is 2'/Z acres or less in size, or (2) requires paved streets, alleys and other public improvements, or (3) is previousiy unplatted land; §69.304 lists the conditions for lot splits and adjustments of common boundaries; §69.406 provides the criteria for review of subdivision applications. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: In August 2005, the applicant acquired the property at 768 Concordia Avenue. The appiicant pians to demolish the existing vacant mixed use structure and constr�ct an 8 unit townhouse development at this site. However, to construct 8 units, the appiicant will need fo acquire an additionai parcei from the adjacent land owner and so the applicant is proceding with a 7 unit development until the additional land is acquired. On October 10, 2005, the Board of Zoning Appeals passed a resolution to permit a side yard setback of 12 ft. on the southeast comer of Concordia and Sf. Afbans, fo allow ffie applicant to construct iwo new townhome structures at this site. � G. DISTRiCT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 8 Community Council has not taken a formal position a the time this staff report was prepared. H. REQUIRED FfNDINGS: §69.406 of the Zoning Code requires fhat all of the following findings shall be made prior to approval of a subdivision: 1. AII the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied wifh. This finding is met. City staff have reviewed the proposed plat and have determined that ali applicable provisions of city codes are met subject to the condifion thaf common waff agreements and deed resfrictions be recorded on the deeds for all eight lots so that the lots can only be developed � for attached houses. Freestanding single-family houses would not be permitted because the lots are too smail. • Zoning Fiie OS-187�16 City Council Staff Report Page 2 2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses. This finding is met. The proposed plat is consisfent with the surrounding tand uses, which include Interstate 94 to the north, single family homes to the west and mixed density housing to the south and east of the site. The proposed townhome development will not be defrimental to present and future use of the surrounding land. 3. The area sur�ounding the subdivision can be p(anned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. This finding is met. The area surrounding the proposed plat is already developed as mixed densiiy housing and a Interstate 94. A townhome development at this site would be consistent with the way the area has developed and would not be detrimentai to the surrounding land uses. 4. The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. This finding is met. The subdivision is in conformance with the Housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan which calls for providing a range of housing fijpes and values. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan encourages developments that "promote good design so{utions for housing that meets newer market needs and compiements existing Saint Paul neighborhoods, designs that use smaller development sites creatively..." (Housing Plan 5.2). It also conforms with the District S Plan (1980) which seeks "to promote neighborhood diversify by providing housing options and opportunities for people of varied income levels and lifestyles" (pg. 9). 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing natura/ features whenever possib/e. This �nding is met. The site is fuliy developed area of the City. There are no remaining natural features that will be disturbed by the proposed redevelopment. � 6. A// land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering residents by peril from f/oods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. This finding is met. The site is flat with stable soil conditions, and there is aiready a mixed use building on the site. 7. The subdrvision can be economically served with public faci(ities and services. This finding is met. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services from surrounding streets. i. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the combined plat for La Dey Commons to create 7 residential lots and 1 outlot subject to the following additional conditions: 1. Common wall agreements and restrictions shall be recorded on the deeds for all eight lots so that the fots can only be developed as attached houses, with copies of the deed restrictions and recording numbers provided to the City. 2. The applicant shafl file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Attachments: Application Board of Zoning Appeais Resolution Preliminary Plat Final Plat (reduction) � Photos of the Site Site Location Maps SUBDIVISION REVIEVIf APPLICA710N Department pf Planroirtg and Ecunomic Development Zoning Sedion 1400 �ty Ha1lAnna 25 We.�•t Fuwrfh Slreet SainlPrrul, MNSSIO2-1634 (65I) 266.6589 ��' $ ► z� WJwVY/ V VJ l�� `� za��m9�'�m s on � File#�f��d �Y�(o : ,,,�,::.. :pfat�iv �H �ate:. • ( i�' f"1 SGLtQ:C1W1�� C Name G�84�- Gew�S'�7eue�-re+�J 4 rn,vESr-�E�.r� e� iN�. APPLICANT Address Q'S'L/ D(�Gf/�g2p A1/C/vU� N -- r City �o66�Hs pAS.6 St �Zip S5 ¢YZ- Daytime Phone Name of Owner (➢f differenYj Confact Person (rf 36b— �3St PROPERTY Address /�ocation _� Z�' Gpw � o�Dr.A � LOCATiON Legal Deserlption �SE� aM7qLe�}��p �Ep.,q.L pr, S tf�E•r G$' !� CurrentZOning R� � (attach additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF SUBDNISION; � Loi Split �Preliminary Plat Ftl►�- � LotSplitweth Variance � Flnal Plat � Combined Plat 0 Reg. Land Survey ApplicanYs Signatu `���ate �� �,3 �S Clty Agent /� l3-ps�-- .__--� � GITY OF SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONING FILE NUIV�ER: #OS-162748 DATE: October 10, 2005 WfiEREAS, David Youmans & Lori Athias - Global Construction Inc., has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 66231 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the required south east side yazd setback in order to consh�uct two new townhouse shuctures in the RMl zoning district at 678 Concordia Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Boazd of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on October 10, 2005 pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of the Le�slative Code; and WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. � The applicants recently purchased this properiy and would like to build 8 townhouse units on the site. However, the eighth unit requires that additional properry be purchased from an adjacent landowner and so the applicant is proceeding with a seven-unit development uutil such time as the additional land 3s obtained. The e�sting building on this site was built in 1907 as a comer grocery store with a dwelling unit on the second floor. The most recent use in the building was a private club which was a nonconforming use. The properiy is located in a RMl multi-family residential zoning district. The proposed townhouse development is more appropriate than the e�sting use and is a reasonable and permitted use for the property. 2. The pZight of the Zand owner is due to circumstances unique to this properry, anrl these circumstances were not created by the Zand owner. Except for the irregulaz shape of tlus parcel, (the notch out of the southeast comer) the proposed development could be built without any variances. This is a circwnstance that was not created by the current property owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping urith the spirit and intenf of the code, and is consistent with the health, safezy, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City ofSt Paul. This is an under utilized parcel of land with a nonconforming structure and use on it. The proposed townhouse development will make an efficient conforming use of tfie parcel with � Page 1 of 3 File �OS-16274$ Resolution � ., -; .'� only a relafively minor setback variance which may not even be required if the small comer of lan@ can be obYained from ths adjacent property owner. This project wiIl provide seven new owner-occupied dwelling units in the neighborhood which is consistent with the goals of the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. The requested variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and the relatively minor setback yariance will not affect the health or welfare of area residents. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of Iight and air to adjacent pr-operty, nor wi11 it czlter the essential character of the surrbunding area or unreasonably diminish estabZished property values within the surrounding area. The requested variance will affect only a small comer of the properiy. There aze no neazby struciures on fhe adjacenf properfies that wiI1 be affected by tfie proposed variance. TIus neighborhood kas a mixttire of single and multi-family residentia2 structures. The proposed townhouse development will not change the chazaoter of the area. A new residential development wiIl revitalize this comer and should have a positive unpact on the surrounding area. S. The variance, ifgranted, would not permit arry use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the a�'ected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property. A townhouse development is a permitted use in this district. The requesfed variance, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of the pmperty. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the vaZue os income potential of the parcel of land. This variance request is hased on a desire to put the property to a reasonable and permitted use through an e�cient and cost-effective redevelopment of the site. NOW, 'I�3EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul $oazd of�oning Appeals that the provisions of Section 66.231 aze hereby waived to allow a side ;,�ard setback of 12 feet on the south east corner. In order to conshuct two new townhouse structures on properEy located at 678 Concordia Avenue; and legally described as William Bickel's Subdivision Of I.ot 2, Smith & I.otts Out I,ots Subj To Ave; Ex E 4.56 Ft I.ot 24 Blk 2 Of Larpentetds Suhdivision A& Also Lot 1 Of Merriams Re-Ar Of E 106.55 Ft & Also In Sd William Bickel's Subd, Lots 1, 2& I,ot 3 Bik 4; in accordance with the application for vuiance and the site.plan on file cvith the Zoning Adminisizator. � �� L. � Page 2 of 3 File #OS-162748 Resolution MOVED BY: Morton SECONDED BY: so IN FAVOR: � AGAINST: o MAILED: October 11, 2005 TINIE LIlVIIT: No decision of the zoning or planning administra#or, planning commission, board of zoning appeals or city councii approving a site plan, permit, variance, or other zoning approval shall be valid for a period longer than two (2) years, unless a building permit is obtained within such period and the erection or alteration of a building is proceeding under the terms of the decisSon, or the use is established within such period by actnal operation ° pursuant to the applicable conditions and reqnirements of the approval, unless the zoning or planning administrator granfs an extension not to exceed � one (1) year. APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are finai snbject to appeal fo the City Councii within 10 days by anyone affected by the decision. BniTding permits shall not be issned after an appeal has been £iled. If permits have been issued before an appeal has 6een filed, then fhe permits are suspended and construcfion shall cease nntii fhe Gity Conncil has made a final determination of the appeal. CERTIFICATTON: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the CYty of Saint Pan1, iVIinnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my o�ce; snd find the same to be a true and , conecY copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved minntes of the Saiat Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on October 10, 2005 and on record in the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection, 8 Fonrth St. E, Saint Paul, Minnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING A.PPEALS �� V Vv� . � , � Debbie Crippen Secretary to the Board Page 3 of 3 _�__._. __. _____.-------� _ _�_...___,_ _ m________.a_._�_..�_______ _�_._.__---___ . ' Emil� Ulmer - Apparenfly_, m�post-holida memor� is fault_y Page 1� From: "Summit University Planning Council" <supc@district8stpaul.org> To: <emily.ulmer@ci.stpaul.mn.us> - - Date: 12/27/2005 10:1022 AM Subject: Apparently, my post-holiday memory is faulty... Emily, Sorry about this. I went looking for that letter, and found we never wrote one because the Board did *not` take a position. We did have a neighborhood meeting about if, tr�t ai that time we were under the impression the City would act on the request to approve the yard set-back variance before we could add any input from the Board, and the community input was mixed. Here is the fanguage from the minutes of our Board of Directors meeting at October 25, 2005 "678 Concordia Ave. The project had already been approved however, the developer continued to pursue community input. No action to be taken by the board. With the purchase of-a small parcel of land from the neighboring Redeemer Arms building the developer will build an 8th unit. Concerns that came out of the meeting included the height, drainage and property taxes being raised. A vote of the people present at the meeting [Neighborhood Issues Meeting, October 11] showed 5 for the project and 5 against" We have no officiaf SUPC position, but there is a brief on the community discussion from those that came to the meeting to hear about it. We understood it to be a"done deal" on the only action needed (the variance) and that'rf the developer were to acquire the small parcel from the Church he would be free and clear to build the 8th unit. t can ask our Board and/or Executive Commitfee to fake fhis up again if you need further input. Please let me know. Steve Boland Executive Director Summit-University Planning Council 651-228-1855 su pc@d istrict8stpau I. org http://www.Sum m it-U.com � r � u � ZU996i(:RI'�3 °� � i' 2 r{ 5<5':nCrvUxd 3aSE �< .�, < �ssns�3r.as�!saoa 15;°�s�;z � � . <�9°"..�. iVldl.irvNlY:lltid � try :Ei:'p:d' N3nvamoaor.m -• - : I " {U 7HI'T,NVdViOJ � ° y ?53��3a3� • � - • � r�ni4wn¢'�nva�is IN3v1LS3nhR"R 2 �:�t .f � � , �. 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