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Council File No..----..•---.._.....�__
� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �R en F�'e No. 216548—By M,lto,%
� Whereas, A written proposal tor tl�
' and �nakiag ot the Pollowing improvemen
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Theundereignedhereby propoaesthem�kingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
Constructin�..a__concrete curb and._�utter.on bo.th sides of IUY AVENUf from Arcade St. west
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to vacated Ivy Ave. Also do all other work necessary and incidental thereto.
Datedthie......---•..............day of.......------------•--.............--••----•---•----------•---------...---------� 19 --•
1 ��
. Councilman.
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
Constructing a concrete curb and gutter on both sides of IVY AV�NUE from Arcade St. west
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having been presented to the Counc�l of the City of Sai t Paul......................................................................................
therefore, be it
RESOLVEI3; 'Pfiat the Commic.aioner of Public Worka be and ia hereby ordered and directed: "
1. To investigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.
' 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or E ot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.
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Adoptedby the CounciL........:........••---....._...------•-------•-----••-----...---------•----
Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h F�B �
Hol land ' Approved..---•----•------------------1...���---------..__.._..._._..--------
Loss ' �
Mortinson '
- Rosen ._._...-•----------------•-- -- ------------y��-----•-----•-------•--..__.__.
MB. PRE6IDENT Vavou 1 i s Mayor.
3000 7—fi4 �
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