216543 , � f � D Z--15 �� ��..���3 � RtJ$T.1.�� ouncil File No..---..._............._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ��� F,.�e No. 218543—By M,° ;en— � � aIId Znereas, A wrltten proposal fe� ing of the following improvi^; rticonstruct the sidewalk r�, � PRELIMINARY ORDER. -ide nf p1e s+ fzom u ; s�4 �,:c'i4qs�i ��i.oa,}�:,v, aRlX ot—==-� •-�iz�t�--r Theundereignedhereby proposeSthemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of�aint Paul�viz.: ^.reconstruct the sidewalk on the east aide of Pierce St. from Universitq Ave. to -•..........................____...._........-•-----•--------•--------•---------••------•-----••-•---....-----•---......................_.......-------•--....----•-----•-------•--•--...-- _,Shield$--Ave,��.���1 b1'..d4�.�g..��.�..4���1C..[�iQxk_.�s?hiC�1..�.&..xt���&a�xy...�md._�a1��,d�m���...�o..�0�4-_ • _plete said im�rovement. -----C .............•---•-•--•--•-•---......._------......................_...._.......---•----- . --------•--.......-------•---------------•-- . f --------••..........................................•--•----.....................-----•------.............__.._...............---......_..........._........---•----•-•---...--•••--_�......_.. Dated thie.......5th....._..dsy of........................Februa � 64 .........ry................................... ..._... ......-----••........................_ ...... .....�/��!--........... � � Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �_reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Pierce St. from Universit�_Ave._to _� ----------- -•-•---• ... _. ............. ....._-----•--•--------------•--••-•-...-••----•--•-------------•---••--•------- _Shields Ave..-and by_doin�_all__other_work_which is__necessary_and__incidental to._com�, ..--•-- --- -•-•--- --•- - _plete said im�rovement. having been presented to the{Council of the•City of Saint,Paul...................................................................................... � therefore, be it -���. � �. „ �:• •N� RESOLVED, 'That tlie Commiesioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furniah�a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not esid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. 5. To report �pon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of �nance. � FEB 11 1964 Adoptedby the Council..__....-•---•---------------------_...............•-----•-•-....---•----- YDAB NsYS t Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h F E B 11 �9� � Holland Approved---------------------- � .......-•---------------------------------•--------- Los s '� , Mortinson � Peterson Rosen --------------------_... - --------------------�.....--•y------------ Ma. P$EBIDENT Vavou 1 i s Ma or. � 3000 7-b4 � J I � � � ., i �°� . , ! -i _ .