D001515C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: - Gity Glerk (Original) - Financial Services - Accounting - Requesting Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: � � ADMINISTR.4TIVE ORDER, Consistent with the auffiority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of Human Resources W amend the 1997 Budget of the General Fund, the DirecWr of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT 8. DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Human Resources GL 001- 00155-U219 GL 001-00155-0381 GL 001-00155-0854 GL 001-00157-0359 ! GL 001-00158-0299 GL 001- 00165-0381 GL UU1- U0163-0219 Fees - Other Professional Svc Books Periodicals Projectors Other Special Materials Other - Misc Services Books Periodicals Fees - Qther Professional Svc CURRENT BUDGET 20,945 1,800 0 0 8,000 250 81,098 112,093 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 2,872 23,757 4,000 5,800 10,000 10,000 1,408 1,408 905 8,905 1,808 2,058 (20,933) 60,765 0 112,093 � �`�.�-IN � , �r� � �" 2ca —cl � �pared by: Activity Manager Date Appr by: ector of Financial Services pate . � � 3�ao(qa Re sted by: Department Director Date �00►5� 5 TPERSON&PfSONE Hamilton TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Cf1YCOUltC➢. � � CTIYAlTORNEY � � ClIYCLERK rnoErs C FIIVANMLSVC DOtF.CIUR �0 FINANQALSVflAi1G. a MAYOR(ORASStSlANI) � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Administrative Order amending the 1997 Budget of the Office of Human Resources. xECOFUmvnnnoxs: nen�•<(nl �w.i«i pp PERSONAL sERVICE CoNTRACIS MCJSf ANSR'ER THE FoLLOWING QUES[Io ,PLM'NWGCOFA9SSION _CIVp,SERVICECOAAIISSION 1.Hasttispe�aon/fimeverworked�mderacontractforthisdepartmrnt? cm co�mrg _ YES NO 2. Has this personlSim ever be¢n a city employee2 _DU7wcrCOUxr _ yFS NO surroxrs wwce cotmCaoa�ECme? 3. Does this penoNfum possess a sldll not normaily possessed by any cuRent city employee? YES NO (Eaplain all ves answers on seoarete sheet and attach to ercen sheet) PROBI,EM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNRY (Wpo. What, W6eq W6ert. WhY). the 1997 close out, some activities are out of balance. This intemal transfer will balance these budgets. will be within the administrative level of control. RECEIVEtB MAR 2 4 i998 �MTY CLERK orNOrneeaovEV: will not be balanced. r nniourvroFrn.wswcnon_ 20933 A FU INGSOURCE OO VJ F'w,v+cw.m�onta ,noN: �u,m� COSi/REVENUEBODGEi'ED(NtCLBONE) ` YES ) NO �' ,.crmrYr�nmeR 00155 00157.00158 00165 cW