216527 � 1 � t � .� � �1 �•. ` �' � �"� _ �' ���� a ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I - --A , CITY OF ST. PAUL pf7BLISI�H��NCIL NO. �,; . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �1 �le No. 216527 — By Milton COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM iereas, Additions which mlght PRESENTED BY � ' ry�e.io be necessary in the Smprove- COMMISSIONE M O OS DATF ,�t� sscribed'asLthe BATTLE CREEK �?, f�''' .SF;V' R SYSTEM, Co!� - 8� -.O� �ir F Y:'R '358:'. �ini'r,r.. 40� ........_..� _..- ,.^: ....�;E:AFF(1h�i%'_ . /�� �0�7,;:.n.r. 4f�;:72g�[[t c Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described �as the BATTLE CREEK SANITARY SEWIIt SYSTFI�i, Comptroller's Contract L-6583, Aurleq Construction 60., Contractor, have been pron�ded for in the Specifications, and Whereas, It has been fonnd necessary to make the following Additions: • i ADDITIONS � , Due to the egcessive gfiound water encountered alo�g the side hill between Station 21 (Manhole No. 5) and Sta. 28 �(Manhole No. 7) it was necessarq to replace the existing sub- surface drainage system which �aes removed diring the construction of the new sewer. Furnish and install 8" perforated C.M. pipe 665 Lin. Ft. @ ' $1.80 , $1197,.00 • ��s� 8" C.M. pipe bands 83 ,Each @ $1.50 124.SU _ , 24" C.M. pipe culvert 70•Lin. Ft. @ $4.67 � 326.90 • 2,4" C.M. pipe bands 6 �Each @ $7.0�� 42.06 12" C.M. pipe culvert 86 Lin. Ft. @ $2.09 179.74 - 12" C.M. pipe bands 6 Each C� $2.09 12.5� � ' 12" C.M. pipe bands 2�Each @ $18.85 37.70- Filter Granel for pipe bedding 175.6 Cu. Yd. @ $4.75� 834:1U - � �. ' Drair�age system total $2,754.54 - Replacement o�� 8 ft. �of aa existing 36" C.M. pipe culvert which could not � be salvaged (Lump Sum) 103.74 . Gravel sub-base material for sewer bedding in poor foundation material between Sta. 3+28 and Sta. 3+6U 15.4 Tons @ $5.00 77.U0 - Adjnstmeats a.nd additions dae to variation between plan layout and actual 4�`s: ' field conditions where sewer lines cross over the Battle Creek culvert at � Station 10+30 Labor $92.79� '_ , Materia�s $73.83 - ' � 166.62 - �. , _-._-�-,,.... L��:;'?�.,,�.._ _.. . . .,, -- - • � Total additions this agreement - $3,101.90 ' r and . F � � ' r Whereas.y'��The total addition is $3,101.90,�now therefore be it � ,r . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— " Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland ; � 19— Loss � � _.. Tn Favor Mortinson � Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis k iont s-sz � , i . � � ; .� �` J .. -.-i. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I � �����1� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. .. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER Milton Rosen DATF f Resolv�d, That the City of St. Paul throngh its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specif ications i� the snm of $3,101.90,�said amount to be added to the lump sum�aonsideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-6583, and which amount is to be financed from Sewer Maintenance Receipts Fund 0234-732. t � The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named Contractor that the sum of $3,101.90 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. t � I ( k f , , ��B ��. 1�64 '! COUNCILMEN i Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish ! �E� 11 �� Holland — x�Rroved 19_ Loss �f �LIn Favor t Mortinson Peterson U Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ' I iont s-ez � • ; � � . � DUPLIGATE TO rRINT6R y ��6.���� `�LC � -� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK – � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY M�,1�OII �E3i�A COMMISSIONER DATE _ W'�ersas, Add3tiaax Whicli �ight prov« �o be �eceasary in th� �w�,sove�at�t dutribrd as tIu SA�'TLS C� �tAlIITA1tY S�tR �?ST�i, f,o�ptroll�r's Coatract L-6583, Bmrl�y Cota�t�a�tiora �.. Coatractor. bsre basn prm►id�d for ia ths �paaificatiom�� sad Ahssyas� It �s ba�m fouard �saurarar to �a1ca tht �ol lowiffi; Additi.o�s t ADDITI011S Dme to tht Nccesai�e �co+��d v�t�r iAC�tant�rad aloA� tbs si,dM hiil b�t�raa� $tstioa Z1 (Haahols llo. 5) a�ad Sta. 28 ¢Sa�nhoi• �o. 7) it wa� �uce�sar�r to rq�lae� tba 4zistia� ���,- •�r�ar:� draitug� s�rata� �ict� �s raovad�rtn� t�aa co�straetio� o� tha �v sew�r. ��ish aa� i�stall 8" �sx�orsttd G.M. pip� 665 Li�. �t. � �1.80 �1l97.00 8" �.M. pip! batad� s3 �ach 0 �1.50 124.5� 24" �.M. pipe awl��r� 70 Li�. ��. ! $4.67 326.90 Z�+E' C.M. p�.pa ba�ds 6 ��h ! $9.0� 42.06 12" �.M. pips at�].�r�rt 86 LiA. l�t. � �2.09 179.9�► 1�" C.M. pip� bandr 6 ,L�a,ah ! $2.09 12.5� 12" E.H. pip� b�dr 2 �ch � $18.a5 3�.7n �'iltar 6ra�1 �or pipe b�cldi� 1y5.6 Cri. Yd. ! �4.y5 $3�+.i� �sinags syat� �ot�.l $2,i5k.5� �spiaaaN�t of 8 tt. pf aa uci��in� 36" C.M. pips .c�iv�►rt which c�id not b• salvagsd (Lwp Sni� 103.y4 Grawei s�b-b�a �sterial ior s��sr bsddiA� im poor fonada��o� �t�rial b�tvsra Sta. 3+28 a�d Sta. �a6t� 15.4 To�s ! $5.00 77.Ofl Acl,�srieAts �c,a �adi.r3o�� d���to yariatioa betWesa p��.s layo�at uad actnal fi.ald �o�ditioAS v�ar� a��s li�u crors rnrar tha Battls �r�ek �tsi��rt at �itatioa 10+30 ' �,,abOZ �g2�y9 t�iaterialr $73.�3 166.b2 � Total additioas this a�re�ent � �3,101.90 a�d ' Nhareasi T�s Cotal addition is �3,101.90y nov �ara�ors be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19_ Loas In Favor Mortinson � Peterson Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 1021i 8-82 • � � . , .. DUPLIGAT6 TO rRINTER ����� ( � ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL fILENCIL NO. q , . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER M�1L'Aft �A��1� DATE _ � � ` ifuolrr�d, �hat tt�� Cixy o� St. pa�l �hro��b its �it�► Coanall app�cves tha fors�oi,� e�dditioas aad� ip aacorda�cs Witt� th�e Sp��i£i�ta�iofu i� ths sw ot� $3,1�1.90, sa�d �uaamt to b� �dd�d to tlu it�ap �aa co�#ld�ratio� naw�d i� th� c�oAt�act� krto�p u Cosptrnil�r'r Co�t�act L�b58:�. and i+hiala uout�� is to bs tita�aad ��va Ssynt H�iyatea�ncs �ctaip�* �nd 02�4-7�2. The Cc���sin�a� of P�b�i� Nork• hu ay�rted wi�h tha abrnr� �ed �oatraator C�t t�� su� of $3 s 101.�0 i,r ths cor�a�e aao�t�t to b� �dd�d �o �1aa aborr� aoAtratst. FEB �- � 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish �-�� 11 ��'�' Holland Approved 19_ ��g �In Favor Mortinson Peterson Ga Mayor Rosen ' A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iort a-az �