06-614/ �,� �_ � , )� r�� � /� CouncIl File # �—��
/fLJ GU /
Green Sheet # J� O3D �0
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, ee Saloon LLC (Tou Xiong) d/b/a Schweitz Saloon, located at 956 Payne Avenue
2 in Saint Paul, has reque d a waiver of the 45-day norice requirement for issuance of on-sale liquor (over
3 100 seats), on-sale liquor .m. closing, Sunday on-sale liquor, and liquor outdoor service area (pario)
4 licenses; and
6 WHEREAS, the District lanniiig Council, Leslie McMunay (Executive Director) t�as agreed
7 to the waiver of the notice requireme ; and
WEIEREAS, the Council finds tti
of the license and that the failure to grant
would cause exceptional and unusual haz�
application is in order and there are no grounds for denial
aiver and the consequent delay in approving the license
the license applicant; and
WHEREAS, the licensee agrees that in th vent a complaint is received prior to the expiration of
the 45-day period and the complaint provides a basis r adverse acrion against the license, that the Office
of License, Inspections, and Environmental Frotection y direct the licensee to immediately discontinue
all operations until a public hearing is scheduled, and that e licensee shall comply with said direcrive;
now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED, that the 45 day norice requirements of § 4�.(
aze hereby waived and on-sale liquor, on-sale liquor 2 a.m. closing,�'
outdoor service area (pario) licenses are issued to Yee Saloon LLC (
located at 956 Payne Avenue in Saint Paul, subject to the agreement
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
nday on-sale liquor, and liquor
`u Xiong) d/b/a Schweitz Saloon,
�ed above.
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Requested by Departme of:
By: —�� /P�W�w/
Form Approved by ity Attos
Approved y ay for bmi
Adopted by Council: Date
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
artmentlo�ce/councii: Date Initiated:
� P-L��,�;o,�n�;,��t 08 Green Sheet NO: 3030980
/ M�us�t Be on
` v � J
& Phone:
0 Q,iceoseIInsoecfioWEoviron Pro �
1 Q,icensellnscectiodEnvironPro DeoarlmentDirector i
2 iN A ttoruev i
3 �NIavor's Office � MavodAssistant i
4 ouncil i
5 i C1erk C' Clerk
Agenda by (Date):
Total # of Signature Pages _ (Clip
Approval of a Resolution waiving the 45 da}�
Schweitz Saloon, located at 956 Payne Avenu
on-sale liquor, and liquor outdoox service azea
Recommendalions: Apprrne (A) or Rejed (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
for Signature)
requirements of Chapter 409.06 of the SPLC in order for Yee Saloon LLC d16/a
issuance of on-sale liquor (over 100 seats), on-sale liquor 2 a.m closing, Sunday
>) licenses.
Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foflowing Questions:
this person/firm ever worked under a conGact for this department?
2. Ha is pers�
Yes No
3. Does th�
current ci i
Yes No
Explain all yes
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Chapter 409.06 of the SPLC requires a 45 day norice requirement to issue
the waiver of these norice requirements. LIEP may direct the licensee to 'v
scheduled should LIEP zeceive any complaints.
AdvantaStes If Approved:
DisadvanWpes If Approved:
Disadvar�tages If Not Appfoved:
Total Amount of
Fundinst Source:
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Activiri wumber:
ever been a city employee?
possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
on separete sheet and atWCh to green sheet
es. The District 5 Planning Council }ias agxeed to
discontinue all opera5ons until a public hearing is
,,��N 12 2006
Financial information:
Page 1 of 1
Kristina Schweinler - Schwietz Saloon on Payne Avenue
From: "Execurive Director" <d5-director@visi.com>
To: "Kristina Schweinler" <Kristina.Schweinler@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <mlilitaly@comcast.net>
Date: 5/31/2006 4:35 PM
Subject: Schwietz Saloon on Payne Avenue
Dear Ms. Schweinler:
This letter is to inform you that the Payne Phalen District Five Planning Council met with the current
owner and the prospective owner and license applicant for Schwietz Saloon. After some discussion with
the applicant, the May 2 2006 Communiry Planning and Economic Development (CPED) Committee
determined it was important tha hte whole neighborhood be thoroughly notified. An additional May 9th
CPED meeting was scheduled with the agenda focused on this license issue. Over 801oca1 businesses
and residents were flyered. Some inquiries of general interest in this new business development were
received by phone at our DS office. On May 9 2006, Mr. Bob Anderson (local business owner)
appeared at the meeting to voice his interest in having the Harvest Festival become more "family
oriented". He concerns were non-specific to this license and he was referred to the Harvest Festival
planning group. The CPED Committee posed several questions to Mr. Tou Xiong about his operations
plans. The CPED voted to approve waiving the 45 day notice period and subsequently the May 2006
Board of Directors on My 23 2006 voted its support to suspend the rules and waive the 45 day notice
period, noting that significant notice to the community has occurred. Please contact me with any further
Leslie McMunay
Executive Director(Organizer
District 5 Planning Council
1014 Payne Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
d5-directar _ visi.com
Fax: (651) 774-9745
www.neighborhoodlink. com/stpaul/payne-phalen
To improve our Payne Phalen District Five neighborhoods by engaging, educating and empowenng al] residents in our
diverse community.
file://C:�Documents and Settings\Schweink�L,ocal Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 6/1/2006