216494 . � L�PETITION !j� � � �� �^ �LISI�D ���� ��_ Council�Yle No.---....�---.........�. �"�! ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT '�;�;ncil Flle No. 216494 — By Milton ,���. ., osen— • � ; } � f�'"••�-���-� A �c.•�tten pronosal for �he � and �:t_ , �t.., .,�.:;�� _ ,F��n:� t. �i43� ,l' .•JI�.s'�.! r ti. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. � � ° • -' - � '�+,`"' ����° ���'� Theundereignedhereby proposeethemalangofthefollowingpubliaimp"ro�r��i''e�it�:by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: ^__construct new_sidewalk on the east side of Edgcumbe_.Rosd,_fram.St,;.,P�ul__Aye._.to_ Morgan .... ....- --_.. .... .... ..... ...- ---------.......... Ave. and on the north side of St. Paul Ave: from Edgcumbe_,goa�__tQ:_t�e,_,�a�t,_�pg�Q�ci- ..................................""'___"""""""""""'........"".........._......""""""""""""""" F. matei� 130..ft._and by. doing..all,other work �hicl�..�$._�g������__�nd..im��Ls���,��l...tQ._�Qm- �_plete__said improvement. . ....... .......................•---.............._...--•---..........................---.._..--•---------.........-•----...........___.......... Dated this.......5th........day of..........................FebruarJ.'...............-•-•-----..........., 19 64. • - .........�......................•--------...........-• --•--............................---•-•-•-- Counailman. , ;� - PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' �- ��� �" ' '� '" . � �, .,�. _ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: construct new sidewalk on the east side of Edgcumbe Road from St. Paul Ave. to Morgan ------------------------------•---•------...---•-------•-----•--•--.........._.._.....-------••-------------------------------------...-•-------•----------•----••--...-•------..._..._._....._. .Ave.__and on the north aide of._Sts_Pau1..Aye,..f�om_.��g.��}��_.$Q,�d._tQ__�kl�__��aX..�gp�Qx�,- mately 130 ft. and by doing all other work which is necessary__and..incidental__to__com- pletesaid improvemQnt. -----------•----------------•----...----.........------------------.....--•--••------------._.....-•---------------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it � � RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public �Vorks be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: � 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a,nd estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ��a 6 �9� Adopted by the Council.---------•.................•-�-�;;:-•--..........-----•-----------•-•--- . YEAB �' NAYS FEB � ��� Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h •{.. . Ho1 1 and ' - � APProved----------------------=---------•-----------•---.........----........._._ Loss � ° Mortinson ' . ' ��' � ' • � Peterson ' �� � r�� �� Rosen � ' --_.__---------- ----•-- ------------•----=-`�-`._:---_......_._..----------- �'- M$. P$�sin�xry Vavou 1 i s Mayor. f ..F :'; 3000 7did ._,� //�\ � rl�o�� . • r! I ' � V a �� � .l ��'r t ` V"� . �F . 1 `1 , y�M± �y"� � r 71. � . � .