216458 h CSTY OF ST. PAUL � ���,(, ►-,sQ Orlslnal to 8oyer(ntendent of Be iools t A�'�CE OF T� CITY CLERK �q�LI �� RD °�'����,v � �� J��+" FILE NO. . k � . }:�g h e�No. 216458—By Tames T. � = RES UTION—GENERAL FORM ?�Jliereas, James MeCarthy, employe � �r he Board of Education of the City , i DATE ',�� 'jnt Paw, was iniured in a third ,�,_4eciden±J ar�,t�� out of �n�l in � 'r � ��}' - ;n.. ,.G: _ /tia � �� �liL.n7�;ll ' ' 'V' .:.•[ae� • ^';pg' ,�-a�"�w�, �- ��- ' WHEREAS, James McCarthy, employe of the Board of Education of the City ofSaint Faul� was in.�ured in a third party accident arising out of and 3n the cota.rse of his employm.ent with the Board of Education� on March 2, 1961� a.n.d the Board� on aecount of said aceident� expended money"s for medical aBre for said employe- in the amoun.t of $100.00 an.d paid workmen' s compen.sa�tion in the amowa.t of ��8.00; and � WHEREAS� a settlement has been negotiated as between � said employe, his counsel� and the other partp involved in said accident� and the Board will receive its full subrogation interest in said settlement� �118.00� less reasonable a�torney� s fees� and the office of the Corporation Coun°sel is in possession of the cheek of Firestone, Fink� Rrawetz� Miley an.d 0� Neill in. the amount of �81.00 representing said settlement� less attorneys' fees� but that it also repre sents an overpayment of �2.33�, the exaat amount of the Board� s se$tlemen.t� $118.00 le$ one-third for attorney fees being �78.67� • Now� Therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to accept said settlement of its subrogation interest in said third-party action; that said cheek ir�. the amount of �81.00 be credited to the Board of � Ed.uca�ion �.ind and that a refund of �2.33 be made to said attorneys� F3.restone� Fink� Krawetz, Miley a.nd 0� Neill as an. overpayment. �p APPROV � - ' , �sst. Corqoratior� �oUns � �19� FF� COUNCILMEN Adoptedby the Council 19 Yeas . Nays Q Dalglish • ���' zn Favor FEB 4 196� Loss '""""" . Mortinson � ^Against �e�w #�i�x � P.�ta�eerr– �– . ,�( �Res�n— Mr�-President� � � �oo �z �o AC$��9 Mayor i CITY OF ST. PAUL Dopllcate to���. __ - p�CE OF R� CITY CLERK ������� BOARD NO. FILE - � � �" RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ; DATE__ WHEREAS� James MeCa�thy� employe of the Board of Eduaation of the City ofSaint P�u1 w�.� in�ur�d in a third party aaaident arising out of and �.n the Qour$e of his employment with the Bosrd of &iucation� on March 2� 1961� �nd the Board� on aacount of said acaid�nt� �expended moneys �or medic�l. care for aaid employe in the amount of �100.00 and paid W+orkmen� $ aompens�tion in the z�m.ount o� 9�18.00; an�d � WHFRrAS� a $ettlement h�s been negotiat�d aa betw9en gaid employ� his coun.sel� �nd the oth�r psrty involved in said �aaiden�� s�nd the Bos.rd �rl.li receive its f'ull subrogation interest in said settlement�� �3.18.00 le�s re�son�.ble a.ttora�y� a f�es� and the oft'iae of the Corpor�t�oa Coun��l is in po���ssion of the check of Firestone� Fink� Kraw�tz, Mil�y an,d O�Neill in the amount o� 9�81.00 r�presenting said settle�ent� less attorneya t'ees� but that it alaa repre sents �n overpaym�nt of �2,33 the ea�ct e.mount ot the Boasd� s settlem�nt, �118.Q0 le� on���hird for attorney �ee� being ��8.67� Now� ThereYore! be it RESOLVED, Th�t the proper City offieers are Y��reby authorized and direa��d to aacept �sid a�ttlement of ita subrogation interest in s�id third-p�.rty aation; that ��id aheck in the amount o� �81.00 be aredited to the Board of Education �.ind and that a refund of �2.33 be made to said attorneys� Firestone, Fink� Kr�.wetz� M11ey and O� Nei11 as an overpayment. � + 4196� oo�rcu�x �EB yeas Na,ys Adopted by the Cound.l 19 Dalglish � AO�'�An`� I} �`�� 4 ��;6�� � Loss �� In Favor Mortii'lson Av�rpvPCl 4 � � �6#;A�60r1_ Rosen �,y,Against � —��-rree�r�ent;i�a�i� :� .�-a� �O Mayor