216452 � �� ���2 , ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK . • . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N . _ LI(�NS►3 �OLMMCTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �°`�`'� �1e No. 216452—By se��,n • A. Mortinson—Milton Rosen— Resolved, That licenses applled for � bY the persons named on the ]ist PRESENTED BY _ attached to this resolution be and the COMMISSIONER _ , DAT same are hereb I C1ty Clerk is instY,ny��},Qa tto�issue such llcenses upon the payment into the City treasury pf the required fees. RESOLVID: That licenses appl�ed for by the following persons at the a 19A�dopted_ by the Council February g, and the s2me are hereby granted• Approved February 4, ise�. (February g, 1964) Foremost Dairi.es, Inc. 128 IIniversity SE Ice G`ream �. . pp.61-70x-enewal u Mpls. 6q�465-470 n n n Rfx�on Foods, Inc. R�pon, Wisconsi.n k'oods P�PI�n1 " 6174" n n zV�47�-�,75 n n n 1 Helen V. & John 1��. 1�Tallgren 1104 Crand Ldy. DC Plant " 6494n Ame��.can Beauty Macaroni Co. 352 Wacouta Fo"ods MP`1�fnT " 6514" HaroZd N3.efeld 185 E. 6th FoI ds MPDW � " 6642" n n 3v �257-1259 � n �� Steve J. & Mary M�kacevich 1201 �:dgerton Grocery . " 6709" " n Bu�cher " " " �� " Off Sa7� Mlt. ° �� " n n C�garette n n » Del Germain & Tom M3.tchell 1377 E. A7agnolia Ldy. DC P1ant " 671.Ou Joseph Degidio 425 W. 7th Re�taurant '� 6738" " " On �Sale Malt " " " " " Off Sale Ma.lt " n " n u BoW��ng 4A � u t� u n G`Lgarette n a n �Till�arri Montzka 1014 Arcade Barber " 6759" � Chf.ckett's Bar, Inc. 171 W. 7th Res�aurant " 6772" �� � on Sale Malt " ° " " " Off�Sale Malt " " " ° n , ��g�rette n n n Lloyd VJ., Fay R. & Flarold Barnes � 1�02 W. Larpenteur Grocery ° 6786" " " Frozen Meats " " " �� " Off �Sale Malt " �' " ° " Cfgarette n n n COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays • Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst �tosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOM 8-82" ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK • • ����� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO� LICEI�TSE OOMMITTEE. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM'� PRESENTED BY � Ll, COMMISSIONER DATF Februar.y �+. 19p�t � (bntd. Page 2 � Stanley R. Pream � 4902 S. Hamli.ne Restaurant App;6804Reneraal " ° On Sale Ma.lt " " " '� " Off Sale Malt " " " n '� ` Bowling 8A n n n n �� G`igarette �� n '� Ted's Recreation, Inc. 108�1� W. I•arpenteur FOOdstuff " 6818" " " On SaZe Malt " " n ° ° Off Sa1e Malt n n n n . " �i�garette n n a Albert Baisi & La,wrence Lehner 457 �abasha F�odstuff. " 6820" n ° On� Sale Malt �� '� �' " " Off �ale Malt " " " " . " Tavern " � " n " L`�garette n n n Joe W�.11iams Cater�,ng Co., Inc. 520 N: Sne1].�ng Catering " 6832" n �� 4v#1359-1362 n n n Charles F. Schwietz & Rosemary H. Axte11 1100 Arcade Co�fect�.onery " 6847" n n Off SaZe Ma.lt �� '� n " " C�garette �r u n Bob & Gene's, Inc. 828 E. 7th Fo�dstuff " 6857� tt " Off Sa1e Ma1t " " " �r �� C�garette u n n J.B., Inc. 77 E. 9th Restaurant " 6866" � • . G'igarette n n ,� Mabel Rogalla g60 Payne Floi-.�st-P1. ° 6879n � " n 1��13g7 n n n Dean W. _Ca�lson ?J�4 S. Fairview Pet Shop " 6884" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— �s� Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lODi 6$2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � • ��'/ , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� � .• �" � LzcENS� oot�m2ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. -�- � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF February 4� 196� � - i Contd.• Page 3 . Arcade Bar, Inc. 932 Arcade Restaurant App.6921Renewal ° ° Off �ale Na1t " �� tt ° „ Cigarette " " " n u ��g.C�z,. � o n it Chris Georgantones 1875 W. Minnehaha Veh. Peddler " 6933" ° , �� . Fd'stf.VP " 693�I.n MinrLehaha Bowling Center, Inc. 955 Semi�nary B wling 40 " 6950" " Ve,nd.Ma.ch.Loc. " " a n " Cigarette " ° " � Ida R. B�nder, E�ec. est. of �`ax L. B�nder Or�g. (bnt. " 6954" " 158 �T. 7th Off Sale r'�alt " " " �� n G`3.garette " n " Dannecker's Su r Market Inc. �� " pe , 793 Randolph Gr�cery 6970 " " Bu�cher '� " " � " Off Sale Malt " " " n " C�.garette " " " Joseph�ne Spears 697 �ase Grocery " 6978" n �� G`igarette u +� u Norjeau Co. . �+72 S.. Griggs Fo Ids MPI� " 7063� Five J Corp. 992-4 Arcade Re Itaurant " 7086" n �� Off�� Sa1e N`salt n n u n �� �� • n Tavern �' " " . , CigMarette " „ " E and R, Inc. 1045 Hudson Rd. Foodstuff " 7092" �� �� Off�Sale Malt " ° �� u n n Tavern n u n p " �5r.garette �� " �� n CI.g�Oper. ar u n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved_ 19_ Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-ez ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK „ • �� ��-F'��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' _ LICENSE OOI�'lITTEE • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 5 COMM SS�IONER DATF F'ehrroar*� 4� ��� ' L Contd. Page 4 Aerated Products Co. of Mfnn., Inc. 217-27th Ave. NE Foods NIl'D�rl App.713�Renewal " Minneapolis� M�nn. lU,�1394 " " " Stunmit Farm, Inc. 1491 E. Co. Rd. "E" F�stf.Vl�I.�perator" 7177" � Ace Auto Co., Inc. 754 Rice 2�d. Hd. guto Pts.'� 7181" �Ha.rold J. Hofer 538 Selby Fo�o�s MPT.�rT " '�220" . '� 1��1403 . , u n n gce Box Bar, Inc. 2162 IIniversi�y Foodstuff " 7225" n " Off Sale Ma1t ° n ° ° • • " Ci�garette . " " " Harold Gulden 1202 Payne Co�feetionery '� 7234" G�.garette n �� n Victor Sloat 1022 Payne Ga's Sta. 4P " 7238�� Cen.Carage " " " n " Vend.Ala.ch.Loc. n u n Flarkins Bo�rl�n�, Ine. 77 E. 8th Fo�dstuff n �28'ja `� °1 On�Sale Malt " n " � " Off Sa1e �'�t. " t� " n . n , �igarette n » n �George Cekas 460 St. Peter Fo�dstuff " 7301" " On,Sale Malt " " �� �� " Of f Sale Nlalt n rr n u u �� Tavern � n �� n n n u n . C1�garette Eugene Gaylord 2160 IIniversity Cat�er�ng " 7318" „ " 1V�1407 n n u Alex LeVine 1950 Grand Florist-N. " 7323" �� " 3v�i415—i4��7 �� �� �� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— ��� Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e-sa \ � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � � � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�.������ LICENSE OOMMITTEE ° ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Febr,uar.y 4� 19�-F COMMISSIONER DATE _ i Contd. Page 5 � Emelia M. Kohner . . . 871 Grand . �rist-N. App.7324Renewal N.W. Fruit Co. . 152 E. llth Foods N�D� " 7325" n . . . " , . . jVn1418-1422 n u u George E. Calhoun. 185� W. 7th El'ec.A .Re�air °_ 7327'� PP St. Paul.Steel Supply Co. 312 �7alnut Ju' c Dealer " 7340" � � „ �� H.N. Ivey, Inc. 351-3 University Restaurant 7358 On� Sale Malt " " " " � " Off Sale Malt " " " n n C�garette n r� n Edward J. Kas rz4k � �� p 501-3 University Restaurant 7365 ° " Ori�Sale NIalt n n n n n Off Sa]..e Malt n tt n n n Ta�e2`n n n n n U . Ci.garette n �' '� Frank �. Hafner � ' ' ' ++ �� �� 739 � Thomas Grocery 7382 Off Sale Malt " " " n • a • G`i arett e " " n Gerald R. Johnson 809 Selbv Ga+ Sta. 6P ' " 7386�� ,� Gen.Rep.Garage n n n �� �' Verid.�ach.Loc. " " " u �� ' G`igarette n u o Regina K. E1liott 1088 Grand Corifectionery " 7389" G.�.Y. Properties, Inc. 880 E. 7th � „ �''Restaurant " 7395" " Off�Sale Malt " n " n " C�gal'ette " " �� John A. Rem�ngton 1152 R�ce Gen�Rep.Garage " 7402�� 'jIIp Bottling �St. Paul Terminal ��arehouse 425 E. 8th �end.Mach.Loc. " 7414n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved lg_ �gs Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOM 8-82 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,� �(„�.. B2 1 V CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ���-" 's`'` LIGII�T�E•QJNlMIT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ y � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �+b=,UaI'� �, �964 COMMISSIONER DATF _ � Contd. Page 6 . L & S Liquors, Inc. 1638 Rice Restaurant , App.7428Rene�ral ii �� �ri Sale Malt ° �� �� " Off S2].e Malt n ° � ° , ' �� C3�.�garette �� n n nast Side Branch YMGA n075 A�cade Re�staurant n 7440" Bowlfng 8A " n Vendall �Macalester College 1600 Grand g�nd.Ma.ch.Loc. ° 7442" 7IIp �Macalester College 1600 Grand " " 7�3" Brown & B�gelow Whse. � 451 Grove " " 7452" George Koury 721 Jackson Foodstuff " 7�58�� �� n 0 f�f S ale �alt �' " " G`.�garette �' " " Joseph C. & H. Kafka 68� N. Western G�cery " 7478" �� ,► n Butcher " " " � . , " . G`igarette ,+ n �,� Oliver Thein School of Beauty, Inc� 310 Midland Bldg. Be�uty Shop " 7479° V'end.Mach.Loc. " " " � t� x� Rudolph Mottl 438 Lafonad Grocery � 7481 �� " Frozen N'leats � " " " �� ° Off Sale M31t �� �� �� '� , " Cigarette n ° n Super Valu Stores, Inc. 303 Cbmo Foo3s P�D�T " 71�$I��� Jose h C. Schader 4 n � �� P 922 Thomas Grocery 7�+g2 " Bakery 97 a n �� " Cigarette " " " Hein�ockel Produce Co. 121-23 N. 6th Mpls. Foods A?PTiW " 75ot�� � » 1V�1475 , '� " u COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— �gs Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor . A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lODi 8-82 ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK � , �!� �f��'1� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. ' (�' f Llc�rsE ml�l'rT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER �Pebruar.y 4� 19V'� DATF � Contd. Page 7 , 1 � Perdue's, Inc, � 572 N. Dale Restaurant �pp.7506Renewal " n On Sale Malt " " " " 2 Off Sa1e Ma1t " " " " " Cigarette " " " _ Christman Sausage Co. 1400 Marshall NE F�ods MFD�J " 7�08" p I�nneapolis 2v#1477-Z478 " " ° E.J. Aebert 923 �rand Gas Sta. 6P . " 7520" " " Gen.Rep.Garage " " " ° " Vend.j"Iach.Lo c. " " " n �i �� n �i , . G`igarette , „ E.�. Jerabek 61 W. Wi.ni.fred B�kery " 75� � � Marv�n �delste�n 516 Rice Grocery " 7525° ° " Butcher " " n ° " C�.�garette n " " Kletus & Vivian Weisner 297 Maria Aardware . " �530n � Sanitary Farm �Macalester College 1600 Grand �e�� d.I''1a.ch.Loc. " 75�+5" Robert & Lawrence Eberhard �� " 759 W. Co. Rd. B Fdstf.VM Oper: 755� u John �. Schneider 1767 Old Hudson Rd. Florist-Id. " 7558 n " 1V�148ZF n n u Orville A. Brink 3241 Snelling T�Ipls. Bey.d�l.&Ne�1. " 7563" tt , n 3��,1�-1490 n �� n �Creamery Crust Bakeries, Inc. 2114 Trlashington NE Foids MPDGJ " 7564" Mpls. 3�149 2+14�+ �� n u Francis J. Gtiinningham & George C. Hoffman 626 Johnson NE Be�v.�.l.&N�1. " 7565" " Mpls. . 1V 1495 n n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved_ lg_ Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1011Z 8-82 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK „ v �'� ���F�2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. LICENSE�ooI�TT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Februar.y 4, COMMISSIONER DATE 1964 _ i Contd. Page 8 � James C. Carson 1324 S. Ulashington Bev.Al.&N�l. App.7466Renewal a Mpls. �v�1496-1497 " ° n John M. Shimek 1646 Rice L'dy. DC Plant " 7567" " : - " �end.Mach.Loc. n n �t Karl F. Ceisthardt 14� �. Larpei�teur �arber " 75�$" Wallace Johnson 925 Ri�.ce Gracery, " 7571" �i ,� �� �� �► I garette ,� Jay Sanders 68�I- Selby �lec.�pp.Rep. " 7582 T�7aldorf Paper Products Cb. 681 LaSalle Parkirig Lot 25ct" 759�+" . . , , � James L. Dreelan 952 Grand �otographer " 7609" Joe Anderson Qeaners, Inc. 108G? Grand I��dy.DC Pickup " 7631" M.L. Hnber 1002 �Jelaware Mi�lD 1 " 764�2n � n n Eugene J. Schmitt 977 Woodbridge ihotographer , 7671 Carl T. Grill 377 �°. P�aryland �'lori.st-N. " '�682�� ° " . . . 1V�1516 n n n Plorthern States Po�;er Co. 825 Rice , lec.App.F.ep. " 7700° Schwei�ert Neat Co., Inc. 2605 E�nerson Ave. N. �v�Z5�7 . " 7701" Jeddie Gabour 1 E. " n � 535 Mznnehaha �G`�.garette 7702 0 Duane R. & June H. Kothe � 558 Vandalia �igarette " 7714" DeL�e Hall 287 I�aria lG`lgarette " ?733" Rayco Seat Gbvers, Inc. 165 Univers�.ty G`igarette " 773�" COUNCILMEN Ado ted b th� Council p y 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 1g_ �sg Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst � Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis 1011Z 6$2 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � , y ����j�j� N CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � LIG�NSE O.QI�'IIT'I�E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FeY�ruarv �F� J�.�E�� _ i Contd. Page 9 N.W. Bell Telephone Co. 1�15 C�.se GS.g�rette App.7735�newal N.W. Bell Telephone Co. 12j5 Sylvan (.`1�g�rette " 7737" Z�nsmaster Baking Co. 97 Sherburne G�garette . " 7738" 1 General Foods Corp. 1996 IIn3�versity G`3�.garette " ?739� Simonson Lumber & Supply Co. 687 Raymond G�garette " 77�0" Peter & Walter Linder 275 W. Wheelock Pkwy. Fllr�st-N. " 77�7n n n lv 1523 . . a n t� Hamline Post �r418 AL , 496 Selby N�I 1 " 7762" Northern Statew Power Co. 825 Rice G`igarette " 7765" Norman Marietta . 6109 4th Ave. S.Mpls. B�oadcasting Veh." 7767" Ideal Brass Co. 2;L5 E. 9th G`L�garette n 7771" ��B 41964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish 41964 � Approved �EB 19— Loss � � Tn Favor � Mortinson po+o,--�-°^� � Mayor A gainst d2� '�_ Mr. President, �te-� , ' � lOM 6-82