216447 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK w _ �� ��6-���� � - • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �1=' � °, - � �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , F��E--- NO. ��Rosen �e No. 216447 — BY M11ton /�/��� UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �ereas, aaai+aa� whi�n' mieht prove to be necessary in the Improve- PRESENTED BY ment described as the ST. PETER- COMMISSIONER DAT RONDO AVENUE STORM WATER RE-' LIEF SEWER, Section III, Comptrol-_ ler's Contract L-63p7-1, Johnson- – Lametti Joint Venture,contractor,have . been provided for in the Speciflcations, and � Whereas,It has been found necessary WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be T19C88981' ADDITIONS following Additions: described as the ST. PETER-RONDO AVENOE STORBII wA 25.0 lin, ft.of B-� horizontal bore hole � $4.40 .............. .�110.00 • , Section ITI, Comptroller� s Contract L-63o7-1, Jo 4a.o y�3u50,.a5, op excavation � � � Venture, contrac tor, have been provided for in t 3.o Iin. •ft. of manhole exten- 188.00, � � sion � $ZO.OD .... . . .. .60.00� • 1—?4��x 9� neoprene��circular pad � L.S. ................ 297.39 WHERE�AS, it has been found neces9ary to make the f� Total .....................�635.39, . � an�ereas,The�total Addition is$835.39, ADDITIONS now therefore be �t Resolved, That the City of St. Paul 25.0 lin. ft. Of 6�� hoI'izoYltal bore hole � through its City Council approves tne �p foregoing Addition made in accordance O.� C U. �C�$. O f' 6S C&.V 8.t�OI1 �a with the Specifications in the sum of �635.39, said amount to be added to 3.0 lin, f t',. Of' It]STl}�.01.6 extension � ttse liun�snin consicleratton namefl tn �� the con act, known as Comptroller's 1. — 7j�� X 9� neoprene circular pad '@ Contract"L-8307-1, and which amount is to be flnanced from Bond Fund 7210-, - � Total sE 1'. The Commissioner,of Publlc Works has agreed with the above named Con- tractor that the sum oE $635.39 is the WFIEftEAS, the total Addi ti on i s � 635 .39, now the re f��TTeCt amount c� be added to �e Iabove contract. I Adopted by �the Councll February 4, 7964. �S�L��� t�7.&t t}18 �'i�t� Of' .�'t. Pa'l�]. t�.1I'OLl�l j.t8 Ci� Approved February 4, 1984. the fo regoing Additi on made in accordance with �t��February 8, �ss�� in the sum of � 635.39, 9aid amount to be added., to the lump sum consideration named 3.n the contrac t, known as Comptroller� s Contract L-63�7-1� and which amount is_ to be financed from.Bond Fund 7210-SE 17. The Co�nissioner of Public Works has a�reed with the above named Contractor that the sum of � 635.39 is t}se correct amount to be added to the abone contrac t. - � . � . � , . � \ � FEB � 196� �- � COUNCILMEN Adopted by he Council 19— ., r Yeas eNays Dalglish � FEg 41964 ,�i�.._..,� �' Approved 19— L°gs - n Favor G�a�;�`,�.y�� ,.��/ Mortinson � - �� Mayor � _ 4 gainst � , , t � . P esident, , " n . � lODf 8-82 \.��eV/.N� � .� . � J " _ �- 1 � DUrLIGATE TO PRINTER . _ ������� - � �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL cou�ci� �- � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE� NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT � � � WF.�;RE14�, Additione whiQh m3.ght prove to b� r��c�����ir�r ir�. �Y� Impr�nem�r�t deaGr3bed ae� th� ST. PFTER+�ONpf? AV�Nt�� 3TORY �ATFFt RFsy�F�' SEtiY'�s�� 8ea tion z2�, Comptro2lor} s Contr�at L-6307-1, �`oSanst���I�,me�t i Joint Ventu��, oont�aG�or, have be�r� prov�ided for in tYxx+� fBP�ai�'ictation�� �nd �R8A8, it h�.� been Found r�ea�,���ry to ma�e the fo�. oxing Adcliti on�s ADDTT�ON3 2 •a 13n. f t. af 6� hori�ontal bore hvle � �. �.0 � 110 i�Q l���0 au. yc�$, of es�c�,va�tion g. 3��� 168.00 3.0 lir�, f�t� o�' �nhole e�ten�3bn � 2� .C� _60.00 1 � 3/�."x g� ��opre,�e Qirau,lar� p�,d � L�S. 29?•� / �o�a�3. � �35•S9� and �FiTf�A�, the tot�l Add��3:'on i� � 63�•39� now tlae�f re b� it � __, . RESQLVED, that �he � �� of St. Yaul through 3.�� G3 C�unQ31 approvbm the foregol,ng Addifi�'"o�, me�de ix�. �Qaordane� �vit� t Spec3.�`ic�.'�iona in fi�e �ur� of � d3�.3�y ea3d �moun� to ba �.ddsd t the lump �um con�3der��ion named � tlae Qo�tr�e t� knca�rn ar Com�tT011ar�� Contraet L-63�'�-].� �and whioh suavunt 3� �o be �'�nenc�ed t'�o� $ond Fur�d 7210-ST 1`j. The �om�i��+3.oae� of Pub�.3a Works h�� ag�eed N�.�h �he above r��n.i�l Contraator that th� �zrr�t of � 63�.�9 i� �he aorreat �uount to be added to t� above aontr� t. FE B � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish FF� � �dr.�� __ _ Approved 19— Loss � In Favor Mortinson � Mayor p°d+vc Rosen A gainst •- aMr Prna;riA�3��Vuix6�Y6�—��� lOHi 8-82