216442 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK h..j . 4 , _ . CITY OF ST. PAUL OIOENCIL NO. ��� 2 �f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF — I lPhereczs, the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditor�um, dnd Ctvfc Buildinqs has reported in dccordcznce with Section 53 of �ihe City Chdrter, the existence of czn emergency d'urinq the period from January ,Z6 to �Tcznuczry ,31, z964, which re' ered necessary the employment of certain employees of the De�rtment of Libraries, Aud�torium, ¢nd Civic BuiZdtnqs f�r more than eight hours per day or forty hours peT week in d.oing the foZlozoing wo rk: � Necessary foT maintenance cznd operation of �zcntcipaZ Stadium, And zvhereas, th.is emerqency arose by reason of the follozainq fczcts and c t rcumstances: CouZd not be handZed by untrained personnel.I 7'Izerefore be it resoZved, that the proper caty officers are hereby authorized to pczy the employees shown on the attczched Zist who performed such zaork in accordance rwith the provisions o f the Counc i Z 's saZ ary o rd i ndnc e, No. 6�6� Council File No. 216442—By Severin . A. Mortinson— Resolved, That the proper City offl- cers are hereby authorized to paq 'certain employes in the Department �of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic . Buildings for extra employment as d'escribed in the resolution. f Adopted by the Councll January 31, 1984. � Approved January 31, 1964. (February 8, 1984) JAN 31 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— - Y�g Nays JA,N 31 196� Dalglish Iiolland A oved 19— Loss ' Tn Favor Mortinson � - '�*� ` Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis - lODi 6-82 � �� ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ' •� ����-.i�/_ , � • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '��''' %`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ � � , _,,�. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMI551 ONER DATF - � Name TitZe , No.Hr.s, Rate Ariaount 13aymond J. EarZey Custodian-Enqineer �(.�unicipaZ StadiztnaJ 12' �3.26 �`39. Z2 � COUNCILMEN Ado ted b the�Counci ! Y 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— �g� Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis iorz s-sz